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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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What about coastermania?


It's getting to the point where it will be too late for me to put the time in at work.

If you don't get the CoasterMania tickets you could go to HoliWood Nights instead. Both are great events.

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I get what you're saying but at least Valravn is an actual word this time


Which one wasn't an actual word?


And yeah, Valravn is actually how its spelled in Danish folklore. So I don't understand the fuss! But oh well, still looking forward to the ride. They could name it "Cedar Point's Dive Coaster" for all I care! (Ok, well I do care, but I still don't mind the name Valravn)


*fell asleep at my keyboard and woke up and saw I typed this perfectly and clicked submit*


"Dive Coaster 1"

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I get what you're saying but at least Valravn is an actual word this time


Which one wasn't an actual word?


And yeah, Valravn is actually how its spelled in Danish folklore. So I don't understand the fuss! But oh well, still looking forward to the ride. They could name it "Cedar Point's Dive Coaster" for all I care! (Ok, well I do care, but I still don't mind the name Valravn)


*fell asleep at my keyboard and woke up and saw I typed this perfectly and clicked submit*


"Dive Coaster 1"


Dive Coaster 1 is too forceless for me

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You know it's been a long off season when people start complaining about the name "Valravn."


See the thing is that we've already complained about the name and its spelling a long time ago... we need to find something to complain about.

Or just not complain.

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we need to find something to complain about.


This is so random but since we're b*tching...


How come the Boardwalk Fries stand doesn't have the same sh*t-ton of seasonings that Kings Island and Kings Dominion have available? When we went to Kings Dominion last weekend I was like a kid in a candy store. You get nothing at Cedar Point, it's crap. They had a cajun seasoning, a garlic seasoning, Old Bay, vinegar... it was nuts. Get it together Cedar Point.


Wow I sound like an enthusiast now, lol.

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we need to find something to complain about.


This is so random but since we're b*tching...


How come the Boardwalk Fries stand doesn't have the same sh*t-ton of seasonings that Kings Island and Kings Dominion have available? When we went to Kings Dominion last weekend I was like a kid in a candy store. You get nothing at Cedar Point, it's crap. They had a cajun seasoning, a garlic seasoning, Old Bay, vinegar... it was nuts. Get it together Cedar Point.


Wow I sound like an enthusiast now, lol.

They grow up so fast!

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You know it's been a long off season when people start complaining about the name "Valravn."


See the thing is that we've already complained about the name and its spelling a long time ago... we need to find something to complain about.


Just setting this straight... this post was soaked in sarcasm.

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Remember a few years ago when everyone was bitching that cedar fair needed to be more creative with ride names? Well, now they "are" being more creative and people are still complaining.


They can't win either way. If they named it flight deck, people would complain. ....if they name it Valravn , people complain.

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Planning my first trip to Cedar Point, have a question, is the last week of may a very busy time?


It won't be all that busy because schools will still be in session. You planning on going during the week or weekend? Weekend will obviously be busier. One thing to consider is that the park doesn't stay open late (till 10) till the second week in June, if that is something you hadn't thought about yet.

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