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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I was just thinking about it and would be pretty cool if they would offer some sort of 'limited edition' songs.


I wouldn't be surprised if they switched the songs every couple of years to add on to that re-ride aspect. Judging by all of the different songs and genres, I can totally imagine riding Rockit over and over just to see which song works best. Hopefully they'll be able to integrate the songs with the ride itself instead of having it so it sounds like they're playing it through an ipod. The LEDs look amazing as well, very flashy. Go Daft Punk and Crustal Method!!!

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I hope 'Chucky's Insult Emporium' from Universal Studios Hollywood makes its way over to Orlando.


Well, I hope it makes it's way back to USH again. Last year they stopped it mid-HHN because a woman got offended. They took out Chucky's Insult Emporium, and then opened Terminator 3D. I'm just shocked that someone seriously went to guest services to complain about getting insulted. I mean, there's a freakin sign saying that the show contains profanity and joke of ill-manered taste and could be insulting to certain audiences. If Chucky's Insult Emporium makes it out to Orlando, I just might have to go to HHN in Orlando.

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the entree, and let lights looks cool, but the details from universal studio's rides, are not ready, i hope (and trust) that univeral studio's making a beautiful entree/station for HRRR.


can't wait to ride it.

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Damn. I might actually have to go and ride this when it opens in 2012.


Daft Punk sounds awesome really. Is the track played "Harder better faster stronger"? If so, it will be my first choice when I ride some time in the not-so-near future


And, what's with the LEDs on the cars? Only the front car has them? I hope they were doing lighting tests because otherwise it doesn't look too good.

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I personally think this looks like a lot of fun! It doesn't appear to be too intense, but I don't think a great coaster has to have extreme G forces or be the highest and fastest. I think something that is fun and different is exactly what Universal needs.



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"I personally think this looks like a lot of fun! It doesn't appear to be too intense, but I don't think a great coaster has to have extreme G forces or be the highest and fastest. I think something that is fun and different is exactly what Universal needs.





While I completely 100% agree, I'm just having trouble swallowing the $45 million dollar price tag... I do think the coaster is going to be awesome, but its price was far too expensive...

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I wish I could go back to Orlando for this ride. It looks very fun yet not too extreme. Some of the music choices do not seem good to me though. I mean the Beastie Boys and ZZ Top thats good. And is Mettalica on it? It would be nice too see Ozzy or Queen or someone like them. Some Michael Jackson songs would be cool. Anyway I can not wait to see it run with people. It is going to be an awesome ride !

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While I completely 100% agree, I'm just having trouble swallowing the $45 million dollar price tag... I do think the coaster is going to be awesome, but its price was far too expensive...


How do you figure? Have you seen the thing in person... its pretty damn big. Trains are usually one of the more expensive things when it comes to a coaster and this one has what six of them? Also factor in the cost of all the A/V equipment, the LED lights, etc. Licensing for songs ain't cheap either.


And not to sound rude but who cares how much it costs? I'm not directly writing the check for it (though all the money I have dropped in the park and at CityWalk for beverages might have helped fund it).

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Damn. I might actually have to go and ride this when it opens in 2012.


Daft Punk sounds awesome really. Is the track played "Harder better faster stronger"? If so, it will be my first choice when I ride some time in the not-so-near future


And, what's with the LEDs on the cars? Only the front car has them? I hope they were doing lighting tests because otherwise it doesn't look too good.


Yes, the song playing in the video is Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger and the video was from their Alive 2007 tour. I LOVE Daft Punk!


As for the lights, i'm pretty sure they were just testing them to see if they actually worked. If they're not on both cars, shame on you Universal!

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