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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Has there been any word about any night lighting? It's be awesome if the trains had some sort of lighting so you could see them better in the dark.


If SFMM pulls that off, that would be amazing! Holiday World's Thunderbird train has lights on them in the new nighttime POV! Looks amazing!

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Well this was surprising - I was watching the video that Our Mountain posted of the chain being installed and commented that I wonder how long it would take them to replace that huge chain when it breaks, and they said that they brought the same thing up with a park official who said that SFMM actually - I'm not kidding - ordered a spare chain to keep on hand in the event that one fails so that the only down time will be the time it takes maintenance to replace it


I'm pleasantly shocked. Perhaps X2 was a wake up call and they've adopted a new policy. If not for all coasters hopefully at least for the unique ones that would take a long time to order and receive a new chain.

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Why does there even need to be a brake run before the second lift? Doesn't the lift act as a block brake in of itself?


While I'll be curious to see how the Blue / Green transition evolves, the rest of the ride looks absolutely incredible. Though it's been a while since it was installed, I'm still struck by the double-down on the Green side. It looks insane! And I think the new clockwise exit of the stall is a change for the better.

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^Trains will be traveling up the lifts at same time so in order for the train on the first lift (Blue) to drop off, there would need to be a block just before 2nd lift. (Green)


Ding Ding!


Thinking of other coasters that have multiple lifts and running several trains (like Big Thunder at ALL disney parks for example) they all have blocks before the lifts.

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^Exactly. And much like other coasters that have block brakes to allow multiple trains on the circuit at one time (California Screamin' comes to mind) I really doubt the block brakes on Twisted Colossus will have any detrimental effect on the ride.


Interesting.. The picture of the park policies...


So you are not allowed to take any type of SLR into the park? Nor any interchangeable lens camera (mirrorless for example). Seems a bit silly.


I would be surprised if anyone at the front gate would know what any of this is.


Nor do I think they would go the extra mile to make sure you don't bring them in.

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^Exactly. And much like other coasters that have block brakes to allow multiple trains on the circuit at one time (California Screamin' comes to mind) I really doubt the block brakes on Twisted Colossus will have any detrimental effect on the ride.


I agree that the block before the second lift on TC will have little to no affect on the ride. None of the brake zones on CA Screamin' trim speed off of the train with exception of eddy-current brakes in zone 6 (Just above entrance to Mickey's Fun Wheel) which even at that, the speed reduction is slight.

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^ But doesn't it look as though they're constructing the banked turn into the lift (as seen on the POV) now? I'd be surprised if it changed too drastically; the brake run doesn't look very long to me.


Other than the clockwise exit from the stall, what other changes have been made, really? Perhaps I'm not very perceptive, but it all looks very similar to the POV to me...

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^ But doesn't it look as though they're constructing the banked turn into the lift (as seen on the POV) now? I'd be surprised if it changed too drastically; the brake run doesn't look very long to me.


Other than the clockwise exit from the stall, what other changes have been made, really? Perhaps I'm not very perceptive, but it all looks very similar to the POV to me...


On the latest photo, the blue track (before the green transition) is finishing it's outward bank (not as long as before), and I assume that's where the straight-a-way will be into the lift hill (no more banked turn into the lift).


Other changes so far: green double-down is much more twisted, the blue hill below the stall has a slightly different profile, and the green stall exits clockwise (super happy about that one!) ... so far all the modifications have been for the better (minus that blue/green transition) :/

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Nice photos! Looks like it will be the best addition to the park in quite some time. in the past surveys, they mentioned the screampunk district before, asking about it's design. My primary complaint about the design is the height. It is as if Six Flags is planning for vertically challenged guests to be the primary demo. If every building was a minimum of two stories, and some upwards of three, it would give the Screampunk district the visual impact they are seeking. I wouldn't mind the zero ground treatments of TC and Scream, if everything else leading up to the coaster is decent, unlike say, the barely there effort of Full Throttle.


I know RMC will deliver on the ride, but have lesser expectations of the Screampunk area being amazing. Hope I am wrong.

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I'm most disappointed the park is choosing to leave the abandoned parking lot asphalt / Colossus footers in place (though, I can't say I'm surprised.) Some natural ground cover would have really made the area look great, IMO, sitting next to the bright new paint jobs.


Regardless, the "Screampunk" area looks fine to me so far. I wasn't expecting anything overly elaborate. Some sprucing up / modernization of that formerly dated midway will be most welcome.

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I think any new theming/motif to that area will be milessss better than the wasteland it was before. I'm not expecting the most elaborately themed area in the history of amusement parks, but it'll definitely be an improvement


Are they going to have shows in that theater now?

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I don't get why the park felt "re-theming" the area with some random idea nobody saw coming was necessary. County Fairs still happen, and people love them! You can still run with a county fair theme, while giving the area a much needed facelift. They could have sold slices of pie in the old Coca Cola Cool Off area. They could have had sold cotten candy and Freshers Frozen lemonade at that old stand. It's not that hard to do a "County Fair" theme that is nostalgic and still updates the area as current. Does anybody that runs this chain visit theme parks or have any clue what they're doing?


Think of how many cool simple things you can add to a full fledged themepark when you keep a Fair theme?! There was no reason to half-assedly "update" the area with "steampunk" (which I don't know a freakin' person who cares or knows about steampunk) when what was there was perfectly fine, it just need some TLC.


Demolish that dumb theater, and put in a ferris wheel! Has the park ever had a ferris wheel? I love those things!


Instead we're going to get an area with a dead theater, no shade, and tons and tons of flat concrete (some of which will probably be spraypainted)! We're supposed to be impressed Six Flags? Honestly, from the improvements I've seen the chain do the past couple years, I'd PREFER if they left the area completely alone and just painted Scream and RMC'd Colossus.


I am ranting, and am very thankful for the new Twisted Colossus, don't get me wrong, but am not putting too much faith in the "Steampunk" theme. From what I've seen , these guys just don't do it right.


Are they going to have shows in that theater now?


I believe they've been having shows in that theater for a while now. Except they're pretty sad. People might go in there for a break from the heat, but I haven't gone out of my way to see a show there EVER. The only show the park should have kept IMO would be the Batman show, say during the summer run it once or twice a day (One at 5, one at 8). Batman IMO is a great crowd pleaser.


I'm most disappointed the park is choosing to leave the abandoned parking lot asphalt / Colossus footers in place (though, I can't say I'm surprised.)


I would be interested in knowing how many parks actually "remove" existing footers from pre-existing rides. From what I know, it is NOT easy to remove footers in the ground, and for the most part at a lot of parks, the footers are left where they are, and the new rides are built over them. Which isn't a problem considering one ride is not necessarily going to have footers in the same place as the pre-existing coaster.

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^ I kinda understand your complaints about the Screampunk District, but I like that the park is doing something with that area. I've only ever seen one show in the theater (other than WCB) in my 9 years of going to the park, but with SFMM being pretty limited with entertainment options it's important that a new show is cycled in. The whole steampunk thing is a bit of a stretch, but way better than a county fair theme IMO. Steampunk is a creative and interesting approach for a park like this to pull off; it's something unique.


I'm usually one to bash the park, but they did a good job with the DC Universe overhaul and I'm interested to see some life come back to that corner of the park. I absolutely can't wait for Colossus to open, it has been a long time coming for some airtime out west, not to mention many people's first RMC. This has been the first time in a long time that I can say I'm excited to visit SFMM again.

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In the Loop posted a new video of construction from today! That final hill on the blue side is currently being constructed, we can see the new shape this hill is taking. They're working on this thing from both ends an you know they're in a rush when they're burning the candle from both ends


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I think any new theming/motif to that area will be milessss better than the wasteland it was before. I'm not expecting the most elaborately themed area in the history of amusement parks, but it'll definitely be an improvement


Are they going to have shows in that theater now?

While other sixflags have better shows they had an awesome magician Michael Turco last year. I heard he is directing a acrabatic cirque type show this year. The building is also used for events like the (not so) Total Darkness maze.

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