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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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The ride is looking totally awesome. Just one more reason I wish I could visit Orlando this year.


Here is another question-How do you install station track when the station is already built and is "roofed" in? You can't crane it because there is no vertical access, you can't cart it in from the ground because there is supports on the ground.

My guess is that they could place the track on one of those elevator on wheels thingies that people use to get to high places, transfer the track on a cart, and wheel it in. Or maybe they already have track installed inside and you just can't see it. Or there could be a gap in the roof that they could use to crane the track in, but you just can't see it from the ground.


Hey if your excited about an out and back steel coaster which I see being built every few weekends, hey whatever. Some people like more intense rides, some don't.
You can't judge a coaster's intensity based on the pictures you've seen. And plus, I haven't seen many out and back steel coasters built lately besides Diamondback and Behemoth (which don't really count because most hypers are out & back) and Led Zeppelin (which could be considered an out and back, but I guess it depends on the person)
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^I think you have to be someone correct. I cannot imagine that they wheel it in and lift it up because there is going to be supports and controls beneath the station. I would like to think that we can't see something and that it would be easy for install or already installed. It will be interesting to see how it all gets finished.

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Big Mike is now OFFICIALLY a WINNER!!!


Even better, delivered right to Big Mike World Headquarters!!!


Universal must have just decided not to send me a confirmation email figuring that of course Big Mike would win



Hope everyone else gets theirs also!



Peace, Big Mike

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It appears Rockit construction has it a snag. No real progress has been made in almost a week now and the main crane is no longer near the tower (if it is, it is lowered or parked out of sight). Word on the street around Orlando is that something might be changed in regards to the way the lift works or such and that will set them back a few weeks. It may just be a rumor but easy to believe with the rate the thing has been going up that no big progress (in terms of track and such) has been made in almost a week.


I hate to bring the bad news so I'll end the post on a happy note - some pics.





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well been following this thread for a while and thought i would post, heading towards orlando in May for a trip and am looking forward to this coaster if it opens although not looking to good for me. im coming from australia and spending 9 days in orlando 7 days in disney and 2 days in universal so hope fully this opens in time but i doubt it.

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Word on the street around Orlando


May I ask what "street" you're getting your "word" from? They've been installing track in the station, so yes, there has been progress in the past week.


Installing in the station isn't what I was talking about (I'm well aware of the station and transfer track work). I said the lift. Like I said it is just a rumor around town about the lift not something that has been 100% confirmed but if you put a few things together it does appear to have something behind it. You don't bring in a huge crane and install half of a drop then stop and move the crane. I could be totally wrong but I've just heard talk and haven't seen any progress on the lift... I'll be back at the park today and try to get an update on things.

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^It might actually just be that they are moving the crane to the other side of the tower to finish installation of the lift track and the top of the first drop. I know I'm being optimistic but I really hope that's what it is lol.

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Word on the street around Orlando


May I ask what "street" you're getting your "word" from? They've been installing track in the station, so yes, there has been progress in the past week.


Installing in the station isn't what I was talking about (I'm well aware of the station and transfer track work). I said the lift. Like I said it is just a rumor around town about the lift not something that has been 100% confirmed but if you put a few things together it does appear to have something behind it. You don't bring in a huge crane and install half of a drop then stop and move the crane. I could be totally wrong but I've just heard talk and haven't seen any progress on the lift... I'll be back at the park today and try to get an update on things.


In other words, nobody really knows. Take what ever you hear "on the street" or from the popcorn vendor with a grain of salt, folks.

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Drove by the track storage area yesterday and there were about 5 pieces there, including two arched pieces that look to be the top of the lift hill, as well a couple straight pieces.


Unfortunate news if true regarding possible changes.


I don't see it that way.


So if they are (big if) making changes to the design, it may be that they're changing it for the better (powered launched anyone? (Hypothetical example)). Of course, it could be changed for the worse (making the lift/drop shorter (again, hypothetical example)).


All I'm saying is that if you're going to assume changes are being made, don't also assume that they're going to be negative changes. Of course, opening may be delayed, but if the end result is a better ride, then who cares?

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Word on the street here is that the reach envelope didn't clear over the top of the non-inverting loop. I think that's why construction has slowed. That could be wrong though.


Thanks for confirming that beemerboy I said to myself several times I really didnt think it could clear the top of the NILoop and im glad attention has been brought to that situation...


Jarvis "non-inverting loop fail!" Morant

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I'm not catching on to this problem.. How exactly is the reach envelope not clearing the top of the non-inverting loop?


The crash through the building isn't a huge problem... but if the track design is faulty.. BIG oops.


However, This isn't the first time that work has slowed down on this so I'm not overly concerned.


By the way.. there are some AMAZING hotel deals online in early/mid May if anyone is considering going to Orlando anytime soon.


Happy Spring!


Edit-- Oh, and where did this "shortening the lift hill" talk come in at?! lol.. I stop looking at this thread for a few days because of stupid arguing and now nothing makes sense to me!


Another Edit-- Weak! When did WESH move the webcam to face IOA and not USF?

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Take this however you want, but Universal filed their annual SEC report today, and no where within it is Rockit given it's usual "spring" opening date. Instead, we get general statements like:


Our newest coaster will open in 2009.


and a bit more specific:


A large portion of our estimated 2009 capital expenditures relate to the design and construction of our upcoming Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit attraction and the Wizarding World of Harry Potterâ„¢ themed area, which we anticipate opening mid-year 2009 and no later than the summer of 2010, respectively.
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