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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I wonder how this is gonna work. I reg my mom but.I know she isn't going but I wanna give the ticket to who ever comes with me. I wonder if they are checking ids to make sure the same address doesn't show up or for the actual names?

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I won too. I think I know where I'm going for my spring break!


EDIT: Scratch that, if I go during my Spring break (the first week in March), I won't get to ride Rip, Ride, Rocket. Looks like I'll be aiming for the fall.


Today's a good day!!


Amen to that! It's been a great day!

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Now I have to figure out a way to get down to Orlando this year!


Me too, hopefully my luck will continue tomorrow when I purchase my lottery tickets. I win, everyone on TPR with tickets or annual passes is invited to a hotel stay on my dime sometime in the after August.

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You know guys, I feel bad and partly responsible for the cut backs at universal if I accept this ticket...


Ahhhh well I'll get over it lol halloween horror nights just got to looking even better lol!


How much is a 2 park 7 day pass anyway?

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