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About Fishy6665

  • Birthday 06/06/1965

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  1. Yes or No...Am I stupid because I don't understand the yes or no game?
  2. Yes, i've been known to bang my head once in a while. Do you like your popcorn plain or buttered?
  3. I just received an email from Robb Alvey admonishing me for not posting anything since I joined several months ago. Initially I was offended. Was he sitting at his computer waiting for me to post something? Is he somehow tracking my moves, my thoughts, my desires? I've never met this man who spells his name with one too many 'b's. How DARE he! After calming down with a few beers, a Mr Bubble bath and several 'under the counter' pills, I realized how he had done that for my own benefit. He actually cares that I contribute. So, a little about me. I live in Punta Gorda, FL, between Sarasota and Ft Myers. I like to call it God's waiting room; we have the highest median age in Florida. I myself am VERY young here, at 42. PG's most recent claim to fame is hurricane Charley. On Friday, Aug 13, 2004, Charley made landfall here as a Cat 4 storm. I hope never to go though that again. No power for 14 days in mid August in Florida. Don't get me wrong. I lived in Los Angeles for 14 years, from 1989-2003, so i've seen my share of disasters: The LA Riots, Northridge earthquake and any movie with Paulie Shore. As far as coasters, my count is about 150, though I haven't really updated it in a few years. I really hope to do a lot more coaster trips next spring and summer. It's been a while since I've ridden a big woodie. John
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