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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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It doesn't sound like the hardware is changing much ... more of the preshow and overall theme.


Somewhat like what they did with Poseidon's Fury over at IOA years back. Just switch the storyline and add some light effects and presto - new attraction.


The orlando sentinel is reporting a December reopening ... that's too soon for any super huge.




They could have been changing things behind the scenes as well as thing the guests can not see at this time for a while now. Right?!

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I knew they were changing the preshow rooms but I hadn't heard anything else. Not sure what exactly they have in mind, but given the time frame, I seriously doubt it'll be extreme enough to really qualify as a new attraction.



read something about the possible closure and change to Hollywood Dream.


Earthquake is in San Francisco.

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I'm now disappointed I didn't ride this now when I was there, just to add to my stupidity of being to tired to go to Geauga Lake for the first time on the midwest trip (at least with that one, some of their best coasters will be on the East Coast trip).


Was Earthquake any good?

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As an Universal AP holder, one of the things that keeps me from riding this thing everytime I'm there is the semi-boring pre-shows. If there was a way to skip some of teh rooms & just ride the train, I would've done it more.


Though this was indeed a sudden closure. I was planning on going there this coming Monday and experiencing "the big one" (no sexual remarks please).


So I guess Charleston Heston is 86'd for Steve Carrell or something?

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Glad Earthquake! is getting some TLC. I don't expect much in changes aside from more explosions and possibly a cornier pre-show.


But hey, Earthquake is fun to go on once in a while. Maybe not an E-ticket ride, but still fun.

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According to Screamscape this morning:



2009 - Project Rumble - Rumor - (1/14/08) For all the Nay-Sayers out there who always think I’m full of crap, today we have the proof that Project Rumble is indeed a Maurer-Sohne coaster with a screen capture showing off the permit filed by Universal Orlando on 1/11/08 for the “Project Rumble Ride System” to contractor “Mauer Rides GmbH”. (Okay, technically they did misspell Maurer… )


If you click on the link above to Screamscape you can see the document that has been filed.


While you never know what may end up happening (I see projects get cancelled all the time) but as of now this project looks like it's a "go!"



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If project rumble does turn out to be that Dream Coaster they have in Japan I am SOOOO Excited!!!

I don't see it being that. First off, it's different manufacturers and from what has been rumored so far, this sounds more like a cross between a Gerstalauer Eurofigter (Mystery Mine, Speed) and an "X-Car" (Abismo)


If it goes through this will certainly be a VERY interesting project!



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I'm not really sold on this idea. Instead of shoehorning a coaster into this park, I can't help but think of a particular type of coaster that would fit so well in this place.....Aquatrax. Yeah, I know, but seriously, as much as I'd hate to lose the Martha's Vineyard area, imagine taking out that waste of space Jaws, and having something like Atlantis Adventure.


Obviously it's a pipedream, but I think it would compliment the park rather well. I just can't say I'm real psyched about the current project. But at least I've still got the Simpsons to look forward to!

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^ I agree. I just dont see the studios section having "those" type of attractons popping out over the park( and by those I mean coaster running thru the midway). I see that happening over at IOA(a la hulk). But a jaws themed aquatrax sounds sweet!

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^ See, I disagree only because having seen how they pulled it off at Universal Japan, I thought it worked *GREAT*


I would love to see Unviersal Orlando get something in the spirit of that ride, meaning not a "clone" (I'm happy to see this is something different) but in the same way they pulled off that coaster.


Hollywood Dream didn't really seem out of place at all, and I really thought having seen the pictures it would ruin the front entrance and side of the park. It doesn't at all.


And we know very little about this coaster. Who knows...how do we know it's not more like Mystery Mine partially enclosed?



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