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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Dark Universe revealed!

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I love the idea but despise the name. It looks cool, exciting, and innovative, plus it's at my home park.


It is a Maurer X Media Coaster.


The theme seems bland but the only thing it's going to have to do with youtube is your "video". My biggest concern is could this affect the greatest thing ever....HHN?

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My biggest concern is could this affect the greatest thing ever....HHN?


I'd guess that the coaster could only "plus" HHN as there would be two coasters to ride instead of only one.

I was referring to how much they could do in the sound stages in construction. I know they are building a storage facility that basically will be a Carnage Warehouse but can hold two houses but with the new Starbuck's and Disaster we are down a possible two house locations and at least a confirmed one.

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I was referring to how much they could do in the sound stages in construction. I know they are building a storage facility that basically will be a Carnage Warehouse but can hold two houses but with the new Starbuck's and Disaster we are down a possible two house locations and at least a confirmed one.


Who says they couldn't build a house in Starbucks? Coffee of the Damned. And they built the houses in the Earthquake extra queue with Earthquake still running. Did they mess with the queue that much? As for HHN during construction, I guess they would have to do what they would probably do during normal hours, just divert traffic around it. If anything, it'd make the streets fun because the streets would be significantly smaller and probably the construction could be put to thematic use of being Fright Yard II in a way.

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^They put a decent amount of LARGE props in the Earthquake Queue. I'm pretty sure they could move it if need be.


Heck, let's look at this in a positive way and hope that they do the 'Both Parks Partially (or all the way) open' again this year!!!

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^They won't, at least not directly. I would believe, however, that Universal just lobbed Disney a soft ball for an announcement about a new and improved Space Mountain in 2009. That'd be my closest guess.


^^ Looking at that concept art, and I know it's only concept art, but could it be we have LED lit track? That would be awesome! The odds are for it being just a concept flair, but boy, that concept would be awesome.


^They put a decent amount of LARGE props in the Earthquake Queue. I'm pretty sure they could move it if need be.


Heck, let's look at this in a positive way and hope that they do the 'Both Parks Partially (or all the way) open' again this year!!!


That is true, but I don't see them as being a huge problem. They did add them, but that's what plywood walls are for. It could also be a fun challenge of trying to incorporate the big props into the maze itself. All those destroyed props and the big old cyber shark might take a whole new look in the dark. As much as the both parks idea would be awesome, first things first, we need a good theme. But this could be a whole other thread so I'll stop now.

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For those of you who are saying that the X-Cars are unconfortable, it may just be that particular coaster. Maurer Sohne has made advancements. For example, the X Coaster at Magic Springs is a really confortable ride, granted that the forces are a litte strong, but they can change that I'm sure. This ride looks really fun, and if it is a success then mabey we will be seeing more things from Maurer Sohne.

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Definitely a surprise as I thought it was going to be a junior B&M hyper. I must say though that I'm a bit worried about it being an X-car, but since the design has improved a lot since G-Force, this should be a good ride. However, X-Cars have pretty bad capacity-can't they only run one train because the lift is also the brake run?-, and the restraints are also supposed to be bad. However, I have confidence that Universal can fix these problems, and I'm just surprised the went with the ride they did.


However, I must say that the ride sounds like a lot of fun, and it will probably become one of the better Orlando coasters. Like Wes said, I'll wait for more renderings and statistics before I make any final decision on this ride.

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Is Tampa no longer considered "Central Florida?"

Isn't Tampa where the University of South Florida is?

Indeed it is, which has always made me laugh. I've always said they must not teach geography there. A blindfolded monkey could tell you that Tampa is in the middle, or "center" of the state.

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Hmmmm....Rockit sounds like a really fun coaster. Something tells me they got the name from a certain hated overlay at Disneyland.


It looks like the concept with Hollywood Dream: The Ride in USJ is being plussed to add loops and a vertical lift. This is something I'm looking forward to.

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I don't mind clones so long as they're copies of good rides. For example, every park needs an El Toro clone.


Funny, I was hoping for an El Toro clone where the IOA's Trike Encounter used to be.


Anyway, I hope this X-Coaster is a lot more comfortable than the one we rode on the UK trip. I found it hard to breathe when the restraints were on!

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I'm excited about this, I really didn't have a reason to go back to Universal again (didn't have a great time there...), but now I do!


Also, I've never been on an X-car coaster...

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It almost looks like the "HOLLYWOOD" sign letters are part of the theme design of this coaster if you look at the concept art. Anyone else see it?


Also, I certainly hope they don't forget a certain Herbie Hancock tune when they decide on the sound system's playlist.

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However, X-Cars have pretty bad capacity-can't they only run one train because the lift is also the brake run?


According to Universal, it can have 4 cars operating at the same time.


Is Tampa no longer considered "Central Florida?"

Isn't Tampa where the University of South Florida is?

Indeed it is, which has always made me laugh. I've always said they must not teach geography there. A blindfolded monkey could tell you that Tampa is in the middle, or "center" of the state.


Central Florida = Orlando Metropolitan Area


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