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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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At first I really didn't have much interest in this ride, mostly because of some of the epic failures Maurer Söhne came up with before but also because it seemed like a Orlando Tourist Magnet type ride, but now that I've seen some of the actual track work I have to admit, this ride is really impressing me.

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^ That's sorta what I was wondering when I read that as well. Maurer Sohne seems to really be one of the 'hot' designers right now, and it certainly doesn't seem like they've epic-failed on anything. Unless there's something I'm missing?


Rockit's pacing might be weird because of all the blocks but an epic fail that does not make, at least in my opinion.



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Drayton's G-Force is one of the worst rides ever, thanks to the X Car restraints and that funky, inverted lifthill.


However, Formule X, a launched X Car coaster, is a great little ride. So, I'm glad that Universal decided to get away from B&M (as much as I like their rides) for this project.

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According to some people, Universal wanted B&M for this initially, but they weren't going to be able to meet Universal's need date by a long shot. Although, I'm kind of wondering if Maurer can meet that date now? Still, I'm really excited about this ride, especially the first half!

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Eeek! It looks like the Potter box could possibly be larger than my beloved Indy box! I can't believe I'm this excited about a ride where a) I don't like Harry Potter at all, and b) we don't really know what it is yet... Still excited though, with visions of Kuka arms dancing in my head.

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