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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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  SharkTums said:
I still don't understand this from a Six Flags safety perspective. The parks have become so crazy with loose article policies and now they are going to give teenagers these items. Yes, I realize there is a lanyard, but what stops some terrible teen from taking it off and chucking it off the ride and then saying 'Oh, it fell off'?


This whole idea is so odd. It'll be interesting to see how they implement it, and how well it's received.

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Honestly, this might sound harsh, but I hope these headsets cost SF a lot of headaches so that they just scrap the idea quickly. I don't care about it being an upcharge, or putting them on boring coasters, but this is insane. Is there really a need to try giving Bizarro/Superman another gimmick when it's already one of the best coasters in the world?


My biggest beef with this is the rumored assigned seating. The people with VR should be given the middle rows automatically because they won't get the visuals or forces of the ride anyways. I'm a huge back seat rider, and I don't want to be told whereto ride because I didn't want to wear a filthy headset. SF can advocate all they want that they will be cleaned, but I have a horrible feeling that like much else in the chain, they will stop all that after 2-3 weeks of hard work. This is a chain that cannot get fog machines to work, let alone high tech headsets.

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Six flags announces a new technology attraction to 9 parks, the prototypes received only positive reviews, and it's not an upcharge when it clearly could be. "I hope it's bad so they take it out!" Is such a strange reaction to me. They would have never built spiderman IOA if they'd paid attention to that kind of thought. Can't wait to see some people eat crow when they accidentally like it!

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It was an inevitable future, that was bound to happen, eventually.


Now, it's finally going to be put to the ultimate test: in general operation.


I wish them the best, on this new venture. And if it goes well, we all win!


Maybe they should try it on Teeny Weeny in Tusenfryd. :p

Edited by Nrthwnd
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I don't understand all this hate either. It's free and optional. Don't like it? Then don't do it, and be quiet. How difficult is that?


Personally, it's not really my cup of tea, though I will try it at least once to see if I like it. But really, we seem to forget that amusement parks aren't just for the coaster nerds. I think this could possibly be a hit with the GP, and let's be frank... the GP is what pulls in the money and buzz in the larger world. Not everything is made to cater to the fanatics.


And even if it's not a hit... it's not like they "destroyed" the ride or made a (relatively) large investment. In terms of a business move, I think it could actually pay off. If it does work, imagine all the possible scenarios that could play out over time... Santa's sleigh flight for the now very popular Holiday in the Park, for example, or maybe a Halloween overlay. The possibilities are endless, and would be a very easy way to keep drawing in crowds over a long period of time for a one time investment.

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  edgeboy said:
I don't understand all this hate either. It's free and optional. Don't like it? Then don't do it, and be quiet. How difficult is that?


I don't see myself doing this more than a few times because VR has made me sick before. I don't care if SF does this, but it becomes a problem when it begins to affect other riders. Slower dispatches and assigned seating are two examples of this. We won't know this for sure until it actually goes into affect, but if these are consequences of it, I'm against it for the time being.

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  edgeboy said:
I don't understand all this hate either. It's free and optional. Don't like it? Then don't do it, and be quiet. How difficult is that?

The problem is, as several other members have posted before me, this will slow down ops for EVERYONE. Even if you choose not to wear the headset it will still take your train, and consequently the whole line, much more time to dispatch if half the riders are trying to fit a stupid goggles onto their face. People have a hard enough time with a damn seat belt on roller coasters; what I don't understand is how people like you don't see this capacity nightmare coming.

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I'm really curious what happens when one of the headsets stops working halfway down the first drop, and you're suddenly riding a hyper coaster blindfolded while you're desperately fumbling with the straps trying to get it off your head as you zoom along at 70+ mph.

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  LuminousAphid said:
  edgeboy said:
I don't understand all this hate either. It's free and optional. Don't like it? Then don't do it, and be quiet. How difficult is that?

The problem is, as several other members have posted before me, this will slow down ops for EVERYONE. Even if you choose not to wear the headset it will still take your train, and consequently the whole line, much more time to dispatch if half the riders are trying to fit a stupid goggles onto their face. People have a hard enough time with a damn seat belt on roller coasters; what I don't understand is how people like you don't see this capacity nightmare coming.


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  RAWKIN_coaster38 said:
Watch. Six Flags will have a good plan for this that we all don't know about yet and operations will be fine, headsets will be clean and secure, and then I'll be like "Lawl it worked out after all"


Gotta throw that out there at least. #hope


This is definitely a possibility. It's just easier to complain about it since the park has consistently showed poor execution in the past.


If all goes well, I will be attending the season pass-holder preview on the 26th. VR or not, I'm excited to finally ride Revolution like it was originally intended to run.

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  RAWKIN_coaster38 said:
Watch. Six Flags will have a good plan for this that we all don't know about yet and operations will be fine, headsets will be clean and secure, and then I'll be like "Lawl it worked out after all"


Gotta throw that out there at least. #hope


Just remember.



I just hope that even if it's a colossal failure, they at least learn why it was a failure so it can be fixed in the future.

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I'm curious as to why the VR to this ride. Wasn't the point of the new trains is to make it faster. How can you follow a story, watch video or shoot objects if you are going so fast. Did they test out the new train and see it wasn't much better than the old version so needed to add the VR or people would be upset? Not complaining, just thinking. Of course the young crowd will love it.

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  LuminousAphid said:
  edgeboy said:
I don't understand all this hate either. It's free and optional. Don't like it? Then don't do it, and be quiet. How difficult is that?

The problem is, as several other members have posted before me, this will slow down ops for EVERYONE. Even if you choose not to wear the headset it will still take your train, and consequently the whole line, much more time to dispatch if half the riders are trying to fit a stupid goggles onto their face. People have a hard enough time with a damn seat belt on roller coasters; what I don't understand is how people like you don't see this capacity nightmare coming.


And if you have seen other updates, it appears they will be pulling out the people who want to use the VR out of line, off to the side, fitting them separately well before boarding. Doesn't sound like much will be slowed down for others.


When I first heard Forbidden Journey was going to have 3D, I totally though the ride boarding would be slowed. Turns out, there's no effect at all. They did have a plan, who knew? Would've never guessed it until I saw it in action for myself.


Just because several people throw this opinion around doesn't make it an informed or correct one. And in all honesty, maybe I'll be the wrong one. Point is, unless you have already seen the future operations in action, we can only speculate, not know for certain. If you ask me to speculate, the line won't move any slower than it already does when you accommodate for Fast Lane, Single Riders, people who put items down to the side, forget to put on their seat belt, etc.

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Just a quick question, that I think I know the answer to, but does anyone know how busy the park would be if I visited on Saturday March 19th? I'm making a short trip to LA and wanted to know if I would be able to ride the major attractions in one day without a flash pass or would it not be worth it to even try?

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  CoasterGypsy said:
Just a quick question, that I think I know the answer to, but does anyone know how busy the park would be if I visited on Saturday March 19th? I'm making a short trip to LA and wanted to know if I would be able to ride the major attractions in one day without a flash pass or would it not be worth it to even try?


It will be crowded. Not horribly jam packed, but definitely crowded. Tatsu, X2, and Goliath could definitely sport 60-90 minute lines. TC could be around 45 minutes, and everything else 30 or less. Obviously nothing is guaranteed, but every single time I come to SFMM, it is more crowded than expected.

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  coaster_cliff said:
Caught TNR testing a couple times today. Wasn't in a good position to snap photos as it caught me off guard. Could see that all the block breaks were still being used.


As expected. I'm just glad this thing doesn't have OTSRs anymore!


I saw a few videos on Instagram. Not sure if I'm allowed to link them here so I won't.

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