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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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^^Universal has not announced whether the videos will be priced or not. There is some described cability of uploading your ride video (after being able to edit it yourself) to major video sites like Youtube, but not much is known otherwise.


Hollwood Rip, Ride Rockit will open and close within the hours of operation of Universal Studios--just because the ride exits the park, it is still considered an attraction of the park which will only operate during the hours offered with the park itself.


If any attraction was to be removed to make way for the coaster, it would have been done a while ago, so the answer to your question is no. Mind you, any future attraction closures or removals will be announced by Universal if they are to happen.


I'm not sure what you mean by release date, but I'll assume you are referring to an opening date... There is not an opening date (that I know of) for the ride, as it will all depend on the pace of the construction and eventual testing. It was speculated earlier that the ride would be open for Grad Bash, but since it has been removed from the event's page, I doubt it will make it.


Most of the information you are looking for can be found within this thread... You just need to read and search for it!

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Those are some great pictures! Thanks for sharing.


I am getting so excited to ride this coaster this summer, it's amazing how much more thrilling it looks now that it's being constructed then it did when it was announced.


Since pictures don't usually do coasters justice, how massive does this look in person?

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Okay this is to the person who replyed to my post with the snooty Universal Hasnt Released anything, btw sweet pics but I asked for the latest rumors. Like does anybody know the release date of the Coaster or the TIMEFRAME and the latest about dvds able to be sold Rumors since I Have to explain myself. And has anybody notice if you can buy a dvd for the Hulk Camera testing. I was hoping for the coaster to be done by Mardi Gras cus im planning on coming for Feb 7th (the parade) Feb 28th (Pat Benatar) and the March or april date for Collective Soul. This is my first MG and im hoping the Hollywood Bowl will do it justice. And a earlier post suggested a Fast and Furious ride, now I have rode Hanna Barbera and JN (im 16 will be 17 in FEB) and personally I would love to see a FnF Ride........... Go Nitro Boost Go.......65 78 88mph!!!!!!! i was also sadden by the loss of BTTF , Kong was too much of a kiddie ride. And i was a kid riding Kong bored as hell. Sry for the super blog post but just getting excited for my.

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First big coaster (I Started going to UO IN 2000 didnt have the balls to ride Hulk till 04, Cuz after riding RotM My uncle said the launch isnt difference and as much as he was wrong it got me on Hulk and still ride it every time I Go) (Also I rode Dueling Dragons (ice) in 2000 and almost slipped out of my chair) Come on HRRR..... damn I need a deLorean......hey..... there is still one......nah im not that crazy...... (thinks about stealing delorean) . Obvious Sarcasm no need to get FBI on me... or body collectors, (been going to HHN since 04) Besides i need old Biffs cane cant let them know it was me

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Okay this is to the person who replyed to my post with the snooty Universal Hasnt Released anything, btw sweet pics but I asked for the latest rumors. Like does anybody know the release date of the Coaster or the TIMEFRAME and the latest about dvds able to be sold Rumors since I Have to explain myself. And has anybody notice if you can buy a dvd for the Hulk Camera testing. I was hoping for the coaster to be done by Mardi Gras cus im planning on coming for Feb 7th (the parade) Feb 28th (Pat Benatar) and the March or april date for Collective Soul. This is my first MG and im hoping the Hollywood Bowl will do it justice. And a earlier post suggested a Fast and Furious ride, now I have rode Hanna Barbera and JN (im 16 will be 17 in FEB) and personally I would love to see a FnF Ride........... Go Nitro Boost Go.......65 78 88mph!!!!!!! i was also sadden by the loss of BTTF , Kong was too much of a kiddie ride. And i was a kid riding Kong bored as hell. Sry for the super blog post but just getting excited for my.


First big coaster (I Started going to UO IN 2000 didnt have the balls to ride Hulk till 04, Cuz after riding RotM My uncle said the launch isnt difference and as much as he was wrong it got me on Hulk and still ride it every time I Go) (Also I rode Dueling Dragons (ice) in 2000 and almost slipped out of my chair) Come on HRRR..... damn I need a deLorean......hey..... there is still one......nah im not that crazy...... (thinks about stealing delorean) . Obvious Sarcasm no need to get FBI on me... or body collectors, (been going to HHN since 04) Besides i need old Biffs cane cant let them know it was me


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Okay this is to the person who replyed to my post with the snooty Universal Hasnt Released anything, btw sweet pics but I asked for the latest rumors. Like does anybody know the release date of the Coaster or the TIMEFRAME and the latest about dvds able to be sold Rumors since I Have to explain myself. And has anybody notice if you can buy a dvd for the Hulk Camera testing. I was hoping for the coaster to be done by Mardi Gras cus im planning on coming for Feb 7th (the parade) Feb 28th (Pat Benatar) and the March or april date for Collective Soul. This is my first MG and im hoping the Hollywood Bowl will do it justice. And a earlier post suggested a Fast and Furious ride, now I have rode Hanna Barbera and JN (im 16 will be 17 in FEB) and personally I would love to see a FnF Ride........... Go Nitro Boost Go.......65 78 88mph!!!!!!! i was also sadden by the loss of BTTF , Kong was too much of a kiddie ride. And i was a kid riding Kong bored as hell. Sry for the super blog post but just getting excited for my.


First big coaster (I Started going to UO IN 2000 didnt have the balls to ride Hulk till 04, Cuz after riding RotM My uncle said the launch isnt difference and as much as he was wrong it got me on Hulk and still ride it every time I Go) (Also I rode Dueling Dragons (ice) in 2000 and almost slipped out of my chair) Come on HRRR..... damn I need a deLorean......hey..... there is still one......nah im not that crazy...... (thinks about stealing delorean) . Obvious Sarcasm no need to get FBI on me... or body collectors, (been going to HHN since 04) Besides i need old Biffs cane cant let them know it was me






that made my day.

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Also i was holding back it but, Check out www.myspace.com/masterg07 for more Overactive Fun Any more Const Pics of HRRR Sent more PLZ! BTW Most of that rant was cuz of a snooty Universal Hasnt Release anything to make the two posts supersmall i was wondering if there are anymore rumors about HRRR pertaining to Timeframe of completion and is DVDs able to be purchased. Also are there any dvds for the Hulk Coaster Camera Testing

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Here's some pictures I took today. Not all that interesting, but it's something. I did get a nice shot of inside the building though.


I change the exposures and contrast a lot so if anyone would like full resolution unedited photos, just ask.


And here's that nice shot. Can anyone see anything in this?


Ceiling, etc.


Here's some ground. I know how you folks love your ground.






I can't remember if this wall is new or not.

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I was out at the park today and noticed there are small supports through the drop tuning section of the coaster. I guess we will see track work there soon.

The stage is looking great. I am looking forward to Mardi Gras this year (even though the line-up is less than stellar), just to see the completed stage. It looks to be a very nice addition to the park.

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