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The Official "TPR 2006 UK Tour" Thread!

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Hey everyone! Guess what I did? I "Finnished" the update from Finland!


Sorry for it taking so long, random things like....2007 trips got in the way! Check out the photos here:



So yeah...Power Park!

- Really fun new GCI Woodie!

- Boomerang with wacky trains and YES...a FOG MACHINE!!!

- Robb & the "Little Green Monster."

- And lots of fun made at Dan! Be sure to send him a caption or two!


Here's a few photos:

The main reason for visiting Power Park? WOOD!!!!!


"I think from up here I can see New Mexico!"


Gee, I wonder which one of them has the ability to eat sugar without his pancreas exploding?


Those boys at GCI must have been drunk when they designed this one!


OH NOOO!!! It's the Dark Ride.....no, seriously...it *IS* the "Dark Ride"


How's it going Cameron?


Thanks Jeff & Chris! (Joe you'll get thanked for something next year!)


For the entire update, click here:






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All those empty, empty seats the UK Tourers could of filled....



Looked like a good ending for you guys there.


Thunderbird looks just somewhat 'wrong'... kinda. Maybe.


Hmmm. Could be 'right', tho.


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^Good question!


I actually preferred Rumbler, as I felt it had more airtime. I could see some people preferring Thunderbird though as it had more turns and stuff.


Anyways, it's good to see the GCI guys putting some airtime in their rides!

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Good to see how the trip finnish-ed off . I know that the boomerang had new funky-disco trains, but the ride feel any smoother than other boomerangs? Not like it would be that hard to,


Man, Thunderbird looks like it was craazy. What was with the little bunny-hill-hop things, did they offer any airtime at all? It looks like they'd be too short to offer anything but a sore groin from being thrown into the restraint. Oh how Gertslauer trains abuse me so......


Nice to FINALLY see how powerpark was,



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Two Things -


GCI uses their own Millennium Flyer Trains, not evil Gerstaulers (although I never had a problem with them).


I thought the Boomerang was slightly smoother than most, but I HATED the Mag Breaks!!! They made all of us feel really queasy when you went through them backwards. Almost as if they're too strong and they slow you too fast or something. I didn't take a second ride, the stupid boys did, and felt even sicker the 2nd time!

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I know GCI uses Millenium flyers, thats like the staple of GCI! I was talking about my maiden ride on Hurricane @ Myrtle Beach and how I had 2 wicked bruises on my legs from the hills and how I got launched into the restraints every time.


Mag brakes? Vekoma?? NO... I bet that does feel really wierd, I get wigged out a bit over Stormrunners brakes, I bet going backwards through them is really odd...



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Here it is!!! The *FINAL* Update from the UK Tour!


Fantasy Island and Skegness, UK!!!! So this was actually the start of the trip, and it was certainly a crazy attempt to do this. We litterally got off the plane around 11am, was in the rental car by noon, and at the first park by 3pm, done with the parks by 6pm, and back to the hotel around 8:30! It was a crazy day!


But the highlights:

- The *GIANT* Vekoma SLC!!!! What is good or did we die? Read the update to find out!

- Jellikin's Coaster! OMG, I still cannot believe we all fit!

- Vekoma coasters with TWO vertical loops! (This makes Derek happy!)

- It was a "bad hair day" for someone!

- Queen Bee! Yes, it really IS an Inverted Wacky Worm.

- Updates are DONE!!!! OMG, one major chapter in our lives CLOSED!!!!


Enjoy this update:



The *BIG BAD OMFG* ride was the Jubilee Odyssey (sponsored by food, just like all the other UK coasters!)


And there it is in all it's evil wicked glory. The ride mostly known as the *GIANT* SLC!

Those are words that turn most men sterile!




Dan: "Oh dear....my pancreas is really pissed off at me now!"

Derek: "I smell beer...it's around here somewhere!"

Jeff: "I think I need a new Depends."


The "Jellikin's Coaster!!!" This would be the true test of the credit whore!


Derek can't wait....a Vekoma coaster with TWO vertical loops!


"Derek, why aren't you in this picture?"

"I'm smart!"


Yeah...Inverted Wacky Worm. I told you!!!


YAY!!!! We're on the inverted Wacky Worm!


And finally, we leave you with a photo of Elissa, McDonald's and the Inverted Wacky Worm.





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