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Gas Prices where you live

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India’s largest automaker is set to start producing the world’s first commercial air-powered vehicle. The Air Car, developed by ex-Formula One engineer Guy Nègre for Luxembourg-based MDI, uses compressed air, as opposed to the gas-and-oxygen explosions of internal-combustion models, to push its engine’s pistons. Some 6000 zero-emissions Air Cars are scheduled to hit Indian streets in August of 2008.


Barring any last-minute design changes on the way to production, the Air Car should be surprisingly practical. The $12,700 CityCAT, one of a handful of planned Air Car models, can hit 68 mph and has a range of 125 miles. It will take only a few minutes for the CityCAT to refuel at gas stations equipped with custom air compressor units; MDI says it should cost around $2 to fill the car’s carbon-fiber tanks with 340 liters of air at 4350 psi. Drivers also will be able to plug into the electrical grid and use the car’s built-in compressor to refill the tanks in about 4 hours.


Of course, the Air Car will likely never hit American shores, especially considering its all-glue construction. But that doesn’t mean the major automakers can write it off as a bizarre Indian experiment — MDI has signed deals to bring its design to 12 more countries, including Germany, Israel and South Africa.

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Prices on Catalina Island here in Southern California:



My brother lives out there, and given what I've seen during my visits there, this ain't a lie.


(Picture from the Los Angeles Times)



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  EBL said:
Prices on Catalina Island here in Southern California:



My brother lives out there, and given what I've seen during my visits there, this ain't a lie.


(Picture from the Los Angeles Times)





Wow! It costs more than 3€/l we have never seen such price in France!!


American people must be very rich to be able to pay their gas... Moreover, I believe you must use very often your cars (maybe more than us) and american cars are not very ecologic...

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They use gallons in USA, in Europe it's litres. 1 gallon is 3.785...litres.

I guess the gas prices in France are around 1.4-1.6€/l. In example $6 for a gallon=1.58$/litre = 1.014€/l. So it should be cheaper than what you have in France.




Wow. The gas prices have continued rising everywhere (it's 1.58€/litre ~9.3$/gallon here), now I really start to feel bad for you Americans seeing as the price has about doubled (at least in some places) also considering (not to be rude or anything) how dependant you are on cars. Hopefully lasting and environmentally good solution will be found, even if it's quite difficult.

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  Théo the little french said:
Wow! It costs more than 3€/l we have never seen such price in France!!


American people must be very rich to be able to pay their gas... Moreover, I believe you must use very often your cars (maybe more than us) and american cars are not very ecologic...

Those prices are from a relatively small island off the coast of California - I don't imagine there is much demand nor competition to keep the prices low. The national average price is actually around $4 a gallon (almost 7 euros for 3.78L) with California prices being higher ($4.50-$5 a gallon)

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  Tömmioh said:


They use gallons in USA, in Europe it's litres. 1 gallon is 3.785...litres.

I guess the gas prices in France are around 1.4-1.6€/l. In example $6 for a gallon=1.58$/litre = 1.014€/l. So it should be cheaper than what you have in France.


Oh! Thanks for your explanations! I didn't know they use the gallons: I think I've never been told of that at school lol.

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  RenegadeFan said:
...Plus we're trying to start having more green cars, but most won't be available to the public (like the Ford Escape Hybrid that plugs into the wall and the Hydrogen Fuel Cell ones) until 2010 and beyond. At least we're trying.


This is something that makes me sick: every car manufacturers know about the gas price, and they propose "green cars" for minimum 2010 or more! They don't understand they must act now! Moreover, they find many "false reasons" to keep fuel cars.

I mean for instance: electric cars: we control this technology since so much years, and nowadays these cars are almost perfect! As fast as a normal car, far away cleaner, easy to recharge, but to constructer's view, 200km of autonomy is not enough (fore sure me we drive more than 200km per day! lol), or another pretext, it's not enough powerful (they want cars as powerful as an Aston Martin or a Ferrari wich is completely useless!). And because such pretext, they don't want to sell electric cars and this is very sad.


Fortunately, Smart (Do you know this mark in US?) is going to sell their first electric cars in 2010. Maybe this is the beginning of the electric cars age?^^

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Suuure... we could find ways to reduce demand, like reform archaic zoning laws, invest in public transit, and be more educated that the 'American Dream' is for one to find on their own, that it doesn't have to be bland subdivisions and gas guzzlers to make you feel good.


Until then...


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  Top Thrill Dragster said:
$4.59. F***ing ridiculous.


Whats sucks is, while the government has nothing to do with the high gas prices in most places, in CA they do.


Before i didn't really care, but now i find it quite annoying that we have these cleaner gas standards that not only gives us worse quality gas, but at a price well above the rest of the country's.




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"I grew up at the wrong damn time...I remember when I was like 9 or 10 my mom would fill her car up for $10...it takes me like $35." (Josh Linn)


I always laugh when people say things like that because they forget that people earned less back then. I'm not justifying today's high prices, but you have to remember that most of the time, things are relevant.



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