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Everything posted by Chiselphane

  1. I absolutely adore Tom Sawyer Island but I can't deny that it's not popular and the real estate will be better used for other things. I'm just sad I never got the chance to eat at Aunt Polly's. And Villains Land is a dream project so definitely no complaints there!
  2. I was going to ask for a documentary or at least 'inspired by' version of the true story behind Fire in The Hole at Silver Dollar City but it turns out there's already a Baldknobber movie from 2017, although it doesn't appear to be very good.
  3. Watched the POV of new Fire in the Hole on the main page here. I think they did a great job of keeping the original spirit of the ride but with some modern elements. I think some might complain they didn't change enough and I can kind of see that, but keeping it simple is probably better for them in the long run. It seems a shorter ride now? Might just be perception though. On a more personal level I'm super happy to see they kept the painting at the end of the ride of the guy with his foot sticking out, my kids always love trying to reach up and grab his foot as they pass under
  4. I really hope this works. I've wanted to go the park for a long time but I've been holding off because I want it to be the best it can be. And yes I know it's a great park LR or not but being there and not riding it, I know myself enough that it would bother me the entire time. Not least because it'd be a serious financial outlay for us so a return trip would not be guaranteed.
  5. The cave's first chamber is gigantic but there are some very tight spots further in. At the staging area, there's a simulation of the tightest point, so you could evaluate beforehand if you think you can manage it. It's about an hour tour. A lot of their coasters have been on one train operation for a long time now. The past few times I've been, ALL of them were on one train but I haven't been this year. This hurts Time Traveler really badly IMO, you'll get in line and it won't look too bad but then realize how sloooooowwly that line moves. Yes you will get soaked on the log flume. No single rider lines. You can buy a Trailblazer pass that does make a big difference for some rides but I never felt it was worth the cost. However, I believe you can purchase a single use pass for $15 and I can't deny I'd be tempted for Time Traveler, especially if I hadn't ridden it before. But I genuinely love the queue music so IDK
  6. Def going to check out that Top of the Rock tour, thanks for mentioning it. That sounds like it would be a great fit for us
  7. Not at all. It would fit with their aesthetic, and they don't have many dark rides . Bring it up to them! https://www.dollywood.com/contact-us/
  8. Ugh I feel your pain. We do like Stampede but I'm cheap so it's a very very rare visit. I'm always genuinely entertained by the slight insult of pig noises when they bring the main course out.
  9. They already have Dole Whip in the park, and now frozen cocktails? That sounds absolutely lovely for a break from the water park, will have to make sure to ask for an extra cup for mixing.
  10. That 'story' aka blog post is 5 years old and I wish I could bleach my mind of having read even a bit of it.
  11. I love Cabana Bay and never stay anywhere else, I even bought some shirts to match the aesthetic, but yeah if you want quiet, go elsewhere.
  12. They look a lot like the hiking trail shelters around here, with the sloped roofs and high windows. Feels a good fit for the resort.
  13. It puts that whole section of the park in a weird place though. Now there's no attractions in a pretty good sized chunk of land. At a stretch, the talking fountain? The speculation of the area being rethemed as a Legend of Zelda land is pretty neat and I'd love it, a lot of the existing stuff could be pretty much used as-is, but I dunno, I *like* that it's weird and its own thing; I like the shops you dont see in any other park (how many parks can you buy weapons at?!?), Mythos of course.
  14. Just saw that. Glad I got one last visit in when we went in February. Sad to see it go but also not terribly surprised.
  15. God no leave the parking lot alone, they'll use that as an excuse to charge even more to use it.
  16. Here we justify things of that nature as "We don't allow bad people to take away what we love". A big example is we are fans of Harry Potter and our family is full of every letter of LGBTQ. So despite JK not wanting my nephew to exist, we still went to Universal Orlando and enjoyed those sections of the park, because we weren't going to let her shittiness take that away from us.
  17. Management just announced that Wildcat will be closed for all of 2023 for restoration. Their wording implies it might stretch to 2024. "Since 1927, the Wildcat has delighted riders of all ages at Lake Compounce. It is an iconic part of our park's history, and we intend for it to be a cherished part of our park's future. With that in mind, our team has decided to begin a restoration project on the coaster that will create a more enjoyable experience for all riders. Wildcat will remain closed for the entirety of the 2023 season for the start of this improvement project."
  18. Well it's unavoidable as it's a completely political move from the get go. It's really difficult to speculate since it's such a unique situation. They are keeping the existing debt structure but it looks like they may use this new oversight to hit Disney in the wallet where they can. Stuff like the first responder pay increase mentioned in the article is a good example; it's a good idea and they deserve the pay, but Desantis and his like are operating out of spite, not good faith, so I think wariness is still warranted. This coming at the same time as the cast member pay disputes too.
  19. I'm with you on those sculptures, I'd be broke if they had versions for sale. I LOVE that sort of thing. Kaa is the snake's name.
  20. "In that spirit, we are proud to share with you the introduction of state-of-the-art gaming and e-sports arenas and lounges at select parks later this year." How can they possibly think this is a good idea. I truly do not get it. Not saying I don't get gaming lounges, they are a fairly sound business on their own if you have a big enough market. But within a theme park? An arcade makes sense, short term impulse play etc but that's not what these are. Grasping at straws I suppose I could see an arena in a market that didn't have one, maybe thats what the 'select parks' is getting at.
  21. My youngest and I visited UO and IAl from 2/12 to 2/15, staying yet again at Cabana Bay. About half of my visits to the parks have been in February and it was a great time to visit, but that may no longer be the case. The 13th and 14th were extremely busy, I'd say the 13th rivaled summer crowds to the point I bought Express passes for the first time I've ever been visiting the parks. The 14th was a bit better but definitely not low crowds, and the morning of the 15th seemed similar. Apparently it quieted down later in the week so maybe just bad luck on my part but this was my son's birthday trip and it was a bit of a downer to be so crowded on his first trip to the park, although we made the best of it. Everything was running except Jurassic Park River Adventure since it's under refurbishment. Hagrid's never went below 80 minutes that we saw but Velocicoaster was surprisingly under 30 rather frequently and it's just as amazing as everyone has said. Most of my pictures are of my son, and most of the ones that he's not in are ones you've all seen a million times before, so just a small selection of things I found interesting: Since we almost always visit off season, I dont get to see the parks at night very often; they really do a wonderful job of lighting. Badgers! The water tunnel in Poseidon is still awesome, my son was in awe. Spiderman queue has such great stuff in it. One thing I discovered is the Express line goes through a couple unique rooms that you'd never see in the normal line, so that was pretty cool. Didn't take the sting off the extravagant (for us) expense but you take what you can get. Celestina and the Banshees bringing the fire as always. We also sat for the Three Brothers puppet show, just such a great story. Despite the business of the parks, we took time for Jurassic Playground. My son would have spent half a day just in there. A real plant finding purchase on the fake roots and rockwork. Life finds a way. Mardi Gras was in full swing. Secret evil avocados are best avocados. Most of the Simpsons area staff are actually really nice; one of the guys running the games was helping kids out, etc. My timing was just a second or two off but got this clip from the line of Pteranodon Flyers with both coasters hitting their high points at the same time. 20230215_081801.mp4
  22. Nothing in the park for Valentines Day at least that I saw, although it was so freaking busy I might have missed something >< Will do a better report later
  23. What's the hurry, they have to wait for the trees they planted to grow first. Locally sourced wood and all that
  24. I like the concept of pre shows but the execution is almost always lacking, and most of the time the crowd talks over it anyways. Not that I expect rapt silence but you know what I mean. We'll be in the park a few days next week so I'm kind of glad it's running, I havent been since Hagrids or Velocicoaster have opened, so at least getting the 'full experience'. Does Universal do anything for Valentine's Day? I'd assume no since Mardi Gras stuff going on.
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