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What is your favorite TV-series?


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What I watch...


1. The Amazing Race (next week is the finale, woo!)

2. Grey's Anatomy

3. America's Next Top Model

4. Little People Big World

5. If I can't find anything else on I'll watch reruns of Trading Spaces or some other design or home repair show on TLC or Discovery Home.


I too liked the first couple of episodes of Drive but was sad to hear that it was cancelled after only two airings. Fox is the freaking worse for doing that. I had no idea of when the actual show was coming on. They did the same exact thing to Firefly when it was on. Nathan Fillion just can't catch a break with the shows he gets cast in. But dang, he sure is freakin' hot.

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Greys Anatomy

Desparate Housewives


Americas Next Top Model (dont laugh, you know that the season marathons are addicting)

and anything on the Food Network

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My personal favourite is a show here called "The Chasers War on Everything"

Basically one of those shows that pokes fun at current events, and has become pretty popular here.

My personal favourite stunt is when they went to a rugby game and tried to sell fake weapons and balaclavas (in team colours) to the supporters of a team known for violence.

see http://www.abc.net.au/tv/chaser/war/video/default.htm

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  • 6 months later...

I really don't watch the telly at all but my sister buys the DVD box sets for some shows so I sometimes get sucked into those because there are no commercials, and you never have to wait to see what happens next! I'm sure there are probably better shows, but from what she bought, I am really into: Nip/Tuck, Friends, and Family Guy. However, out of the three... I would say Nip/Tuck is my favorite, hands down. Any Nip/Tuck fans here?

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Oh man. You're going to be so hooked. It's seriously the best show on TV right now, and the best one that's been on in the last couple of years.


It's actually based on a series of books, and from what I've read, it seems to follow the story line fairly well, and Michael C. Hall does an absolutely AMAZING job at the character. At first, it was really hard picturing him as a serial killer, based on his part in 6 feet under, but now his character in 6FU doesn't make any sense to me because I picture him as Dexter. (does that make sense?)


A couple of other good ones to check out are:



Weeds (obviously, though it's getting a bit boring now that they're trying to bring some drama to it..)


I also really like this show on MOJOHD called Three Sheets. It's all about drinking around the world.



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^^I agree with you. House is a great show. Although some of the medical cases are not very realistic, it is extremely entertaining and the characters work well together. It is leaps and bounds over Grey's Anatomy and I can't speak for ER as I have not seen enough of it to make an opinion.


My brother in-law works in an ER and watches it all the time. Thats how I started watching it. I wish the original three where still the main doctors. Forman is back but I wish Chase and Cameron where also. I dont like the new ones as much. I dont get why they arnt its not like they left the show they are still on every episode.

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