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Most Intense B&M!

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As someone who hasn't rode Kumba, what makes it so special compacted to other similar coasters built around the same time? (Ie. Bizzaro SFGAdv, Rougarou, Riddler's). From POVs, I can't tell much of a difference.

That Zero G Roll at the last car far left seat made the difference.


Also, feels like other B&M's goes through the elements, Kumba PULLs through the elements.

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I love this roller coaster hobby simply because it is funny when you feel so out of step with everyone else.

In this case..both myself and the missus found Kumba to be "Meh". That is in no way a comment on the ride...just we didn't find it that impressive.

Oh well....for this thread....I think the pretzel loop on Tatsu is the most intense moment I have felt on a B and M...followed by the first drop on Leviathan.

In terms of overall ride?? Tatsu...but then I think flyers are probably my favourite type of coaster.

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I love people's different opinions too I think Kumba was very high for intensity for me, but I think Dragon Khan seemed more intense when I rode it a couple of years ago. I think the Batmen are very intense too, and Black Mamba is one of the more intense coasters B&M have built in the last few years. When it opened it was OK, but it has really matured into a really fantastic ride! The first half of Hulk was very intense, and it will be interesting to ride it when it reopens to see whether they have taken the bite out of the transitions

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I used to think Kumba blew every other B&M away in the intensity department but after riding Montu in the back row I think it's right up there with it. Those 2 blow everything else away and I'm so jealous of BGT for having a 1-2 punch like that.

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Personally, I didn't find Kumba to be particularly intense. It was a decent coaster, but I didn't really find much about it to be better than a lot of other looping B&M's. I found both Kumba and Montu to be a bit overrated. Maybe the days I visited the park were off days?? Side note - I found Fire Dragon to outrank Montu as well.


I found these elements to be more intense than Kumba:

- Nitro's upward helix

- Tatsu's pretzel loop

- Fire Dragon's immelman/helix

- Incredible Hulk's first half

- Montu's batwing

- Flight Deck

- Kraken's turn after the cobra roll

- Any Batman The Ride

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I second on Kumba and Montu being the most intense, especially in the last row. By far some of the most forceful moments I've experienced on any coaster. Dominator, Thunderbird, Hulk and Chinese Fireball get honorable mentions as well.

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I always wonder why everyone says Nitro's helix is so intense. I suppose compared to the rest of the ride it is this moment of relentless positive G's but its nothing like what I feel during Superman's pretzel loop. Lately on Nitro I've been trying to slap the supports during the helix. I probably shouldn't be able to but it feels like I can. No luck so far, but I'll let you guys know if my arms grow.

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Batman backwards in the last row (you can see the track you just passed).

It's hard to tell if I'm saying this purely based on "potential nausea" factor, but unlike any other ride I've ridden every single moment feels like you're in the middle of a really intense part. You know what I'm talking about... not like "Holy crap sustained g's can't move," kinda thing, but always bracing and clenching my jaw and fingers on the grab bars. It's almost like I was constantly preparing for an old-school B&M corkscrew where you bring your head down a bit and lean in to avoid headbanging, but then it's baby-a$$ smooth and you have no idea what direction you're going or what just happened. I can't imagine this on a coaster that lasts more than about 40 seconds start to finish, but any coaster that does isn't as intense as Batman. Huh.


I probably completely butchered explaining that... but forwards Batman is pretty damn intense too.

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