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  1. ALSO....in 2019, I wasn't able to ride anything (hadn't been there since 2002 previously) because the restraints wouldn't fit me... (yea..walk of freaking SHAME is hell). I lost 80lbs then covid. In 2021, we went to Busch Gardens (Tamps) where i had no issues at all....what a great feeling that was. Now, my kids want to go back to Cedar Point and, I am not going to lie....I am terrified. I still weigh the same as I did when we went to Busch Gardens, but I am wondering if Busch Gardens is a more forgiving restraint system? I know Gemini, Blue Streak, Mine Ride significantly changed their system since 2002 (used to be on long seat for two people with one large lap belt and one big lap bar) and it seems like the change took away some basic leg room. Any thoughts? I am an 18 at Old Navy/straight women's sizes, 16 at Torrid/LB and about 5'5". Thanks for any help!
  2. Can somone tell me if there is a different ticket/FastLane price at the gate? I really, really would hate to buy Fast Lane ahead of time only to get there and find out it really isn't needed on given day. Also...are these tickets dated as they have been with covid? I mean, if I buy these online and input June 24th, for example...am I obligated to go on that day or can I go the next in case of inclement weather, etc?
  3. Is it opening weekend?!?! Any thoughts on crowds? I haven't been to CP in awhile.. way back when, they'd open for the season, be open 7 days a week from the start, and you went before Memorial Day or suffer lines LOL I think last year it was a mad-house at this time (from what I've read). Was that because of Covid shutting things down the previous year or is it always jammed from day 1 to end-day?
  4. Great America is open already?? I think Cedar Point opens this weekend. I want to go, but from what I understand, opening weekends are evil and crowded....as is the rest of the first month. WAYYY back when (I am aging myself here), May was the time to go. On and off quickly. Batman was an awesome ride at GA! Of course, I haven't been there since 96 (age revealing...), though. I remember when Tidal Wave was there, too. That was pretty fun! STOP EATING EVIL FOOD!! LOL It's hard...I know. My saving grace is keto (though, it is slow moving for me). Have you tried keto? It's not that bad nor that hard, really. AND...there is some GREAT "evil" keto foods out there. You can eat at most fast food places if you ditch the bun. In fact, you can order a triple at Wendy's! You COMPLETELY can! Just ditch the ketchup, mayo (sugar in most restaurant mayos), and the bun! Can't eat that AT ALL counting calories No sugar added Coke is awesome. No sugar Hershey's is great, too. Can't tell the difference and the sugar alcohols lower the carbs significantly. Most people who go on keto for the first time drop weight significantly in the first week. You just don't eat as much naturally because you get full easily. I think I am going to have to add cardio, though....my body does NOT want to let go of any fluids at ALL.
  5. I'm TOTALLY joining this thread! Brief background: Before 2019, the last time I had been in a coaster was in 2002. I then got married, had kids, and never went again until the kids were old enough. They decided in 2019 they wanted to go. We went to Cedar Point. I gained weight since 2002 with marriage and 2 babies under my belt. I knew I'd have some issues with many coasters, but never would've imagined I would with the old-school Gemini, Mine Ride, Blue Streak systems. After all, they are one large bench seat with one large lap belt for 2 riders! BZZT. Wrong. This MF'ers overhauled all of those and made those into individual seats resulting into even LESS space in those cars! I did the walk of shame. I lived for these things through childhood and my 20s. I was crushed, HOWEVER, it turned out to be the STRONGEST MOTIVATOR yet for me. And I did it. I dumped all pop (Coke, soda, whatever you call it!), 5 gone the first week. I started counting calories. I used a 1000 calorie deficit. I did not snack between meals at ALL. 2.5 months later, 20 gone (I didn't have a scale in the house to jump on throughout). 4 months into it, I added cardio/dance at LEAST 5 days a week (basic details here because I have medical issues that seemed to vanish, too...and that's another story). 6 months later (all from that dreadful day at CP), almost 50 gone. Covid happened (of course) and that took care of testing my weight loss out for 2020 (bad luck). I hit a plateau after almost 60 down. In January 2021, we went keto. By April 2021, I lost close to 80. We hit Busch Gardens and i was so worked up (I had never been there before) the day before. Our hotel room overlooked the park and the fear and anticipation was killing me so much that I made my husband take me to the ticket booths (we were going the next day) so I could maybe beg them to escort me to a test seat. LOL I, literally, did. They wouldn't do that (non-ticket guest can be a big liability), but all 4 of the girls on this small area/booth/office told me I would COMPLETELY be able to ride them all. Next morning, my heart was pounding...I wanted to vomit...and I saw Cheetah Hunt test seat. O M G. I plopped my butt in there and it buckled!!!!! It FIT! In fact, I was so stoked just for that...I didn't want to get out of the test seat!!! LOL. I fit ALL of them. ALLLLLL OF THEM. I stopped keto last august because I was burnt out on it and I needed a break. Even though I never ate crazily after it, I shot up 10lbs. Carbs instantly bind with water (thus, carboHYDRATES) and VOILA. Early this past March, I jumped back on keto and I CANNOT get this 10 pounds off. GRRR. I'm in a panic because our CP trip is in August and I'm still really unsure about the restraints there. I haven't been there since my big weight loss and I simply CANNOT EVEN experience another walk of shame. I suspect my auto-immune issue doesn't want to give up the water portion (Sjogren's is one issue causing dehydration)....so, I'm freaking out. I would love if anyone wants to buddy up and get this done!!!!
  6. OMG! Cheetah Hunt! Or was it Cobra's Curse? I'm having withdrawals. Will work for plane ticket!
  7. How are the crowds this time of year? Would Flash Passes be highly recommended? I can handle 20-30 min wait...I cannot handle an hour or more. LOL
  8. Can someone tell me why all flash passes are grayed out for this week? I can't get anyone on the phone and I cannot get anyone on chat. They were there early yesterday, but in the evening, all five days went POOF! Are they sold out or do they not let you buy the week of?
  9. Actually, I posted in the wrong area!! I was going for Great America!! LOLOL DUH!!!
  10. And I guess nevermind because it seems ALL are now gone for the entire week ....up until Saturday.
  11. On a Wednesday, which would you recommend? I haven't been to GA since Tidal Wave was a thing! LOL
  12. Hello! Can someone tell me how Flash Passes work and which one is recommended? I am used to the typical Fast Lane where you get the basic or the plus. I am not quite understanding how GA is working these. I see there are three tiers and in an ideal world, I would love the big one, but that's a bit steep in price. So, I am wondering, for going on a Wednesday, which one would be sufficient? Do they work the same way as FL where you wait in line (but in a separate line as the main line)? Or..is it they give you a time to go back to ride? Thanks for your help!
  13. That's how it was at Busch Gardens. I think the longest I waited was 5-10 mins. Everything else was on and off. Probably, realistically, didn't need the passes, as the park was nearly a ghost town, but the in and off was awesome. Allowed for multiple rides!
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