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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I could see them combining the tracks into one coaster, however with modifications that would keep it from lasting a full 6 minutes. What I would imagine happening is a highly modified "second" track that eliminates the lift hill. I just can't see a ride being built with a double lift hill (yeah I know that SFMM has two rides with double lift hills).

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I hope they give the Colossus the Rocky Mountain treatment, that would be awesome. It would be even more awesome if both sides of the track were connected to one ride with a station fly through for the second lap, but I doubt that would happen. and if it did it would probably be more like 4 minutes long, which is still good.


^Regarding rides at SFMM that have two lift hills, Gold Rusher is one, what is the other one?

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^Regarding rides at SFMM that have two lift hills, Gold Rusher is one, what is the other one?


Ninja, right?


Oh yeah! I totally forgot about Ninja. The second lift hill is at the end of the ride with no more elements afterward so I don't think much about it. Ninja is one of those rides where if after the second lift hill there was another part of the ride it could be so much better but I understand due to the terrain the second lift hill is needed. Ninja kind of reminds of Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland where the long lift hill is at the end of the ride and then there's the loading station.

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I was at the Mountain today. Several rides with 1 train operation: Scream, Goliath, Batman that I noticed.


I heard an interesting rumor regarding Colossus. Sound like it's going to get the RMC treatment in the future. This probably will be delayed with the incident on NTAG in Dallas. The new twist I heard today was both sides of Colossus would be combined to make the largest woodie anywhere. They normally don't run both sides at the same time, and the combination would make a ride approaching 6 minutes in length. Again, just a rumor and definitely an interesting one...


It would be GREAT if it has good airtime haha. That's one thing that did disappoint me about the park's coaster selection - lack of airtime. Apart from Apocalypse and parts of Colossus and the one airtime hill on Goliath (and Full Throttle apparently), there is no good airtime at the park. I guess Viper does have a decent moment of ejector airtime before the MCBR... It's sad that the park has so little airtime that I have to resort to claiming Viper for it's one brief moment of airtime!

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The day we have all been expecting has come! One train operation on Full Throttle!!!!!


So this morning as the park opened the ride was closed and it looked like they were having a problem with one or both of the trains. I went and rode other rides (with no wait) and around noon I walked back to YOLO plaza. One train was running normally and the other train was on the transfer (with NOBODY working on it or trying to fix it). The queue under the canopy (still not done yet) was full and they were advertising a 90-120 minute wait. I guess when they figured out that one train wasn't working properly that it opening with one train would be better than nothing.


Good news is that Goliath had 2 trains running (but the 3rd train was nowhere to be found in the area).


So yeah, they made it a little over a month before what we all knew was going to happen happened.

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The day we have all been expecting has come! One train operation on YOLOcoaster!!!!!


So this morning as the park opened the ride was closed and it looked like they were having a problem with one or both of the trains. I went and rode other rides (with no wait) and around noon I walked back to YOLO plaza. One train was running normally and the other train was on the transfer (with NOBODY working on it or trying to fix it). The queue under the canopy (still not done yet) was full and they were advertising a 90-120 minute wait. I guess when they figured out that one train wasn't working properly that it opening with one train would be better than nothing.


Good news is that Goliath had 2 trains running (but the 3rd train was nowhere to be found in the area).


So yeah, they made it a little over a month before what we all knew was going to happen happened.

There was a problem with a specific part on the train. The other one will eventually go on the transfer track for a day or two here soon to get a replacement part.

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Yes, it is unfortunate that Full Throttle had to operate with one train, but I'd much rather see the ride running one train than not running at all. I also find it interesting how often the "buy an extra train" suggestion is brought up because it seems like a very rare thing for a park to do. Other than Disney, Universal, and SWO/BGT, are there any other parks/chains that routinely buy additional trains for their coasters? I can't think of a single ride at a Cedar Fair or Six Flags park that has more trains than it can run at a time.

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Yes, it is unfortunate that YOLOcoaster had to operate with one train, but I'd much rather see the ride running one train than not running at all.


Sounds like "Now the Xtreme Park" and "Better than Nothing"-type thinking that's typical of SFMM...


So the way to do business is to hype up your big bad new ride and then disappoint those customers who bought into the hype with terrible operations. And people wonder why SFMM draws the clientele that it draws. Since when is the choice between terrible operations and no ride, or no park at all?


This is parly why SFMM is stuck in the rut that it's in. They spend money on these rides that they can't afford to run any better than one-train op, staff them for the most part with the scrap heap of the local teenager scene, and justify it by saying that's better than not having an attraction that can compete in the SoCal theme park market. It's a sad, sad way to run any business, much less a theme park.


Any other self-respecting theme park would want to try to be better than that. Not SFMM! What was that line from Cool Runnings? "You're going nowhere...and you're thrilled to death about it." Yep, that about sums it up.

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^I agree.


I would be curious to know what part has failed so soon into the rides life. Usually parks keep stock on hand for common problems, so something pretty bad must have been found for them to have to wait for a part to be shipped or fabricated already. Either that or SFMM was too cheap to buy the proper stock of parts in the first place, which is also a possibility...

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Yes, it is unfortunate that YOLOcoaster had to operate with one train, but I'd much rather see the ride running one train than not running at all.


Sounds like "Now the Xtreme Park" and "Better than Nothing"-type thinking that's typical of SFMM...


So the way to do business is to hype up your big bad new ride and then disappoint those customers who bought into the hype with terrible operations. And people wonder why SFMM draws the clientele that it draws. Since when is the choice between terrible operations and no ride, or no park at all?


This is parly why SFMM is stuck in the rut that it's in. They spend money on these rides that they can't afford to run any better than one-train op, staff them for the most part with the scrap heap of the local teenager scene, and justify it by saying that's better than not having an attraction that can compete in the SoCal theme park market. It's a sad, sad way to run any business, much less a theme park.


Any other self-respecting theme park would want to try to be better than that. Not SFMM! What was that line from Cool Runnings? "You're going nowhere...and you're thrilled to death about it." Yep, that about sums it up.

Please do tell about these terrible Full Throttle operations. IMO only Tatsu still has poor operations along with Superman. Riddlers is getting it's third train back which should help that out.

It seems to me they've worked very hard to have the best operations possible on their new rides starting with Green Lantern and Lex Luthor (which still has GREAT operations). I don't like defending the park much, but when it comes to things they're doing right and improving heavily on, good on them.

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Please do tell about these terrible YOLOcoaster operations. IMO only Tatsu still has poor operations along with Superman. Riddlers is getting it's third train back which should help that out.

It seems to me they've worked very hard to have the best operations possible on their new rides starting with Green Lantern and Lex Luthor (which still has GREAT operations). I don't like defending the park much, but when it comes to things they're doing right and improving heavily on, good on them.

Yeah, definitely agree here. Their operations overall seem to have been getting better although Tatsu is a serious blight (visually as well as operationally). Riddlers ops were drastically improved even with just the second train, before the third. Train 3 is just gravy.


This isn't a situation with YC where they just decided to run 1 train because they didn't want to staff ops for a 2nd, or elected to have a train rehab in July, this was an unforseen breakdown and it sounds like that wasn't their fault either. Their options were run 1 train or close the ride. As Monte and rcdude said I can't think of anyone outside of Disney who buys extra trains just for parts and/or breakdowns, even in the most extreme example like Superman at SFDK which can only run one train at a time - there is no second train.

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