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Worst/Longest/Slowest Line you ever waited in!

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I've never made the 2 hr mark so far; the longest I've ever waited for any ride is about 1 hr and 45 minutes, and that was for SUF at SF Great America this summer. That entire day would rank at the top of my list of worst waits, as the park was nearly as crowded as Times Square on New Year's Eve. That, and the crappy way they were handling the fast pass lines - by stopping the regular lines for up to 15 minutes at a time while just waiting for a whole herd of FP uses to accrue there before letting them go ahead. Anyone with a brain would just gradually merge incoming people into the main line - fewer people at at much shorter intervals, rather like cars merging onto a freeway This made what would have been fairly long lines (maybe an hour or slightly less) far, far worse. In addition, the signs announcing the wait times were rendered totally meaningless by the idiotic handling of the merge points of the lines. SUF was the worst of the bunch due to slow loading and it did break down for maybe 15 minutes or so, but sadly I also waited over an hour for Dark Knight and that had to be the biggest waste of time I've spent at a park in a long, long time. The line for SUF also is mostly in the sun and it was so hot that someone passed out, and there were these two little kids behind me that had to have had ADHD as they were bouncing and bumping around like a bunch of wild animals (no parents in sight, either!).


I also waited well over an hour (didn't time it, but I'm sure it was under 2 hrs) for MF earlier this year; a wait that was made less bearable by a couple of miserable teenage boys that were behind us in line. They amused themselves by cursing like sailors and repeatedly spitting thru the fence when we got up to the ramp that leads up to the station. There was some wind and the spit blew back and spattered on my friend's glasses. And then there was someone smoking and that stench had to drift back to where we were standing, even though we couldn't see the smoker. Earlier we waited a hour or so for TTD, but thankfully the crowds over there weren't quite as miserable to deal with.


The only other bad waits that I can recall was my trip to SFOG last summer - the waits themselves weren't too awfully bad (maybe 40 minutes at the longest; I think we waited that long for Goliath) but the heat was truly hellish. I don't think the inner circle of hell could have been hotter than SFOG was when we were there last summer - and SFMM was my home park for nearly 5 years!

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Indiana Jones at Disneyland May of 1997

Line stretched across Adventureland back toward the Tiki Room. Lengthwise it was long, but this was pre-fastpass so the wait was just about 2 hours.


Most painful..

Steel Eel at SWoT in early June 2009. 90 min wait in the Tejas heat. There was one op in the back who kept holding things up. Then she thought she was cute by jumping around and dancing. No...just do your job. When you do it faster and more efficiently, THEN you may dance.


Now the longest lines I have seen, but not waited for were a posted 4 hour wait for Superman: The Escape in November 1997 and 235 minutes for Test Track on New Years Day 2004.

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I have waited longer than two hours before but now that I have been on a TPR trip and used a Q-bot I will consider that next time.


The worst line I ever experienced is the SLC at La Ronde. We had a Q-bot and still waited almost an hour!


I am not sure if anyone talked about this or not but I think it kinda relates. I know most won't agree with me but I hate how some parks chop up the lines and put kinda like pit stops along the entrance queue. I don't know why but it just bothers the living day lights outta me especially when they do it going into the station of a coaster. I know it helps but it just erks my nerves beyond belief.

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I don't always pay close attention, but these two just might be the longest:


New Texas Giant, about 2 hours on its official opening day


Top Thrill Dragster, about 1 1/2 hours


Thankfully, both of these lines moved at a reasonable pace. I'm one of those people who loves moving forward in a line, even if it doesn't always mean much.

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I almost forgot. Visiting IoA last January (about a week after New Years), there was a line to get into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It was about a 45 minute wait (and the area was PACKED). Shortly after, we got into the 2hr line for Forbidden Journey. So that was essentially 3 hours for one ride.

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I almost forgot. Visiting IoA last January (about a week after New Years), there was a line to get into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It was about a 45 minute wait (and the area was PACKED). Shortly after, we got into the 2hr line for Forbidden Journey. So that was essentially 3 hours for one ride.


I can only imagine. Last week during what one would think is an off-time in September, the Wizarding World was still packed, and FJ had a 45-60 min line most of the day. The entire rest of the park was mostly empty and walk-ons. I really like that the on-site hotel guests get in an hour early...definitely a must if one is going peak season!

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I went to SeaWorld Orlando a few weeks ago, and the past 3 or 4 visits I've made to that park make me want to return less and less. Manta is usually run fairly efficiently, and to be fair, on super-crowded days they run both stations and 2 trains on each side, which gets the line moving pretty quickly.


However, Kraken is run SO badly lately. Two visits ago, they were running two trains, but managing to run them as slowly as possible, to the point where they'd stack for 2-3 minutes each run. On my last few visits, operations were so awful that they made the old Six Flags way of doing things look good. They were running one train with just a station wait, but a 4-train wait took about 45 minutes, I lost count. The one train would run the entire huge course, then it'd come back, they'd wait until everyone left the station, the 2 ride operators were joking around and walking TOGETHER to release the safety buckles to open restraints on non-used seats from the train before. Then, after they were finally done (this took about another 1-2 minutes), they finally opened the air gates. After doing so and waiting for everyone to sit down and get comfortable, they went back up to invite guests into the empty Quick Queue designated rows to fill the train. Then, they'd close the air gates, then finally lock the train. Then, they'd again walk slowly together around the train while joking around, half-assedly checking restraints as they went. I'd say the whole time between the train pulling into the station until the next dispatch was at LEAST 7-9 minutes. Plus, the ride is about a 3.5-minute course.


And that isn't the only bad news I'd report about the new SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment and their operations. On my last visit to Busch Gardens Tampa, on a moderately busy day, they were running one train on Kumba, two trains on Montu but intermittently stacking, two trains on SheiKra with only one station, and only one side and one train on Gwazi. The only "good" operations I saw all day were at Cheetah Hunt.


I really hope this isn't a sign of future continued poor operations for that company, because the Worlds of Discovery used to be arguably my favorite chain of parks out there.

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March 2011 WWOHP at Islands Of Adventure: We decided to run right to WWOHP however everyone else thought the same thing. When we got there they already were full capacity! We got a return time of 11 AM and waited for awhile than walked in. Honestly I though I was going to die. I could not move there were people EVERYWHERE it was just so terrible. The ride its self had a 120 minute line up. So basically it was a 3hr wait.


TTD @ CP summer of 2010: At 10AM I went right to TTD to find the ride testing for 45 minutes and I was waiting in the baking hot sun of July. After 1 1/2 hours I made it to the front of the line.


Normally I don't mind long lines as long as its not in the direct sun, its a good ride, I'm not in front/behind smokers or annoying children.


On a side note: Boo Blasters at Canada's Wonderland is actually the slowest moving line in the world. They have 8 cars that hold 2 people each. If the line is completely full its about a 2hr wait.

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Try 6 hours and 45 minutes for Son of Beast in May of 2000. I had visited KI four times that year before getting to ride. I once made the comment that I would get on Millennium Force before I got to ride Son Of Beast. For those that do not remember SOB opened almost a month before MF, but there were issues with the ride. The day I took my first ride, I got in line shortly after 11:30am and there were about 100 people ahead of me. I got in line at this time as the park announced a 12:00pm opening time for the ride. The ride didn't open until well after 6:00pm. In total, I spent about 6 hours and 45 minutes in line for SOB for my first ride...and there were only about 100 other park guests ahead of me in line.

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The longest line was 3 hours for TTD back in 2005. That was a long wait for a short thrill (that's what she said).


The worst line though? Wildebeest at Holiday World in 2010. It was a pretty hot day when we were there. Combining that with bare feet on flat, hot concrete and a distinct lack of shade for 3/4 of the queue made for a bad time. Freakin' awesome ride, though.

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Rolling Thunder SFGAdv


The slowest crew ever! They can't even handle a roller coaster with seatbelts and buzz bars!


In other words...PATHETIC!!


There are so many visits I skip Rolling Thunder because of how slow the dispatches are. In June, the line was still in the station and it was close to a 20 minute wait only having to wait 4 trains. I won't wait more than 2 trains. 2 weeks ago the line was just at the end of the stairs. In the mid 90's, that would have been a 15 minute wait, now it's probably close to 45 minutes.

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One of the lowest capacity rides in the world is the Proslide probowl, with a capacity of 60 per hour. I know this because I got in a line for one of these with 60 people in it. It took an hour. One person goes down the slide, followed by landing in an 8 foot deep pool. They slowly swim to the side, step out of the water, and the next person goes down. It is one of thes most tedious processes of any ride. I'm surprised

Fuji-Q hasn't installed one yet!

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Longest wait: Vortex @ CGA. I'd say about 90 minutes, 1 or 2-train operation, op switch, 1 breakdown.


Without breakdowns, a two-way tie between Space Mountain DLR on a Friday night and Tatsu on a day full of high-schoolers and SIYKTA (Scream If You Know The Answer) taping, at 75 minutes.


Obviously, this will change when I ride X2

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In 2007, I waited two and a half hours for Superman: Ride of Steel (pre-Bizarro.) It could have been about a forty-five minute wait, but it was one train operation and five minute dispatches.


However, there was one thing that I waited an hour for: You might think that's nothing, but I was waiting that long for a 580 foot long, kidney bean shaped go kart track. It's at a local FEC that virtually no one on TPR has heard of (Thunder Island for the few Central New Yorkers on here.)

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One of the lowest capacity rides in the world is the Proslide probowl, with a capacity of 60 per hour. I know this because I got in a line for one of these with 60 people in it. It took an hour. One person goes down the slide, followed by landing in an 8 foot deep pool. They slowly swim to the side, step out of the water, and the next person goes down. It is one of thes most tedious processes of any ride. I'm surprised

Fuji-Q hasn't installed one yet!


Something like this. I went to Adventureland's water park. Their tantrum that they added, I had to wait an hour for because they only let one person down the slide at once, and the slide has speed bumps, so the time goes by slower as well.

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