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Whats your favorite Vekoma?

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I actually like Deja Vu- the big problem I have with that ride is it's intermittent operating schedule, though I will have to say that SFGA has it running more often than not. They still have a very slow reload though.

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By far my favourite is Space Mountain at Disneyland Paris, closely followed by Rock 'n' Rollercoaster.


Unlike alot people, I don't mind Boomerangs, in fact I quite like them, although later this year I will be riding an 18 year old Boomerang, with its original train.



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I like Stunt Fall and yes, it is a GIB and quite reliable...

A second close to it would be Space Mountain:Mission Deux or Rock'n'Roller Coaster at WDS.

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Im not sure which one is my favorite, but there are a few that I really like:


Megablitz @ Wiener Prater : This coaster was built by designed by Stengel and built by Vekoma in 1994. Its very smooth, and its absolutely flying through those helixes. RCDB says 4.8 G's and it definately feels like it.


Stunt Fall @ Parque Warner : A Giant Inverted Boomerang built in 2002. Rode it in 2003 and thought it was a great ride. Wasnt rough at all. Very scary going backwards up the vertical tower.


Thundercoaster @ Tusenfryd : A very rough wooden coaster, but in the rain its a fantastic, wild ride. Better than Balder in my opinion, but it is too slow when its dry. But in the rain its pure insanity. Im not quite sure how much Vekoma did on this coaster though. According to this article Vekoma only did the trains, brakes and mechanical system.


If I had to pick a favorite of these three, I would have to say Thundercoaster, but thats only when its raining.

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Goudrix or Rock'n'Roller Coaster, FL.

Yes, I know Goudrix is a very rough coasters, but I rode it when I was 10, and it was my first proper coaster. I really enjoyed it, and the fact that it goes up-side-down 7 times, it is quite exciting.


Rock'n'Roller Coaster on the other hand it ALOT better. I found it to be very smooth for a Vekoma. And the Aerosmith theming and music blasting in your ears is great. I love Aerosmith as well. And we also cant forget about the launch. It is just great.

Overall, I would say Rock'n'Roller Coaster.

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Damn, I keep forgetting that Big Thuner Mountain at DLP is Vekoma. But you've gotta admit its a pretty average coaster that is made better by the world class themeing.


IMO its the best themed coaster in the world.



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Never been on one. I think that I'm jinxed... every time I go to SFGAm, Deja Vu is closed or the wait is around 4 Hrs.


Other then that, I've never gotten the chance to ride a vekoma.

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Only ridden 2..X-Flight and Thunderhawk..I have alot of earrings so thunderhawk wasnt fun at all!!Now that i think about it they used to make you take them out..when it was serial Thriller that is..O well..I ABSOLUTELY LOVE X-flight..So its my fav..

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