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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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It looks like someone needs the Pierogi map.



Seriously, get the Pierogis but ONLY from this place.


I also highly recommend Cesari's Pizza (over by the Paratrooper) and the Ice Cream Waffles (also kind of by the Paratrooper but closer to the stream). Don't eat at the pavilion near Phoenix. It's not bad but it's nothing special. And again... make youre you're getting the right Pierogis. lol


PS: Pick up a Snickerdoodle cookie from the Loaf also. It's the place that looks like a giant piece of bread near the Galleon.

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I agree Cesari's is good, but it seems like I've made a big mistake to miss the pierogis every time I've been. I'll fix that next time I visit.


I also like the Around the World food court in the back of the park. So many great options at such a low price.

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Does the park ever close for weather / rain in the forecast on a weekend? I know smaller parks (fantasy island cough) can be notorious for doing so but don't know how knoebels stacks up. Are they good about announcing it ahead of time or early in the morning, if they do? Is there a possibility they will close early?


Looking to do a park on Sunday, but with snow/rain in the forecast for Wonderland, and rain & cold everywhere else all weekend, I'm not sure where to take the risk just yet. Thoughts? It's a 4 hour trek for me so I want to make sure the rides stay open and the park won't close on me if I decide to go. Rain isn't an issue for me, but maybe it is for them and/or the rides.


Ultimately I'd hate to make it two weekends in a row that I don't make it to a park. Plus I got perogies to eat

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Flying Turns sometimes closes in the rain. Something to do with the trough being too slippery.

Basically, the trains have a pretty small window of speed / time stamps that they're allowed to be within for Flying Turns to run. If the coaster is going too fast or too slow they pull the fast / slow train or shut the entire thing down until conditions improve.

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Does the park ever close for weather / rain in the forecast on a weekend? I know smaller parks (fantasy island cough) can be notorious for doing so but don't know how knoebels stacks up. Are they good about announcing it ahead of time or early in the morning, if they do? Is there a possibility they will close early?


Looking to do a park on Sunday, but with snow/rain in the forecast for Wonderland, and rain & cold everywhere else all weekend, I'm not sure where to take the risk just yet. Thoughts? It's a 4 hour trek for me so I want to make sure the rides stay open and the park won't close on me if I decide to go. Rain isn't an issue for me, but maybe it is for them and/or the rides.


Ultimately I'd hate to make it two weekends in a row that I don't make it to a park. Plus I got perogies to eat


Knoebels doesn't generally close for weather unless the park is flooded. I'd keep an eye on the forecast, but a little to the east it actually looks like a beautiful day (cloudy but no rain in the forecast for Dorney and sunny at Great Adventure) so (I can't believe I'm saying this), you could always consider Dorney if there's a big difference in weather. I'd avoid Great Adventure like the plague since it's a Bring a Friend Free Day, I just brought it up to point out the fact that if this line shifts at all the forecast at Knoebels could easily change for the better and I think it's likely that it will.

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Does the park ever close for weather / rain in the forecast on a weekend? I know smaller parks (fantasy island cough) can be notorious for doing so but don't know how knoebels stacks up. Are they good about announcing it ahead of time or early in the morning, if they do? Is there a possibility they will close early?


Looking to do a park on Sunday, but with snow/rain in the forecast for Wonderland, and rain & cold everywhere else all weekend, I'm not sure where to take the risk just yet. Thoughts? It's a 4 hour trek for me so I want to make sure the rides stay open and the park won't close on me if I decide to go. Rain isn't an issue for me, but maybe it is for them and/or the rides.


Ultimately I'd hate to make it two weekends in a row that I don't make it to a park. Plus I got perogies to eat


we were there a couple of years ago, and it POURED. .I mean, like flooding pouring.. . and everyone just hung out inside shops/under the covered picnic areas for about an hour, all the water drained, and everything other than Flying Turns opened right back up.


go, if you get the chance, there's stuff to do, even if it rains.

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Honestly I'm cool with spending $40 on fascination and perogies instead of a wristband -- right now it looks like it will be between Kennywood and Knoebels.


I would go to Great Adventure but we went 2 weeks ago and is the only park we've done this year so far. Need a little variety especially since the park was EMPTY when we went... we wouldn't want to go on a BAFF after just being there with no waits. Plus it's out of 'day trip' distance and I wouldn't want to pay for a hotel again and all that fun stuff. I'm in Buffalo and consider the 4 hour mark (Knoebels and Cedar Point) the farthest for driving somewhere and back the same day.


I guess I'll just keep an eye out on the weather as it gets closer and make a decision from there. Thanks guys!

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My family and I are heading out to Knoebels and a couple other places (Centralia has always been on my bucket list) and are seeking advice on places to stay near Knoebels. We're not going to be staying at the campground or in the houses on the site, and was wondering if there are any nice-ish hotels nearby that are within 20 mins from Knoebels. If you know anything about the area that would be great.

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I know you won't believe me because it's a Super 8, but the Super 8 in Danville is way too nice to be a Super 8 and I highly recommend it. If you want something a little higher end then stay at Comfort Suites in Lewisburg. Hotels near Knoebels are hard to come by though, you really need to head back near I-80.


As for Centralia, it's incredibly cool and I highly recommend it. Back in February there were a bunch of news stories about how PennDOT has requested that they step up enforcement about trespassing on the abandoned highway but I don't know if they're actually doing it. I highly doubt it.

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Stayed at the Pine Barn inn last time I was there. Not the cheapest option but the place was immaculate and only 20 minutes away. Also next to a hospital if you're into that. Had a nice restaurant on site and was near a weis for the discount coupons.

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I'm looking in to the Pine Barn Inn right now, and I wanted to ask about the ticket situation. We'll be there in August, so the all day passes are available, but I don't know if just buying per ride with the Weis discount is a better gig. Any insight on that front?

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