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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I will say this... If Gatekeeper was at a different park, the enthusiast opinion of it would be infinitely better. Same could be said with Mean Streak. It doesn't quite reach the level of CO's flagship rides, but is a very solid coaster.

Personally, I rank it just a hair below Raptor, and well above Mantis (I'll have to ride Rougarou to re-check).

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I agree that if Gatekeeper is at another park, it will be ranked higher. But this is Cedar Point we are talking about, expecting something much better than average isn't being unfair. If they want a family coaster, why buy something that requires 52"? I guess the wind has a lot to do with it's low speed, a ride that is suppose to be much better became…well…Gatekeeper.

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Not every coaster is going to be mind blowing intense. You need to have a variety of different types of coasters that appeal to different people. Not everyone wants white knuckle rollercoasters.


I personally feel a true enthusiast can ride ANY ride and NEVER complain about it because YOU'RE AN ENTHUSIAST! I save up money and fly around each year to ride roller coasters, I don't care what it is. That's being an enthusiast, and I haven't ridden a ride that I said ''well that sucked, NEVER AGAIN!" They really should re-define the terminology among coaster dorks.

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I don't mind Gatekeeper. The first few times I rode it I enjoyed it, it was one of my favorite coasters at the park. The next few times I rode the coaster I noticed a distinct rattle to it. It wasn't enough to hate the coaster but it certainly took a dive in my rankings. I'm excited to try it out again next year to see how well it rides......I hope it's better than last time.

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With enthusiasm relatively high for GateKeeper (apparently) and excitement seemingly low for a new Dive Coaster. I have to ask, based on the specs of the proposed coaster and our experience with GateKeeper, which coaster do you think you will prefer / ride more?

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It's not fair to compare GateKeeper to a coaster that doesn't exist yet.


What a silly statement. I assure you, GateKeeper's feelings won't be hurt.


This is a forum where you compare all sorts of things. People spent months comparing Leviathan to I305 prior to them opening. People have been on both wing riders and dive coasters. But if that question concerns you I'll ask another, "What coaster type do you prefer, Dive or Winged?"

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It's not fair to compare GateKeeper to a coaster that doesn't exist yet.


What a silly statement.


This is a forum where you compare all sorts of things. People have been on Dive Coasters, they have been on GateKeeper, and they know the specs of this 'proposed coaster'. It's not a huge leap to make a potential comparison.


All we know are some stats; that's it. These stats will probably change multiple times before the coaster is even officially announced. You can't compare GateKeeper to something that we only vaguely know about. If we knew more about this ride, I wouldn't have said anything, but this dive machine is still very much in the dark. Hell, it's not even definite that this ride will even be built. I'm not against speculation by any means, but it's just too early to start this up. My previous post should have been worded better.

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All we know are some stats; that's it. These stats will probably change multiple times before the coaster is even officially announced. You can't compare GateKeeper to something that we only vaguely know about. If we knew more about this ride, I wouldn't have said anything, but this dive machine is still very much in the dark. Hell, it's not even definite that this ride will even be built. I'm not against speculation by any means, but it's just too early to start this up. My previous post should have been worded better.


I hate to be a backseat moderator, but come on, dude. How about you let others discuss what they'd like to discuss, and you keep your rules to yourself. If people want to speculate (as enthusiasts always do), they can speculate. It's not your call to say when it's "too early" to discuss something.


Back on topic: I personally feel I'd ride a dive coaster more frequently (as I've ridden them and know what to expect) rather than Gatekeeper (which I've also ridden, to utter disappointment). Wing riders just don't do it for me.

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GwaziBSRider1 wrote:All we know are some stats; that's it. These stats will probably change multiple times before the coaster is even officially announced. You can't compare GateKeeper to something that we only vaguely know about. If we knew more about this ride, I wouldn't have said anything, but this dive machine is still very much in the dark. Hell, it's not even definite that this ride will even be built. I'm not against speculation by any means, but it's just too early to start this up. My previous post should have been worded better.




I hate to be a backseat moderator, but come on, dude. How about you let others discuss what they'd like to discuss, and you keep your rules to yourself. If people want to speculate (as enthusiasts always do), they can speculate. It's not your call to say when it's "too early" to discuss something.


I'm sorry for having a differing opinion.

Edited by GwaziBSRider1
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It's not fair to compare GateKeeper to a coaster that doesn't exist yet.


I agree 100%. Then again it's February and everyone's bored. This usually leads to enthusiasts losing their minds and starting ridiculous discussions. It's an annual tradition.

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All we know are some stats; that's it. These stats will probably change multiple times before the coaster is even officially announced. You can't compare GateKeeper to something that we only vaguely know about. If we knew more about this ride, I wouldn't have said anything, but this dive machine is still very much in the dark. Hell, it's not even definite that this ride will even be built. I'm not against speculation by any means, but it's just too early to start this up. My previous post should have been worded better.


I hate to be a backseat moderator, but come on, dude. How about you let others discuss what they'd like to discuss, and you keep your rules to yourself. If people want to speculate (as enthusiasts always do), they can speculate. It's not your call to say when it's "too early" to discuss something.


Back on topic: I personally feel I'd ride a dive coaster more frequently (as I've ridden them and know what to expect) rather than Gatekeeper (which I've also ridden, to utter disappointment). Wing riders just don't do it for me.


As a front seat moderator we don't mind the discussion although it is illogical to debate the merits of an existing coasters versus a non-announced coaster. Unless that unannounced coaster is at BGW.

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Back on topic: I personally feel I'd ride a dive coaster more frequently (as I've ridden them and know what to expect) rather than Gatekeeper (which I've also ridden, to utter disappointment). Wing riders just don't do it for me.


Good to know. Any other opinions here on wing rider vs dive coasters?!


and I didn't even get on any coasters last season, so my mind is utter mush at this point.

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Cedar Point needs to do something about it's food offerings. Besides the franchises it's brought in (Chickie and Pete's, Famous Daves, TGI Fridays, Chick Fil A, Pinks and Boardwalk Fries) the food is all amazingly bad. I know Midway Market has it's fans but that's just crappy picnic grove food and I don't know what anyone sees in the place.


I love this park but the food selection needs serious help.

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