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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I think they look pretty cool, but I guess 'pretty cool' doesn't sound quite as good in a press pack. Overall the presentation of the coaster is a lot better than I was expecting. I didn't really expect the amount of theming we got with the paddock, the rocks and enclosed sections. I'm really looking forward to it - although coaster-wise I feel there will be better opening next year, Velocicoaster definitely seems to be the full package.

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The trains look nice but they're not newsworthy, IMO.  They're prettier than most, I guess?

I'm just super-jazzed from the split-second POV shot in the video.  The themeing is pretty damn in-your-face on that launch.

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I haven't seen the Jurassic World movies (didn't interest me), but the train looks more like something out of TRON.  The "claw marks" on the front of the first car are a nice touch.

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^So I was talking to someone about this, and really a good chunk of the land is getting this new 'aesthetic' so it won't seem quite so out of place from the rest of the old school jungle themed Jurassic Park.  The Raptor Encounter already has this look and right across from that is the new ride so it will at least somewhat fit in.  I don't know if Universal is planning on redoing the rest of the island in this motif or just these two attractions. 

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3 hours ago, SharkTums said:

^So I was talking to someone about this, and really a good chunk of the land is getting this new 'aesthetic' so it won't seem quite so out of place from the rest of the old school jungle themed Jurassic Park.  The Raptor Encounter already has this look and right across from that is the new ride so it will at least somewhat fit in.  I don't know if Universal is planning on redoing the rest of the island in this motif or just these two attractions. 

I wouldn't be surprised if they redid River Adventure to match Hollywood's here in the next few years.

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Curious to if the design queues of the train will be referenced throughout the attraction/land or this another case of the creative lead getting hit with the shiny stick. Gets the best of them i tell ya. =)   Damn you shiny sticks! The claw marks look like an after thought of a all hands meeting.   Easy to produce based on the reliefs for tooling but appears as an afterthought.  2 cents and nothing more- would love to see the initial concepts. As for the track layout looks fun as hell. =) 

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^Everything new that has been built as a part of this expansion carries the Jurassic World styling in color scheme, logos and architecture. The new Raptor Encounter location ties into the Jurassic World style of the new coaster, while the rest of the land remains themed to Jurassic Park. 

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1 hour ago, jedimaster1227 said:

^Everything new that has been built as a part of this expansion carries the Jurassic World styling in color scheme, logos and architecture. The new Raptor Encounter location ties into the Jurassic World style of the new coaster, while the rest of the land remains themed to Jurassic Park. 

Technically the blend of themes fits since Jurassic World took place on Isla Nublar. But I agree that eventually they’ll change the whole island.

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2 hours ago, The username said:

So on the 21st, me and 2 others will be going to both parks. What can we expect? We will have fast passes, and all three of us are big into coasters. The last time I was there was spring of 2015 so it's been a minute.

Christmas break so it's going to be packed. Your one hope (other than getting Express pass, good call!) is that most of the passes are blocked out. Get there early!

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6 hours ago, The username said:

Thanks for the info, what do you mean by passes being "blocked out"? And how early do we want to be at the park?



There are at least four different levels of annual passes at Universal Orlando. Two of them (and the majority of pass holders) are blocked out these next two weeks. 

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3 hours ago, SharkTums said:


There are at least four different levels of annual passes at Universal Orlando. Two of them (and the majority of pass holders) are blocked out these next two weeks. 

Gotcha, we already have tickets purchased, so does that guarantee entry to both parks?  Or is it more of a race to capacity once the parks open?

Thanks for all yalls help!

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We were there a few weeks ago on a day where they hit capacity.

If you get there at park open you will be absolutely fine. If you scan in to one park you will generally be allowed to park hop though there may be a wait to do so. Luckily you have Express so you can just take the train and then you don’t have to worry at all.

We used a few Express lines that day and they were all insanely short. You’ll have a great time. 

Just make sure you check for Hagrid’s Virtual lines a bunch in the morning by refreshing over and over (it’s not on express and will be virtual). If that doesn’t work, be on that app at 11am on the dot and refresh a bunch. Make sure you’re not on a ride at 11am. Make sure you have access to your phone. You’ll easily get a time. Other than that you don’t have to worry about a thing because you have Express pass. I guess maybe try to make an advance dinner reservation in Citywalk if you care but that’s about it...

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1 hour ago, The username said:

We had a blast yesterday and even got to ride Hargird's at NIGHT which was a truly amazing experience. Velocicoaster looks fantastic as well and is gonna have me comming back sooner then expected. All in all great day!

Glad you had fun! I was checking wait times during the day and it seems like a very good plan the you had purchased the Express!

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I was interested in going to Universal on Tuesday Dec 29th and Wednesday Dec 30th. I am not interested in going if it will be super packed. I checked their website and prices for fast passes are insanely high for those days?? Does anyone have any insight on the price being so high? Do they expect huge crowds?

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6 hours ago, chschris1 said:

I was interested in going to Universal on Tuesday Dec 29th and Wednesday Dec 30th. I am not interested in going if it will be super packed. I checked their website and prices for fast passes are insanely high for those days?? Does anyone have any insight on the price being so high? Do they expect huge crowds?

They do indeed expect huge crowds.  The two weeks around Christmas + New Year's are some of the busiest times of the whole year, if not the most busy.   If you must go then express is pretty much your only hope.

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They have hit capacity the past four days, the most recent at 10:15 am I believe. Usually the week from Christmas to New Years is the busiest time of the year. Anyone in operations in Orlando refers to it as "hell week". I would expect them to hit capacity by 10am each day, but that's just a guess. Good luck!

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10 hours ago, chschris1 said:

I was interested in going to Universal on Tuesday Dec 29th and Wednesday Dec 30th. I am not interested in going if it will be super packed. I checked their website and prices for fast passes are insanely high for those days?? Does anyone have any insight on the price being so high? Do they expect huge crowds?

Load up the app. Lines have been CRAZY, and like others have said this week is usually less busy than next week although with them hitting capacity every day I assume it will just be more of the same. If you don't want to buy Express (and yes, it's like $200 a person due to crowds) then I would not visit next week. 

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