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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

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^^^ I'm pretty sure that The Thirsty Pony is attached to the Rain water park and Quality Inn - and they are both pretty ghetto. The food at TP was decent and the beer was cold, but I do recall several empty tables that hadn't been cleaned off as as well as shoes sticking to the floor while walking to our table. Maybe we just hit it on a bad day.


^^ Great photos...thanks for sharing! I love retro photos of amusement parks, especially CP!


Also, I thought Melt was confirmed to be coming to CP in 2017 about 1,000 boat jokes and 1,000 stupid ride names for Mean Streak ago?

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Also, I thought Melt was confirmed to be coming to CP in 2017 about 1,000 boat jokes and 1,000 stupid ride names for Mean Streak ago?


As bluestreak noted, it was never officially confirmed, though this tweet by Melt hints pretty strongly at it.


Interestingly, King's Island opened a Tom+Chee location late in the 2016 season, which is a sort-of competitor to Melt (though Melt is full-service and Tom+Chee is fast-casual). Melt is based in Cleveland and Tom+Chee is based in Cincinnati, so it makes some sense to let each one serve their nearest local park.

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Interestingly, King's Island opened a Tom+Chee location late in the 2016 season, which is a sort-of competitor to Melt (though Melt is full-service and Tom+Chee is fast-casual). Melt is based in Cleveland and Tom+Chee is based in Cincinnati, so it makes some sense to let each one serve their nearest local park.


This is true and i have heard a rumor around closing time last year that Tom =Chee was coming to KI in 2017 and will be part of the meal plan, So i assume maybe Cedar Point would do the same thing with Melt

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Also, I thought Melt was confirmed to be coming to CP in 2017 about 1,000 boat jokes and 1,000 stupid ride names for Mean Streak ago?


As bluestreak noted, it was never officially confirmed, though this tweet by Melt hints pretty strongly at it.


Interestingly, King's Island opened a Tom+Chee location late in the 2016 season, which is a sort-of competitor to Melt (though Melt is full-service and Tom+Chee is fast-casual). Melt is based in Cleveland and Tom+Chee is based in Cincinnati, so it makes some sense to let each one serve their nearest local park.


Cincinnati, interestingly enough, also has its own Melt, but it's completely unrelated to the Cleveland Melt, and there's only one of them, in Northside. I'm just happy Dayton's getting a Cleveland Melt in the very near future!

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^ Bill - I actually DID try to get something "halfway healthy" the last time we went to Melt. I got the 1/2 Mushroom Melt with spinach, onions and provolone. Of course, then you throw in a pile of fries with all that bread and cheese...and it's not quite as healthy anymore!


The Mushroom Melt at Melt Bar & Grilled

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I actually never had Panda Express before. Im guessing Panda Express is to Chinese as Taco Bell is to Mexican?

Exactly. People (as in people in general, not just TPR people) will says Panda Express isn't truly Chinese food because it's, and I quote from countless relatives, "it's cooked and served by Americans". Honestly, to me, good Chinese is good Chinese, no matter who cooks it. And if it's not good, hot sauce makes anything better.

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I actually never had Panda Express before. Im guessing Panda Express is to Chinese as Taco Bell is to Mexican?

Exactly. People (as in people in general, not just TPR people) will says Panda Express isn't truly Chinese food because it's, and I quote from countless relatives, "it's cooked and served by Americans". Honestly, to me, good Chinese is good Chinese, no matter who cooks it. And if it's not good, hot sauce makes anything better.


Even most Chinese food in America cooked and served by Chinese isn't Chinese food. They sweeten everything to satisfy american wants. Our version of Chinese food is nothing like whats really in China

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I appreciate the culture lessons but I think we all understand that a Chinese food chain that's popular in mid to low level American theme parks and shopping mall food courts isn't going to be confused with something you'd find at a high end restaurants in Beijing.

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^ Ducks and chickens? Do you mean cats and dogs?


Damn those Chinese are savages, right? haha good one!!!! Cultural stereotypes are hilarious It's totally everybody that does this, and definitely not a small rural minority. GOT EM!

There's something somewhere in the rules about having a sense of humor. Go make a scene somewhere else.

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^ Ducks and chickens? Do you mean cats and dogs?


Damn those Chinese are savages, right? haha good one!!!! Cultural stereotypes are hilarious It's totally everybody that does this, and definitely not a small rural minority. GOT EM!

There's something somewhere in the rules about having a sense of humor. Go make a scene somewhere else.


Oh sorry, that's totally my bad. I forgot casual racism is hilarious.

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