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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I could see them adding at least one barrel roll to each side claiming the ride as the first dueling inverting wooden coaster in the world.


...But if it's the IBOX track they used on Texas Giant and Rattler, then it's a steel coaster now.

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^^ Full Throttle is technically the fastest coaster in the world with a loop (tied with Viper, and Superman Krypton Coaster(and Speed if it gets rebuilt)), hence the looping coaster moniker that the GP will interpret as fastest coaster with inversions (not true, that's technically Furius Baco now and formerly Steel Phantom) the tallest is indeterminable as the only height figure we have is for the loop (160 feet) if the total height variance from the highest point to lowest is more than 188 feet then it is also the "tallest" by one of the two most common definitions. Full Throttle will also have the tallest loop in the world. Basically the marketing is all most likely true on some level but is stated in such a way as to be interpreted in such a way that would be incorrect but is more impressive. Finally they never actually stated any of the things you said, you simply drew those assumptions from what I would call an effective marketing effort.

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I'm still wondering about something...if FT is for the most part one loop and then a top hat over the same loop, how will that cover the former LJ spot? I keep looking at looking at aerial views of the spot and FT seems so slim of a layout that it will only take up a fraction of the original spot. Are they going to do something with the hillside? Is it part of the new themed area or are they just going to leave the section scalped?

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And an Ice Queen sighting! That's rare. Probably the most likely place to find her though. In Superman's Ice Fortress! Also a ride that operates rarely! Shall I go on?


Can someone explain to me who this Ice Queen is? "A person of some importance"? Any relation to Ice Bat?


She is the president of Magic Mountain - the head honcho who took over for Jay Thomas when he moved to Dallas corporate. She was at the podium at the reopening of Superman several years ago when I was present. That podium was made of ice and was melting in the sun that morning. IMO, her personality is icy too. She rarely (if ever) speaks to guests and employees for that matter. Just the "polar opposite" of Jay. I'm really not sure if that is her in the picture. It's hard to tell.

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We were lucky enough to catch SFMM on an incredible day last Sunday... Our first ever trip to the park (or Cali) and we were really impressed!


We got 7 rides on X2 along with 3 on Apocalypse and one ride on everything else in the park in the relatively short time the park was open. X2 was by far our favorite of the trip, such an insane ride... Was even better that the ride was basically a walk on all day once it opened (about 45mins late). It was a little bumpy depending where you sat, but the experience of the ride itself just took away from any bounciness. Crazy ride.


Park was clean, employees were *extremely* friendly... More than most parks I would say I have been to. Always walking by saying hello, asking if we needed anything or where to go, etc... Was quite a shock from all the "terror" stories I heard about this park.


Enjoyed the other rides as well... Ninja was great as well as Revolution... Tatsu was fun, but we both enjoyed Manta better in comparison. Scream was completely terrible, Goliath was fun (having been on Titan prior it was nothing special) and I was too tall for Green Lantern but my girlfriend rode and she enjoyed it. The Lex Luther was amazing, the views are just insane in SoCal with all the mountains...


We really loved the park though and can't wait to go back.

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And an Ice Queen sighting! That's rare. Probably the most likely place to find her though. In Superman's Ice Fortress! Also a ride that operates rarely! Shall I go on?


Can someone explain to me who this Ice Queen is? "A person of some importance"? Any relation to Ice Bat?


She is the president of Magic Mountain - the head honcho who took over for Jay Thomas when he moved to Dallas corporate. She was at the podium at the reopening of Superman several years ago when I was present. That podium was made of ice and was melting in the sun that morning. IMO, her personality is icy too. She rarely (if ever) speaks to guests and employees for that matter. Just the "polar opposite" of Jay. I'm really not sure if that is her in the picture. It's hard to tell.


Bummer, I hope she has some good qualities? Jay Thomas is a great guy, he was the supervisor of my supervisor when I was an intern at SFOT waaaay back in 1995. The next time I saw him was at SFKK in 2007, about an hour before "the accident." He was wearing a tie by then, but hadn't lost his Texas charm (as in being truly interested in what a guest has to say).

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Park was clean, employees were *extremely* friendly... More than most parks I would say I have been to. Always walking by saying hello, asking if we needed anything or where to go, etc... Was quite a shock from all the "terror" stories I heard about this park.


It seems like you went on a good day as a week ago, the employees at SFMM were extremely bored and always frowned. It's like being around a bunch of lifeless people.


Though, SFMM employees usually are good at just doing their job.

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The attitude and efficiency of the employees seems to be different depending on which ride or which part of the park your at. I went a few times this year and every time I went, the ride crews at Goliath and Apocalypse were great, but the ones at Scream and Tatsu seemed to be lacking. Every ride crew seemed to have their own pace through out the whole year, and the same thing could be said about the food staff as well.

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^ I've definitely noticed that. I usually find the most professional employees running X2 and Goliath and the ones that don't seem to care about anyone or anything are usually working at Riddler's and Scream. In my experience the Tatsu ops have been friendly and seemed to be mostly efficient, it just always bugs me that they don't use the other station, which is almost certainly not the ride ops' decision.

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