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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I was actually looking forward to having the rollerskater up top, so the kids would have something to ride up there. Putting the coaster in the kids area kinda kills the whole feel of the kids riding a real coaster as opposed to just another kiddie ride. Now that it's gonna be in the kiddie area, I'm put my vote in with the "why bother" crowd.

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Since the land was cleared for the roller skater---and it apparently isn't going there anymore---I wonder what will or could go there? The beginnings of the 2012 attraction perhaps?




Hey maybe it will be a flat ride! Oh wait! Magic Mountain hasn't heard of flat rides have they?


The only flatride I can ever see them putting in is a Disk-O-Coaster only because it has track.



No but seriously, I think a good Tween flat ride would be perfect for that area...I can dream...

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The only flatride I can ever see them putting in is a Disk-O-Coaster only because it has track.


Don't tease with things that will never happen! I love Disk-O-Coasters, it would be a dream come true if SFMM eventually got one. I'll even take the "skater" model, though not as good, still a great ride.

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Well I hope they at least save the fake redwood trees that were intertwined with Sierra Falls... that was the coolest part of the ride... That would be sweet to put them in with the new kiddie coaster.


And SFMM's non-coaster ride count goes down by another one

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I like the new location for "Kids Coaster", but they should not take out an attraction to do it. They already took out the meager petting zoo didn't they? The coaster would be a much better fit there, and drive kids towards Thomas Town, or maybe make them notice it. They could save some money by not tearing out Sierra. I can think of many other things SFMM could spend the money rather than tearing down a nice looking kids ride.


I think in general the area next to Vu is too small to squeeze in any coaster of size, and they should go the flat ride direction in that spot in the future. Or as previously mentioned, the "Disk-O coaster" - a brilliant cost effective soultion for coaster #19.

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Wow, just wow. I can't believe they're going to put the kids ride, right smack in between ALL the kids rides. Like Robb said, I am just so against parks like this (and even wrote about it in the latest Club TPR Magazine!). But he's right; the park is obviously changing direction and doesn't give two craps about kids anymore so just segregate them all in one area away from the rest of the people.


As for Sierra Falls leaving, I know that the ride was very difficult to operate, cost a lot of money to run, and caused quite a few injuries so it's removal really isn't that big of a surprise.


Oh Magic, why must you be like this!

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What Six Flags Magic Mountain needs :

- Intamin Rollercoaster (like Maverick or KingdaKa)

- B&M Diving Machine (like Griffon and Sheikra)

- Disko : i love this ride not really a coaster, but so much fun !

- S&S Drop Tower combo or a giang Gyro drop from Intamin (the highest will be in Norway more than 110 meters this year), we need free falling at Magic Mountain.

- Cable car (a brand new cable car) and Monorail would be a great addition, we need transport rides.


- Flat ride (is it a bad word for Six Flags) :

Breakdance (Huss)

Flipper (Huss)

Top Scan (Mondial)


Matterhorn (Reverchon)

Top Spin (Huss)...

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I have never been on it because of the so few hours I always have there. My focus is the giant coasters. SFMM shouldn't have to worry about kiddie rides. There are two great parks for the whole family not too far away Disneyland & Knotts. SFMM should just focus on their thrills & keep the giant coasters on coming. What happened to the 2012 coaster? Is that not coming now because of Green Lantern next year?

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I totally agree with Robb and Elissa on this. Even though my kids are no longer smaller, I remember all to well what it was like to be at parks that pretty much segregate kids to one particular area by having all those types of rides in one area. Having the Roller Skater near Deja Vu was the PERFECT location.


So I guess that the area where Sierra Falls is/was won't be used for Hurricane Harbor expansion?


And I know Roller Skaters aren't the loudest rides out there, but does the park not remember them having to close Flashback every summer due to the noise inside Hurricane Harbor? Isn't the Tiki Falls slide pretty much right behind where the new coaster is going?


I get that the whole "Family" thing didn't quite work for SFMM and that Thomas Town didn't really pan out (although if they had more things to do, it may have). But it's sad that it seems they are going back to the whole "Xtreme" thing, hopefully the park as a whole won't revert back to the way it looked during those days.

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Geez, I finally realize....the direction of the park now is totally the same that the direction Vegas has taken again.....experiment with the family idea, then scrap it just as it was getting good, and go back towards the adult theme/extreme park that Vegas has now taken.....which has just led the city to be trashy again! Nothing for the locals to do, nothing for kids to do....no more Wet n' Wild, no more Scandia, no Las Vegas WET water park.....Vegas' idea is that the money is in the adult crowd only....guess Magic Mountain has taken a page from Vegas' playbook!

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I honestly can't believe anyone would "miss" Sierra Falls. I bet most park visitors don't even know it exists.

I always thought it was in a horrible location. Tucked away in a kiddie section of the park and away from the main traffic pattern. I can't say I'll miss the ride, but it's disappointing to see a ride removed in order to place a coaster that already had a spot cleared for it. Like you stated earlier, it would be nice if these children's attractions were scattered around the park a bit instead of having all in one corner of the park.


I do hope it just gets relocated. Go stick it over where Flashback used to be and make it a part of Hurricane Harbor. Maybe it'll entice me to visit the waterpark for once.

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I'm wondering if Sierra Falls is really being replaced. The official release from SFMM just says "adjacent to Bugs Bunny World" and doesn't say anything about replacing Sierra Falls. Perhaps they're going to use the extended que building area of Sierra Falls that is never used? It could fit there and over lap into the empty petting zoo. Heck, they could even tear down the barn which isn't used for anything now either.

Edited by Magic Alumni
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