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Sexual Orientation

What's your orientation?  

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  1. 1. What's your orientation?

    • I'm a guy who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys
    • I'm a girl who likes guys
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys and girls
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I haven't figured out what I like yet...
    • Hobosexual (I'm a person who likes hobos)
    • Hoosexual (I'm a person who likes owls)

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^^It might sound like stalking, but there's a hell of a lot more too it.


^That's AWESOME!!! Great idea!


Another thing: Today was weird. Well, Algebra was. There's this guy (Very, VERY straight guy) in my Algebra class, and he knows I'm gay, but today he came up and hugged me ! It was very strange. I'm like, "Hi!" and he just kept hugging me. Weird...

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A lot (most...well, all but one) of my friends have no problem with it. But there is just this one girl and she is a total homophobe. Everyone at school always tells her there is nothing wrong with it but she still doesn't get it. Oh well, I'm just happy that all my friends are cool with it.

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"Drama sucks"


"Stalking sucks"



You're too young to have the 'drama level' that high... you know having "authorities" involved because of your decision making. I'd focus just on getting through school right now; otherwise there's no telling what you'll get into when you get older. I've know quite a few guys that have felony records just because of really bad decisions and they could have avoided them just by keeping the drama down in their lives.


Terry "scary how many people across the board I know" Weaver

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^I know, but "like" didn't really fit. "Like sucks". Doesn't that sound odd?


You know what else sucks? Getting a message on MySpace that says, "What am I gonna do? I ain't gonna butt rape you or anything." You need to step back a minute and ponder just how creepy that is. Put your lust aside for a minute or two and consider what would be going through that guy's head when he got a message like that.

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"Stalking sucks"


I'VE TOLD YOU IT AINT STALKING! (lol). In fact, all that I did was 1) Try to contact him on MySpace, but he blocked me after one or two (i can't remember) messages. 2) I wrote him a note, asking to talk to him, but he just threw it in the trash. And that's it. As much as it sounds like stalking, it really isn't. I always kept my distance, and just talked to my friends if I had a problem with him.


^I know, but "like" didn't really fit. "Like sucks". Doesn't that sound odd?


You know what else sucks? Getting a message on MySpace that says, "What am I gonna do? I ain't gonna butt rape you or anything." You need to step back a minute and ponder just how creepy that is. Put your lust aside for a minute or two and consider what would be going through that guy's head when he got a message like that.

Yeah, um, as creepy as it is, he told me in person that that's what he thought I was gonna do. That was the only time he actually talked to me.


But, I'm over him now, and I'll just consider this a "learning experience".



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I'VE TOLD YOU IT AINT STALKING! (lol). In fact, all that I did was 1) Try to contact him on MySpace, but he blocked me after one or two (i can't remember) messages. 2) I wrote him a note, asking to talk to him, but he just threw it in the trash. And that's it. As much as it sounds like stalking, it really isn't. I always kept my distance, and just talked to my friends if I had a problem with him.


You're right, it does sound like stalking.

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Rawr, ok, nobody's stalking in my opinion.

Anyway, heres something I found on the internet that relates to the whole "coming out gay" thing. I actually got to show this to one of my councilors, and he laughed his head off, and he actually has the paper mounted on his office window.

Heterosexual Questionnaire


1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality?

2. When and how did you decide that you were heterosexual?

3. Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase that you may grow out of in time?

4. If you have never slept with a person of the same sex, is it possible that all you need is a good gay lover?

5. Is it possible that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex?

6. Do your parents know that you are straight? When did you tell them? What about your friends and room-mates?

7. Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality? Can't you just be who you are and keep it quiet?

8. Why do heterosexuals place so much emphasis on sex?

9. Why do heterosexuals feel so compelled to introduce others into their lifestyle through constant scenes of heterosexual sex in the media?

10. A disproportionate majority of child molesters are heterosexual. Do you consider it safe to expose children to heterosexual teachers?

11. Just what do men and women do in bed together? How can they truly know how to please each other, being so anatomically different?

12. Despite all the societal support for marriage, the divorce rate and the rates of family violence are spiralling. Why are heterosexuals so incapable of forming stable relationships?

13. Statistics show that lesbians have the lowest incidence of sexually transmitted disease. Is it really safe for a woman to maintain a heterosexual lifestyle and run such a high risk of disease and pregnancy?

14. How can you expect to become a whole person if you limit yourself to compulsive, exclusive heterosexuality?

15. Considering the menace of overpopulation, how can the human race survive if everyone is heterosexual?

16. Could you trust a heterosexual therapist to be objective? Don't you feel that she or he might be inclined to influence you in the direction of her or his own leanings?

17. There seems to be few happy heterosexuals. Techniques have been developed that might enable you to change if you really want to. Have you considered trying aversion therapy?

18. Would you want your child to be heterosexual, knowing the problems he or she is bound to face?


(Written by Shane from QueerAttitude.net)

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GRRR!! 1 or 2 MySpace messages, and a note. That doesn't sound like stalking to me!


To you.


But it evidently did to that guy and the school. It's never stalking to the one that does it. And I thought you wanted to change subjects.


Before I go back let me introduce you to someone you may know...




"Cleopatra, Queen of Denial" ;)


(ok I'm done...that was bad)

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Terrance - you slay me!!


I loved the questionnaire!! I'll definitely print it off and share it with some friends. They'll get a kick out of it.


^^^ or whatever...


As long as you learned from the experience about wasting time with people who don't accept you for who you are - consider it a growing experience and leave it be. One thing I learned is that you can't force yourself on someone. If they don't want to be around you - &*#^ 'em! I'm sure there are plenty of other people who will love and accept you for who you are!



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I just told my mom I was gay. Scariest thing I've ever done. She just hugged me and I started to cry. She told me she just wants me to be happy and it's not a bad thing and how cousins of mine are gay and she doesn't think any lower of them. I just don't know how to feel now. It's almost embarrassing even though it shouldn't be. I can't stop crying now and I don't know why. Wow.

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^Yeah I would have NEVER been able to have vocally told my mom. I told her through text-message. But it will be embarrassing for a little while. I texted my mom when I was on the bus to school, so I didn't have to see her for a while. When I got home, I crawled into my bed and stayed there. Didn't come out for hours. But I just had to man-up and get out. So I did. Even though it was like 11:00, I still came out of my room.


But like I said, it will be a little bit embarrassing at times. You'll get used to being around her in about 1-2 weeks or so. At least she still accepts and loves you for who you are!


Telling my mom was the biggest step I took. So now I will tell anyone I'm gay, because I've told my mom. Life's a lot easier now, and I don't have to "pretend". Good luck!

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