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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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"The most incredible theme park experience"? I don't know about that, but then again I've never been a HP fan. Never saw a movie, read a book or anything. Still, it might be interesting to see, but I know I'm going to hate whatever they've done to the Dueling Dragons!

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, I wish I cared even a little about this, but I don't like Harry Potter and I don't like the whole retheme with mystery dark ride.


We are planning on visiting in July but must admit looking forward to riding one fish two fish more than the Harry Potter area - just hope that they haven't screwed up DD too much as this would be a real downer.

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Universal Orlando has released an early image of the Room of Requirement, which will be the entrance to the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey attraction. Tomorrow, Universal Orlando will announce more details about the ride, as well as the official opening date for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.


Room of Requirement - Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

On Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey – the marquee attraction of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – guests will journey through iconic locations straight from the films, such as the Room of Requirement. This amazingly detailed scene is where guests board the groundbreaking ride and are drawn into the excitement and chaos of Harry’s life.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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That's just 1 part of the queue line... Wow, forget Dueling Dragon's old queue! If the rest of the queue is as beautiful as this, then we have a new winner for best queue line! Please, please tell me this is going to be open when I'm there in May. Tomorrow's announcement can't come soon enough.

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I am so confused already...is this going to appeal at all to people not into Harry Potter?


Also, is anyone else concerned they are hyping this even more than Alton Towers has hyped Thi3teen? My mom asked me about it the other day and was totally convinced that this was a whole Harry Potter park, with the marketing and commercials, I'm not surprised she feels that way and wonder if others will be disappointed when they go to IOA and find an area smaller than half an island themed to Harry Potter.

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^I agree with you on that. Every person ask me what is going to be in the "new Harry Potter theme park?" They seemed confused and letdown when I tell them it is a land inside the current park.


Good for them if they can get this thing open on time within the Spring opening time they announced.

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