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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Though the roller-coaster is not going away, and we've yet to see any B&M coaster be destroyed, are those the first ever used pieces of B&M track to hit the scrap pile?


What about astroworlds batman coaster? Wasn't it scrapped?


Intamin ride. Also IIRC it is sitting in a pile across the street from Darien Lake.

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Anyone who has ridden Hulk over the last couple of years knows that it's probably become the roughest B&M coaster this side of Iron Wolf. I'm personally very happy about all of this. I actually really like Hulk a lot, but I've found it just not a good ride the last couple of times I rode it to the point where I don't think I've even bothered to ride it for the last year or so I've been at the park. This refurbishment is a welcome change, IMO!


I totally have to agree with you. Not that I've been on Iron Wolf but I was not expecting the ride to be anywhere near that rough and after the years of hype I had heard it was quite disappointing for me. This work is about enough to make me want to go back to Universal to try it when it should hopefully be running amazing. I am sorry I had to make you ride it though

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The scope of this project gets bigger....

To be honest, I expected to be replacing the trains and fair amount of the track (if not all of it), so for me at least, the scope of the project is about on par with what I expected. Anyone who has ridden Hulk over the last couple of years knows that it's probably become the roughest B&M coaster this side of Iron Wolf. I'm personally very happy about all of this. I actually really like Hulk a lot, but I've found it just not a good ride the last couple of times I rode it to the point where I don't think I've even bothered to ride it for the last year or so I've been at the park. This refurbishment is a welcome change, IMO!


I agree. I'm glad USO putting TLC into the ride. A lot of aging B&Ms are going to need this treatment. IE: RRV @ SFMM.

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My question is have new Hulk track shown up at the B&M plant in Ohio? I'd assume to hit a summer opening the track would have to already been in the manufacturing process?


Or is it coming from somewhere else? I've heard the rumors of the Dubai Hulk track being used but don't know if I believe there ever was track for Dubai's Hulk.

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Im no expert on scrap metal prices but I'm sure the park will get some reasonable money for the track to help pay for this refurbishment.


Im surprised we haven't seen some psychotic fanboys holding a candle light vigil outside the scrap yard to commemorate the final resting place of this track.

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This is terrific news, absolutely awesome!


The only downside I could see with this is if B&M installs a new magnetic launch then they might decide to slow the ride down to save on wear and tear in the future.


...or chained to the track, holding up "Save the Hulk" posters.


This made me lol!

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The only downside I could see with this is if B&M installs a new magnetic launch then they might decide to slow the ride down to save on wear and tear in the future.

B&M wouldn't be the ones supplying the launch system. They didn't on the original Hulk and they didn't on Thunderbird. Both of those parks contracted with another company to launch the train.

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Though the roller-coaster is not going away, and we've yet to see any B&M coaster be destroyed, are those the first ever used pieces of B&M track to hit the scrap pile?


What about astroworlds batman coaster? Wasn't it scrapped?


Intamin ride. Also IIRC it is sitting in a pile across the street from Darien Lake.


You would be correct. It also will be going on its tenth anniversary of sitting there and rotting next year.

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The only downside I could see with this is if B&M installs a new magnetic launch then they might decide to slow the ride down to save on wear and tear in the future.

B&M wouldn't be the ones supplying the launch system. They didn't on the original Hulk and they didn't on Thunderbird. Both of those parks contracted with another company to launch the train.


Was Intrasys contracted for Thunderbird?

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^ Exactly. And from what I understand. B&M will design around the fact that it's being launched, but the park contracts with Intrasys for the launch hardware. it doesn't come through B&M. That's at least what Holiday World told us in a Q&A session last year.

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