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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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New photo from Tony's Twitter showing off Raptors new lift hill lights.


I'm so happy to see Cedar Point's best B&M getting some love. I really hope they replace those awful dated orange lights on the course too with lights like Gatekeeper has but now I'm just being greedy.

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Any clue what they're building alongside the track right before the dive loop?

[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 11.34.19 AM.png[/attachment]


A splashdown?


Looks like a regular fence, but it seems pretty close to the track...

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You guys only think you want a splashdown in that spot because you're forgetting what park this is being built at.


Maverick frequently has to shut off the water guns because the constant high winds cause them to shower the midway and they're tiny and give off a very small amount of water. A splashdown at Cedar Point would mean the ride would constantly have to go down for wind because it would send a tidal wave of water onto the midways and there wouldn't be a way to shut it off because it's caused by scoops on the train. So they'd waste tons of water and create a deluge of water on a major midway if they didn't go down for wind constantly. This doesn't matter at other parks because they don't have to deal with the type of wind they do at Cedar Point all season long.


Hey look, we know this ride's probably going to go down for wind quite a bit anyway, but raising the wind limit by 10 or even 5 MPH means a LOT more up-time.


Seriously, imagine this in a park with frequent 20 MPH sustained winds and gusts that can easily be much higher. It would probably even reach the Iron Dragon queue if it were in that spot and that food stand would need to close because even on non windy days anyone who went there would get drenched.


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A splashdown is one of the best parts of a dive coaster. It's cool to ride on but it's better to watch. It's what makes this type of ride really stand out. That's why Valravn just looks so bland to me. If CP can't put one of the best parts of a dive coaster on their dive coaster, then they shouldn't build a dive coaster.

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What's so great about a straight piece of track? The splashdown on Diamondback at Kings Island doesn't add too much to the whole experience, so why is this element needed? I think it's cool Cedar Point decided to do something different with their layout.

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Yeah, I was joking. I think it's fine the way it it. There usually are those kinds of fences around the low points anyways, besides the fences around the pathways. I hope it's just that one side that's wood, otherwise that is really awful.

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And in case y'all have forgotten, it is impossible for them to put a splash down in because the land the ride sits on is complete sand. It simply wouldn't work.



Its called concrete. . .


If Cedar Point wanted a splash down they could make it work.


Maybe what they are working on is a tunnel?!

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And in case y'all have forgotten, it is impossible for them to put a splash down in because the land the ride sits on is complete sand. It simply wouldn't work.


I love how Cedar Point can somehow build 300 foot steel machines on that same sand that cannot hold a pool of water.

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And in case y'all have forgotten, it is impossible for them to put a splash down in because the land the ride sits on is complete sand. It simply wouldn't work.



Its called concrete. . .


If Cedar Point wanted a splash down they could make it work.


Maybe what they are working on is a tunnel?!

Or glass shields next to the ride. Is this the case for the entire peninsula? Because if not, I don't understand how the park can have rides like Shoot the Rapids and yet cannot have a splashdown. Maybe I'm just stupidl. That is a very real possibility.

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Any clue what they're building alongside the track right before the dive loop?

[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 11.34.19 AM.png[/attachment]

That would be the fence shown in the ride renderings. It just appears that they went for a nicer fence that the one shown

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