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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Check out our first photos of Twisted Colossus track installed on the ride!


IMG_7850.thumb.JPG.9b3544b7ce6a347638d560e5a6cc3bcb.JPGThere it is! Beautiful smurf blue track! It looks awesome!!!


IMG_7849.thumb.JPG.9668253f3aae7ffa4c148f47b2505de2.JPGAnother look at the track. I wonder where it's going to go?


IMG_7832.thumb.JPG.866f4e80a90fe8e446654e6a4b5cddb1.JPGIt's pretty clear the RMC boys have been hard at work ripping apart Colossus! (Let's be honest, it deserved it!)


IMG_7835.JPG.ec91554fd0dac2e6cf3ab020a41674c6.JPGHere's an overview of what it looks like from the parking lot.


IMG_7837.JPG.26c44a06bbd4c9c85b2c6ec199ed8de9.JPGOne of the final times you'll see the classic Colossus logo on the park signs!


IMG_7838.thumb.JPG.6530bfdaa95092f81f3ff76a3b2e0cf0.JPGAll boarded up and preparing for a new make-over!


IMG_7840.thumb.JPG.5e75ec294f6f83f52562d317495275b7.JPGAnother look at the beautiful blue track!


IMG_7843.thumb.JPG.f226fe8cd25f46954b94eb7da6b8e471.JPGYup, one more shot...


IMG_7844.thumb.JPG.cbe4d6f3ff7ca80bee262981354b96f5.JPGHere's a look at the station...


IMG_7845.thumb.JPG.5ecce72f2bd122e1b286fe589d5bcb3d.JPG...and the lift hill (or what's left of it!)


IMG_7846.thumb.JPG.299f07e4443ea64484349fdf624905ad.JPGLooks like some RMC stuff covered up over there?


Edited by robbalvey
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I really hope for a major "makeover" of the station....actual replacement of wood and concrete and queue rails....not just a paint job! Unless of course they are going to tear it all down for a completely new station! Did Rattler and Texas giant get new stations, or just refurbs?

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^^There is actually a mobius coaster design out there that is popular in Europe that uses the double station arrangement. One of them is at Mirabilandia.


In order to speed up operations on this, what they should do is have a dual load station Tatsu style, allowing them to load two trains simultaneously, so one is always ready. However, even if they built that, they probably would not use it.

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I really hope for a major "makeover" of the station....actual replacement of wood and concrete and queue rails....not just a paint job! Unless of course they are going to tear it all down for a completely new station! Did Rattler and Texas giant get new stations, or just refurbs?

They both got refurbs, and pretty minor ones to be honest.

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