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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^I honestly don't even remember what was in that tunnel other than the soundtrack and the rope lights that are hardly visible in daylight. Was there another effect?


There were strobe lights, but not sure if they are still working or not. I wish they had a better effect package for that tunnel. They could've done so much better.

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"Six Flags Magic Mountain’s system will have capacity for nearly 15 megawatts and will be the largest solar carport anywhere in North America."


"In addition to generating a large percentage of the parks’ electricity, the solar carport structures provide a number of enhancements to the guest experience, including:


Covered parking for the majority of parking spaces

Integrated electric vehicle charging stations

Increased security through new closed circuit cameras and

Enhanced parking lot surfaces."

Opinions and thoughts on this?



The State Fair in Sacramento has a smaller version of this. Covering the cars won't be needed for the few rainy days they get, but shading the desert heat is great.


I'd like to see solar panels shading coaster queues, too, at least those where track and supports wouldn't shade the panels. Perhaps F.T. would be the best candidate at SFMM.


(I first bought a solar panel in 1990 and have used a kilowatt for nearly two decades.)


A suggestion: SF could consider washable plates and cups instead of use-once plastic. They could put up solar hot water collectors for the dishwashing. Do any coaster parks in the US do this? I had a manager of a non SF park tell me a few years ago they were giving this some consideration (I had politely asked if they were thinking about this, at an event they held).

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I know it was already mentioned that Apacolypse has reopened, but I thought I’d share why it was down. A few days ago they were replacing what looked like a gearbox for the chain lift. [attachment=0]4B36E9BB-74FA-4A49-9E8D-3A753FFBF62A.jpeg[/attachment]

You a part of the construction crew for Newhall Land And Farm? I've noticed you guys moving HUGE amounts of earth back there. It's too bad the park doesn't own any of that land so that they could build a big coaster out that way.


I am the grading foreman in charge of all the work going on back there. We are barely scratching the surface of how much dirt is going to be moved. From my water towers down below apocalypse (near where I took that picture in my last post from) we are going to fill up about 95’.

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I spent a few hours at the park today, capitalizing on February's notoriously slow days. This one didn't disappoint in that, not only were all rides a walk-on, most were a stay-on. At one point or another, I even managed to be the sole rider on Füll Throttle, Lex Luther, Apocalypse, Ninja, and Viper. In the 3 hours that I was there, I got a ridiculous number of rides in, mostly due to staying on the train when it rolled back into the station.


A few notes from the day:


Apocalypse is jackhammering and screeching like crazy, but it's really only the final series of turns that border on unbearable. I can't imagine that any trackwork was done in its recent downtime, so perhaps it was structural? Much of the ride is violent and rough, but it is somewhat tolerable. Even when Ghost Rider was at its worst, it was hard to deny that it was a fantastic design. The same is true for Apocalypse, only Apocalypse's design is such that the ride remains relentless from the first drop onward. As the result, it just seems to be tearing itself apart.


One of the Ninja trains was running with its front car missing. Also, one of Lex's individual seats was broken and roped off. And, because it came up recently in this thread, the "effects" in Füll Throttle's tunnel are still working well (it's just lights and a short music clip), but Revolution's LEDs on the loop are half blown out. Hideous VR is still down, so enjoy Revolution while it's still rideable. Nothing to report on the new ride construction - it's a just a pile of dirt with zero activity around that area at all. The construction behind Apocalypse is full-speed ahead, though. I can't imagine how a residential area that close to the park is going to work. I assume they're going to be McMansions of some kind, but they'll need some serious sound-proofing if they're expected to sell.


TC's ops were as great as ever, but they were running two trains and so dueling was trickier. I rode twice, and the trains were perfectly synced to race on two of the four laps (impressive for two-train ops). However, the ride itself doesn't seem to allow for decent racing anymore. When the ride opened, the racing was pretty consistent and the trains stayed close together as long as they left the chain lift at the same time. That seems to have changed, and even the lift hill sensors/chain speeds seem a bit off.


Saw some douche-bro try to humiliate a female op in front of a bunch of young boys because he screwed up and took his party up the wrong ramp for fast-pass on Goliath. He started recording her with his cell phone, held it up to her face, and tried to force her to say her name and state on camera that she was not going to give him and his party preferential treatment. Given how quiet the place was, the guy was most likely feeling miffed about shelling out big money for fast-passes, and what better way to assuage your own idiocy than to try and humiliate a woman half your age and capture it on video. Props to the young woman for standing her ground and not letting them pass, but it was clear that being filmed against her will got to her.


For science, I took two rides on Scream. They were only running a single train, and the train seemed to be in pretty good shape. The front gave a smooth ride with just a bit of rattle on the first drop and loop. The back seat, however, had its square wheels on. While it's not as rough as it has been as of late, the first drop, loop, and dive loop caused some serious bone shaking. It's very temperamental these days, but I still think it's the best B&M in the park (an unpopular opinion, I know).


Anyhow, now's a good time to capitalize on slow days - at least during the week.



Füll Throttle around 3pm


Apocalypse around 5pm


Viper around 5:30pm

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"Six Flags Magic Mountain’s system will have capacity for nearly 15 megawatts and will be the largest solar carport anywhere in North America."


"In addition to generating a large percentage of the parks’ electricity, the solar carport structures provide a number of enhancements to the guest experience, including:


Covered parking for the majority of parking spaces

Integrated electric vehicle charging stations

Increased security through new closed circuit cameras and

Enhanced parking lot surfaces."

Opinions and thoughts on this?


Future parking pricing:



Covered premium-$35

Regular way in the back-$30


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hey all, going to the park on Saturday with a few first-timers. It's been a few seasons for me and I was just wondering what the current consensus is for coaster sequence optimization if we get there at rope drop.



It's not super critical right now, because crowds are pretty light in February. Any other day of the week and it wouldn't matter at all, on Saturday I'd say to probably start with either Tatsu or Twisted Colossus, because those can maintain a steady wait of 45+ throughout the day on a Sat sometimes. I was there a few weeks ago on Sat and those were the only two that held a good line.

X2 and YOLO (FT) are busy early but about an hour or so before close the lines usually die to nothing. X2's line can pick up right at park closing time though because a lot of people want to hit it right as they leave.




"Six Flags Magic Mountain’s system will have capacity for nearly 15 megawatts and will be the largest solar carport anywhere in North America."


"In addition to generating a large percentage of the parks’ electricity, the solar carport structures provide a number of enhancements to the guest experience, including:


Covered parking for the majority of parking spaces

Integrated electric vehicle charging stations

Increased security through new closed circuit cameras and

Enhanced parking lot surfaces."

Opinions and thoughts on this?


Future parking pricing:



Covered premium-$35

Regular way in the back-$30


Yeah I actually figured that the new covered parking would probably be what they're using for the premium parking in the new membership tiers.

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I'm really interested to see if this "365 Days of Thrills" thing is sustainable. Those photos paint a pretty grim picture.


Let's also keep in mind that by California standards, it's been freaking freezing outside right now. I'd have to imagine that would impact visits of late. I wouldn't really be wanting to ride coasters in this cold snap, even if there's no line.


But I'd have to imagine they're "all in" on the 365 day op. Otherwise, why start memberships? It'd be a public relations disaster to have 365 ops, have people get memberships, then cut back drastically the next year. I think they announced the 365 day ops to make the memberships more palatable. No real going back now, unless they end up changing their minds about the memberships altogether.

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The park and corporate are well aware the park is dead and going to be dead for awhile. After so many years of being "seasonal", it will take awhile to get people to start coming. Also, the main reason to go full time was they can start being considered a tourist destination for out of towners and can be included in tourism bureaus advertising and group packages. They're looking to start banking off the foreign tourists who visit Southern California and fill up Disneyland and Universal on a daily basis. But it's going to take some time to get there so enjoy the small crowds while they last.

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For science, I took two rides on Scream. They were only running a single train, and the train seemed to be in pretty good shape. The front gave a smooth ride with just a bit of rattle on the first drop and loop.


When I went a few Fridays ago, I thought even the front row of Scream was running the square wheels. But to be honest, I had a similar experience to you, in terms of crowds, and I was riding coasters with such frequency that I walked around all day lightheaded (#firstworldproblems), and that could have made Scream feel worse than normal.

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TC's ops were as great as ever, but they were running two trains and so dueling was trickier. I rode twice, and the trains were perfectly synced to race on two of the four laps (impressive for two-train ops). However, the ride itself doesn't seem to allow for decent racing anymore. When the ride opened, the racing was pretty consistent and the trains stayed close together as long as they left the chain lift at the same time. That seems to have changed, and even the lift hill sensors/chain speeds seem a bit off.


the rare, and i mean rare, times i've left the lift exactly with the other train, it's been way off. it's designed to duel back and forth i think 3-4 times. when it was new, if you left the lift at exactly the same time, you were exactly, side by side going up the double up. that hasn't happened to me at all recently. so there's some friction somewhere. weight, bearings, wheels? who knows.

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