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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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  SharkTums said:
^^Google Plus still exists!!?!?


I still don't like looking at the site where such a great ropes course/structure was located and seeing it just gutted.



Here's some footer placement just posted to their Google plus page too! I guess someone's still using it


Looks like today was "footer Friday," and here's the link to their post: https://plus.google.com/116429753462431227403/posts/RECAmK559Rm


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  ernierocker said:
  vrf19977 said:
I'm gonna be heading to Dollywood the week of Oct 14-18 (not sure which day yet) while my family's vacationing in Murphy, NC. It'll just be me, my hubby, and our 13 year old son. I'm a coaster freak, and cannot wait to try Thunderhead and Wild Eagle! I'm a little worried about being a "plus size" rider... so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I'm currently losing weight (just implemented some major lifestyle changes about a month ago, hooray!), but I worry that I'm not losing it quickly enough for our trip. I guess the only way to know for sure, is to put my hiney on a ride and see what happens... scary thought lol.


If anyone knows the park well and has some tips to throw at me, please do!


First off, the park will be closed October 17th, so be sure to note that when you are planning your vacation.


I would recommend going on either the 15th or 16th. Crowds should be light especially for the rides. Be ready to enter the park about 15 minutes before park opening and you should be able to get on all of the coasters with little to no wait. You can start with Thunderhead and just make a clockwise loop around the park where you will pass all of the coasters besides the kiddie one.


Good luck on fitting on the coasters and glad you are taking the initiative. You can celebrate making it on all of the rides by treating yourself to some cinnamon bread. Believe me, it will be worth it!


Thanks for the tips! I did see that it'll be closed on Thursday the 17th. Definitely agree that a weekday visit will help lessen the crowds. Praying for good weather that week


I've lost about 4 lbs this week, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Hopefully, I can keep up the progress until we go!


I think we're gonna ride Blazing Fury first, just cause we all get nervous on new coasters, so we usually start with some wimpy ride just to get warmed up lol. After that, we'll try to hit Thunderhead next!


Thanks again for the tips

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  GrapesLie said:
So turns out wild eagle does not have big boy seats. Sigh im literally a half inch from fitting.


I don't suppose you'd be willing to disclose your size (like waist measurement)? I'm worried about fitting, too... trying to lose a few more lbs in the weeks I have left before I go.

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DId season passes go up for 2014?? A regular season pass with tax is $94 (84 before tax) now according to my renewal offer I received in the mail today.. Gold Pass seems to be the same price I have been paying but I can't remember ever paying $94 for a regular season pass!!!

Edited by dstephe9
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^In the past, you have been able to upgrade to a season pass for $25 during Christmas in the Smokies. So, even with a One-Day ticket that would be cheaper than that advertised price. Be interesting to see now if they charge more for the upgrade.

Edited by ernierocker
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Exactly, that's why I noticed that renewal price and thought it was high.. Again, I have a gold pass and it seems to be the same that I have paid the past year or so..


Edit: After reviewing my receipt from last year, it looks like there is also a $5 price dif for the gold pass this year. At least from what I paid last season during my renewal

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Dollywood just posted a teaser of the animated POV for FireChaser Express.



According to their Facebook page post here they will continue to post teasers until the full POV video is released on October 9th.

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I'm surprised construction is not further along than what it is. It seems like they started quite late. What is the projected opening of Firechaser? I know usually April or May. It just seems significantly behind where it should be.

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  UrbanLegend said:
In case people haven't checked Screamscape today, Wild Eagle and Thunderhead are closed down because there are too many bees swarming at the tops of the lift hills.


I've heard that Intimidator at Carowinds had a problem with bees swarming at the top of the lift hill beefore. (sorry, couldn't help myself ) Why on earth do they do that? The park's out in the middle of the woods, why do they feel the need to do that at the top of a 100+ foot steel/wood structure? I get that it's bee season, but...WHY???


I'm actually curious about this now. As someone who loves roller coasters but HATES bees I'd love to know why they like it up there so much.

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  2012jarrett said:
  UrbanLegend said:
In case people haven't checked Screamscape today, Wild Eagle and Thunderhead are closed down because there are too many bees swarming at the tops of the lift hills.


I've heard that Intimidator at Carowinds had a problem with bees swarming at the top of the lift hill beefore. (sorry, couldn't help myself ) Why on earth do they do that? The park's out in the middle of the woods, why do they feel the need to do that at the top of a 100+ foot steel/wood structure? I get that it's bee season, but...WHY???


I'm actually curious about this now. As someone who loves roller coasters but HATES bees I'd love to know why they like it up there so much.



My guess is it is wasps, not bees, and they've built nests on the underside of the lift hill.


I have a solar panel next to my house and the flat metal attracts numerous wasp nests every year. I leave them alone and they leave me alone. But the rattle of the train probably has the wasps thinking their nest is being attacked, and being attacked by wasps is not fun. Being strapped into the train would make it even less fun.


I saw a video once (unauthorized, sorry) of Griffon that showed wasp traps on the catwalk just before the first drop. I've used them and they are very effective and non-toxic to passersby. I don't understand why Dollywood wouldn't use them if they have a wasp problem with their coasters. Wasp traps don't trap honeybees and honeybees rarely attack people.


Wasps are usually the pests swarming around trash cans where sugary stuff has been thrown in, they're also much more aggressive than most honeybees.


Wasps and yellow jackets are most aggressive at the end of the summer, early fall, since they're storing up food for the winter. Yellow jackets are the ones that live in the ground where you don't see their nest until you step on it (or run a lawn mower over it).

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