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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Thanks for the Seuss Landing info. (I always forget to quote, and actually do not know how to double quote) I just read the WDW marathon TR by Nay, and she actually had a pic from Seuss Landing. What timing! I really didnt realize just how close they were to each other. I know they are next door, but I guess because we never see anything, it felt like a world away!


That one circular element looks like, its ...well, circular in that picture. LOL. It has that effect of looking like it is going to connect. (I know its not - for those of you who are thinking...what is she talking about?)


Thanks alot for those updates everyone!

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I have friends that worked or do work on the ride but thanks to dumb Harry Potter, they are also planning to make dueling dragons a quiddich match. Anywho I heard that "cdride" was going to affiliate with the cars or trains of this ride. I really think the X cars would be difficult to work with so they might have the new Maure Shone trains running on the track. I can't wait for them to put up this one-of-a-kind loop!! I have gone every sunday and trust me pictures do no justice. Can't wait to ride it!!!

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I haven't been on an X-car before anyway, so it will definitely be a new experience.


They're certainly a different experience, of PAIN. The restraints on these things are god awful. Say goodbye to your hip-bones!


Unless Maurer have sorted out the whole 'keeps locking further and further as the ride progresses' by the end of it you won't be breathing.

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I haven't been on an X-car before anyway, so it will definitely be a new experience.


They're certainly a different experience, of PAIN. The restraints on these things are god awful. Say goodbye to your hip-bones!


Unless Maurer have sorted out the whole 'keeps locking further and further as the ride progresses' by the end of it you won't be breathing.

Awh man don't tell me that!! Now i gonna contemplate with myself!!


btw-Is the hulk bumpy?

I haven't been on it yet.

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^ Not from what I've experienced it wasn't.


And we're planning to head down to Universal some time, can't wait to see this coaster...even if it's not finished by the time I'm there. Now I have a reason to go to the main park instead of IOA all the time. The only thing I really liked at the main one was Jaws and Earthquake (now called Disaster as all of you know. Lol)

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I can't say for sure that Maurer has officially changed the restraints, but I can tell you that the restraints on G Force were terrible, Abysmo was much better, and Formule X was amazing!


So maybe they've figured something out, or I just got better at understanding how to use those terrible restraints!

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I really hope this thing has some speed to it after the first set of brake runs...cause this has a lot of potential. It's a great looking coaster, and it's not even landscaped yet! Or the most impressive sections up!

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Johnny upsidedown has posted a new update. It looks great!!!


After checking out this update I am officially stoked to ride this coaster, it looks amazing! I definitely had my doubts about the theme of production central being ruined and I was worried that the layout was going to be unsatisfying, but WOW. HRRR completely fits in the surrounding area, the layout looks great (look at how steep the drops coming out of the brake runs are), and the coaster just looks stunning overall.


Now my only concern is... the restraints on the trains.

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I actually think it works well over there in Production Central. If it was in San Francisco/Amity I could see how it would ruin it. But previously there was just an empty boneyard sitting there amongst soundstages. I would much rather have Rockit looming above.


Absolutely. The Boneyard served its purpose for many a year but over time it became an eyesore. The new ampitheatre and the coaster will be much better for guest satisfaction.

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*Lift hill has had some work done, nothing major

*The sides of the stage are painted

*It looks like more stuff has been added to the ride building, what exactly I don't know.


They've been busy, it's shaping up, but as far as you guys are concerned nothing photo-worthy has happened.


New ticket booth ads too. Courtesy of NickC.



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^I'm really liking the HRRR ads. Full of energy and color. I'm seriously looking forward to riding this ride whenever the next time I'm able to get to Orlando is. Definitely excited to see the construction of the lift hill and non-inverting loop continue in the near future.

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There's been a low rumble in the Rumor Mill that the Island Skipper Tours might be returning once again to Islands.


If anyone remembers the iconic scene from the first Potter movie in which they arrive to Hogwarts by boat, then you'll understand what the significance of the rumor is. If they were to expand the current inlet from the Inland Sea going under the old JP/Lost bridge they can carve out a path through the pre existing foothills and all the way back to the castle, giving the illusion that your boat was navigating the cliffs at the base of the castle.


(Cause remember the castle is being built UPON the big ol' show box)


Direct transportation to the hot new attractions in the park would be an incredibly smart thing to do, especially seeing how they already have queue and a loading platform built and up to code


Construction around The Flying Unicorn has begun too.


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