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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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  robbalvey said:
  Double0Kevin said:
Lastly, can we please all agree this is NOT a new credit? It seems like whenever Disney does this, everyone tries to claim it as a new credit.

I just make a mental note of anyone who would claim it as a new credit and add them to my list of people I don't want to hang out with. I find it far more entertaining to quietly judge people and use it as a weeding out process.




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  Vigil said:
We're actually just doing the rush of fear pass for Saturday and Sunday. Both of us have been fairly recently actually, having never been to HHN we don't know if there's an order to do mazes in or what. For example, the website says get there by 5. Is that really necessary?


Will you have the Express Pass? That is personally the only way I do HHN and we just go for one night. I will usually get to the entrance at 5:30 and go where the line is the shortest. But be prepared for lots of people to show up to get in front of you. If you want to be the first ones in for the event then you can go at 5. I usually arrive at 5:30 and wait probably 2 minutes or less to get in the park. I also usually use the left side of the gates as many people don't make their way over there.


Before when I didn't use Express, I wouldn't go on any of the rides as I wouldn't be able to see all of the houses in the night.


The IP houses will be the most crowded as well as the 25th anniversary house. I would try to tackle those as fast as you can. Also, the last like hour of the event there is like no one in the park for the event (or at least to the ones I've been to). There you can go through many houses and almost go through by yourself! It's a lot scarier that way too!


I hope your trip goes well!

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  robbalvey said:
  Double0Kevin said:
Lastly, can we please all agree this is NOT a new credit? It seems like whenever Disney does this, everyone tries to claim it as a new credit.

I just make a mental note of anyone who would claim it as a new credit and add them to my list of people I don't want to hang out with. I find it far more entertaining to quietly judge people and use it as a weeding out process.


TPR profiling.

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  robbalvey said:
I just make a mental note of anyone who would claim it as a new credit and add them to my list of people I don't want to hang out with. I find it far more entertaining to quietly judge people and use it as a weeding out process.

Obviously the coaster will count as thirty-two new credits, duh!

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  A.J. said:
  robbalvey said:
I just make a mental note of anyone who would claim it as a new credit and add them to my list of people I don't want to hang out with. I find it far more entertaining to quietly judge people and use it as a weeding out process.

Obviously the coaster will count as thirty-two new credits, duh!


I dread to think how many credits those people count Battlestar as due to "new experiences": human with lap bar, human with vest restraints, human with 2 across train, cylon, cylon with 2 across seating

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  chargersmichael said:
  Vigil said:
We're actually just doing the rush of fear pass for Saturday and Sunday. Both of us have been fairly recently actually, having never been to HHN we don't know if there's an order to do mazes in or what. For example, the website says get there by 5. Is that really necessary?


Will you have the Express Pass? That is personally the only way I do HHN and we just go for one night. I will usually get to the entrance at 5:30 and go where the line is the shortest. But be prepared for lots of people to show up to get in front of you. If you want to be the first ones in for the event then you can go at 5. I usually arrive at 5:30 and wait probably 2 minutes or less to get in the park. I also usually use the left side of the gates as many people don't make their way over there.


Before when I didn't use Express, I wouldn't go on any of the rides as I wouldn't be able to see all of the houses in the night.


The IP houses will be the most crowded as well as the 25th anniversary house. I would try to tackle those as fast as you can. Also, the last like hour of the event there is like no one in the park for the event (or at least to the ones I've been to). There you can go through many houses and almost go through by yourself! It's a lot scarier that way too!


I hope your trip goes well!


So I've been 3 nights now to HHN.


Number one piece of advice i can give: ARRIVE EARLY. The first hour is 25% as crowded as 9PM-10PM. If you have Rush of Fear as your highest priority access to the park, then you will be able to enter the front gate between 6 and 6:15 when they open (go to the far left or far right and just get to the front). Whatever your path into the park, you should be able to do 5 or 6 houses by 8pm.


Freddy V Jason, 25 Years, and Insidious are the priority houses this year. If you can do any of these with less than a 20 minute wait, go for it. They will hit 1.5 hours later in the night.


American Werewolf and RUN are the Non-Priority houses. Both of them will be under 20 minutes or walk in for the first hour of the event and very likely the last hour, and neither should reach more than 45 minutes really at any point


Walking Dead, Body Collectors, and Asylum in Wonderland are the Variable houses. Definitely short at the very beginning, Higher wait times between 7:45 and Midnight, but at any given time of the night could be short or long depending on crowd flow. The latter two will be short at the end of the night.


The Purge will be very very dead in the last hour but peak in the middle of the night. Also, be aware it's entrance is in Kidzone/Walking Dead and it's exit is by Men In Black/Insidious.


I've done two nights without express access and hit each house by ten pm, but it does take some waiting and you have to keep moving. But you have two nights, and houses are like 99 percent uptime so don't worry about doing everything in one night. I would recommend, don't eat or stop much before 8 PM, just do houses or the two rides that get longer lines later (Rockit, Gringott's, other rides should be 10 minutes or less throughout). Also, Universal does an ehhhh job of updating their wait times. Often they are far too optimistic, sometimes the other way (in case you plan around set times, like shows).


Comfort Tips: It's Florida, check the weather before you go. Might rain, might be HOT, who knows. Carnival Jack show is standing room-only, so tired feet beware. Bill and Ted DOES fill up 10 minutes before the show, they might shoo you away for showings in the middle of the night and I wouldn't cut it closer than 10 minutes, sometimes up to 15-20!. And Best food in-park is in Diagon Alley or Simpsons Area, restaurants close at 10pm though.

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  anonymouscactus said:
I think we will see a unique change that nobody expects from the NEW hulk!

I don't, sorry. We all know it's getting new trains with a lot of people expecting vest restraints and possibly floorless, track is getting replaced, the queue is getting updated and the launch is being worked on. The ride is closed for less than a year so I don't think we'll be seeing anything too unexpected, plus wouldn't they have to apply for permission to change the layout? The application people saw a few months ago mentioned the launch but no track changes.

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  KarlaKoaster said:
  anonymouscactus said:
I think we will see a unique change that nobody expects from the NEW hulk!

I don't, sorry. We all know it's getting new trains with a lot of people expecting vest restraints and possibly floorless, track is getting replaced, the queue is getting updated and the launch is being worked on. The ride is closed for less than a year so I don't think we'll be seeing anything too unexpected, plus wouldn't they have to apply for permission to change the layout? The application people saw a few months ago mentioned the launch but no track changes.

There could be a change in theme, right? I don't remember the press release referring to the "new" coaster as the Hulk, just as having "an incredible personality".

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  A.J. said:
  KarlaKoaster said:
  anonymouscactus said:
I think we will see a unique change that nobody expects from the NEW hulk!

I don't, sorry. We all know it's getting new trains with a lot of people expecting vest restraints and possibly floorless, track is getting replaced, the queue is getting updated and the launch is being worked on. The ride is closed for less than a year so I don't think we'll be seeing anything too unexpected, plus wouldn't they have to apply for permission to change the layout? The application people saw a few months ago mentioned the launch but no track changes.

There could be a change in theme, right? I don't remember the press release referring to the "new" coaster as the Hulk, just as having "an incredible personality".


I saw a picture of one of the construction walls that said The Incredible Hulk Coaster returns 2016 and the walls are covered with Hulk comic squares but anything is possible.

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  robbalvey said:
  Double0Kevin said:
Lastly, can we please all agree this is NOT a new credit? It seems like whenever Disney does this, everyone tries to claim it as a new credit.

I just make a mental note of anyone who would claim it as a new credit and add them to my list of people I don't want to hang out with. I find it far more entertaining to quietly judge people and use it as a weeding out process.

You would totally discount someone as someone you don't want to know just because of how they count their roller coasters?

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I didn't see this posted elsewhere, but it pretty much confirms all new track and supports for Hulk. The quote of interest is:


"By the time we are done, we will have recycled more than 800 tons of steel," Tom Schroder said. "You are seeing the first step in that process."


I think one piece of track is about 4 tons, so 100 pieces of track would be 400 tons. This is double that even.





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  SharkTums said:
For what it's worth, Universal also raised their prices (parking, annual passes) today as they always do right after Disney and yet no one blasts them and it's not trending all over the internet.


Only the parking changed. Orlando Sentinel had to post a retraction since the annual pass price raise they were describing happened months ago.

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  SharkTums said:
For what it's worth, Universal also raised their prices (parking, annual passes) today as they always do right after Disney and yet no one blasts them and it's not trending all over the internet.


I think a lot of it may have to do with value for the passes but I do agree, the hardcore Disney fanatics are a little over the top with their complaining.


Increases like this happen every single year, its not the first time this has happened. Ben Franklin's quote needs to read "In This world, nothing can be said to be certain except Death and Taxes....and theme park ticket in creases!".

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  Jew said:
Do they offer installments on the parking? Poor people can only do installments.


Universal should charge 1/2 gram of gold to park. Fiat currency is untrustworthy as governments can print endless supplies of it and only filth should be reliant on credit. Shiny metal is the only way!

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