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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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They are due some county fair updates. Maybe a couple of flats?

Yup that's what I just thought about in my post.. a couple new flats would be pretty sweet.. country Fair is looking a little aged again while the rest of the park is much much nicer


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1993: The Fun Country area is renovated into The Country Fair, featuring three new rides: The Wonder Wheel, a 60 ft (18 m) tall Ferris wheel; Twist and Shout, a "Scrambler" ride; and the Tennessee Twister, a tilt-a-whirl


12 Years


2005: The Country Fair area is renovated to include 10 new rides: Dizzy Disk, the Amazing Flying Elephants, Lemon Twist, Shooting Star, Sky Rider, Veggietales Sideshow Spin children's roller coaster, Waltzing Swinger, Piggy Parade, Busy Bees, and Lucky Ducky.


12 Years

2017- Update to country Fair????

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I mean, the last time I was there (late 2015) Country Fair still looked pretty good.



It's not really bad shape, but they could change out a few rides to say they updated it. Also wouldn't be surprised if they didnt add another family ride near thunderhead or up near mountain slidewinder. They need a few more family ride throughout the park.

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^ I can't disagree. During their Christmas event when the water rides are closed the entire park seems to consist of nothing but coasters with the exception of the Screaming Swing and the kids climbing tower thing. The fact that every flat ride is isolated in a relatively ugly offshoot of the main park loop has always been incredibly odd to me.

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I got theses pictures from the dipin dots guy who got them from someone that took pictures behind the park of some new flat rides for next year!!!!!


Rumor has this going in the place of Timber Tower


Near Mtn. Sidewinder


Near Lightning Rod

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Hey Coasterking - thanks a ton for posting the pictures from your trip! Those are some great shots of Firechaser Express along with the other rides. I'm glad it seems like you had a good time. Dollywood is one of my favorite places anywhere.

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We also did the Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster as well. I liked it, although, thanks to the trims, it wasn't as "out-of-control" feeling as I was expecting. Still fun, but the $15 price tag is a bit steep.


Same day re-rides are cheaper though. Just show your ticket from earlier. You can even rotate the ticket between people.


TH could use a renovation, and with LR running it might happen. Still not as as rough as many woodies I've been on.

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Hey Coasterking - thanks a ton for posting the pictures from your trip! Those are some great shots of Firechaser Express along with the other rides. I'm glad it seems like you had a good time. Dollywood is one of my favorite places anywhere.

Thanks! It's absolutely one of my favorite parks I've been to. I figured with Lightning Rod sorta open, it was finally time for a visit.


We also did the Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster as well. I liked it, although, thanks to the trims, it wasn't as "out-of-control" feeling as I was expecting. Still fun, but the $15 price tag is a bit steep.


Same day re-rides are cheaper though. Just show your ticket from earlier. You can even rotate the ticket between people.


TH could use a renovation, and with LR running it might happen. Still not as as rough as many woodies I've been on.


We had thought about doing the same day reride (I think it was like $8 or something), but ultimately decided against it. And yes, Thunderhead is nowhere near being the worst or roughest coaster I've ridden. It just felt like it could've been better

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Very interesting.. a surprise announcement?? Wonder if it might have to do with the extended hours next October as well? Everyday 10:00 - 9:00 means they have something up their sleeves


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If this involves a ride I will be very surprised. They haven't waited this long for an announcement since the 90's, IIRC. October/November announcements are almost exclusively about shows and festivals.


I certainly wouldn't mind a drop tower in the timber tower spot just to put an end to that line of ceaseless speculation.

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If this involves a ride I will be very surprised. They haven't waited this long for an announcement since the 90's, IIRC. October/November announcements are almost exclusively about shows and festivals.


I certainly wouldn't mind a drop tower in the timber tower spot just to put an end to that line of ceaseless speculation.

I still think a Drop Tower will go in Timber Towers place sometime and "drop in" could be hinting towards one BUT I agree with you.. I bet this has to do with a new festival and my money is still on October.. I bet they are announcing a new festival for October, because they know people are going to see the drastic change in hours.. they might also mention why the are going to be open until Midnight a few weekends.


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Edited by dstephe9
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The words "Drop In" still have me intrigued.. Dollywood always uses sayings to hint at new rides.. I really think the announcement won't be about a ride due to it being so late in the season but still I don't see how "Drop In" has to do with a festival or anything.. pretty excited, going to be a long night lol


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The words "Drop In" still have me intrigued.. Dollywood always uses sayings to hint at new rides.. I really think the announcement won't be about a ride due to it being so late in the season but still I don't see how "Drop In" has to do with a festival or anything.. pretty excited, going to be a long night lol


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They also said their guests would "fall in love" in 2017. "Drop"? "Fall"? Sounds like a drop tower to me


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