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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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How is park traffic around the 4th of July? I'm thinking about heading up there for the fireworks, but with it being on a Saturday I'm a little worried about how busy it may be...

Saturday, July 4th. If the weather is at least somewhat manageable I'd assume the park will be absolutely packed. If you're not worried about getting in a bunch of rides, going for the fireworks/shows might not be a bad idea.

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^^^ If you've never been before I'd say 2 full days. And I'd recommend fast lane both days.


^^The park will be jam packed on the 4th of July. But we know Cedar Point can handle the big crowds & their fireworks show is excellent! It's worth a trip if you're ready for the big crowds.

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For the trip planning question, hold off on Fast Lane until you get to the park. Two days or more is best, but you might not need a Fast Lane if you go for more than a day. Utilizing Early entry and night rides, you can easily knock out all the major coasters in a day. I managed to ride all the coasters I cared to (MF, Maverick, Dragster, Raptor, Gatekeeper, Magnum, Wicked Twister) multiple times each in two days with no Fast Lane. Just some careful planning and efficient time usage, and you'll have no problem.


Oh, and get a night ride on Millennium Force. Get in line at closing at wait it out. Best coaster experience of my life.

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Is it okay for CP to market Gatekeeper as the longest wing coaster in the world, even though Parrot Coaster is longer? Not many people know what Parrot Coaster is, but CP can't get in legal trouble, right?

Do you think that Ocean Kingdom and Cedar Point are actually competing with each other? It's not worth the time or effort for either side to legally fight over a marketing claim that has no formal standard of measurement, especially when the parks aren't even remotely in competition with each other.



Plus I heard the crew and Supervisor were really amazing...

How dare I forget to mention the always on the ball operations on Iron Dragon.

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