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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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The producers of the Hunger Games said something similar about turning those movies into rides lol...I wouldn't put too much stock into it, it's a synergy ploy. Jurassic World will have some presence in the Jurassic Park area (some aesthetic things), I feel pretty confident about that, but I would bet that we don't ever see a full-fledged JW ride at IOA.

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Do you know whats missing from this picture.......metal detectors!


That's actually the line just to go through the metal detectors! Half of these people will get redirected to the lockers, where they'll wait in an equally long line before going back through the metal detector line again.

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The producers of the Hunger Games said something similar about turning those movies into rides lol...I wouldn't put too much stock into it, it's a synergy ploy. Jurassic World will have some presence in the Jurassic Park area (some aesthetic things), I feel pretty confident about that, but I would bet that we don't ever see a full-fledged JW ride at IOA.


This year a partnership was announced with Dubai Parks & Resorts, so....

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The producers of the Hunger Games said something similar about turning those movies into rides lol...I wouldn't put too much stock into it, it's a synergy ploy. Jurassic World will have some presence in the Jurassic Park area (some aesthetic things), I feel pretty confident about that, but I would bet that we don't ever see a full-fledged JW ride at IOA.


This year a partnership was announced with Dubai Parks & Resorts, so....

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^I will gladly eat my crow and buy you a beer if a Jurassic World ride ever makes it to the Florida parks. But until then. I'm sticking to what I said.


If the movie does well, I personally think it is inevitable that something Jurassic World related will be added.


Universal hasn't had a string of successful franchises like Fast & Furious, Despicable Me & possibly Jurassic World since, well...Jurassic Park, ET, and BTTF.

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Photo ops? Meet and greets? Yes. But I wouldn't hold my breath for a ground-up JW ride stateside.


Under Comcast ownership, it seems like Universal is much more aggressive with expansion and new rides. I just can't see them ignoring Jurassic World if the movie is successful and brings the franchise back to life.

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I would love another ride based on the Jurassic park franchise but if it doesn't happen USF has got a pretty awsome river boat ride as it is, i just wish they would improve the maintinance, as I'm from the UK my trips are every 2 years and every time i've been on the river adventure ride the brachiosaurus (or what ever it is) never seems to work! he's supposed to lift his head up right? All the times I've been on the ride his head stays in the water.


I don't quite get the metal detectors. Not that i have a problem chatting with my party while waiting in the queue, having a mobile to hand with games to play does make the time go much faster. I think its very OTT.

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^"Oy! I got such a crick in my neck!"


I remember seeing what looked like a white extension cord sticking out of one of those dinos the first time I ever rode Jurassic Park.

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I think I've commented on this before but it's pretty amazing the pace that Universal has been building new attractions in recently. If King Kong opens in 2016 then between 2009 and 2016 they will have opened Simpsons, Wizarding World, Despicable me, Transformers, Diagon Alley, King Kong, Cabana Beach, Sci Fi Mini Golf, an overhaul of City Walk, and might even be done with Saphire Falls and the new Waterpark.


That's pretty impressive, say what you will about that Wizard Boy but it would appear that he knows how to put people through the turnstiles.

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It is KONGfirmed!!!





Mike WestMike West | | May 6, 2015


Over the past 25 years, Universal Orlando has created some of the world’s most incredible entertainment experiences by combining emotional storytelling, timeless characters and innovative ride technologies. Today, we honor one of the most monumental figures in movie history, King Kong, with the announcement of a groundbreaking attraction opening in the summer of 2016 at Universal’s Islands of Adventure – “Skull Island: Reign of Kong.”


Skull Island King Kong

You’ll navigate perilous jungles, explore ancient temple structures and encounter hostile natives – and that’s only the beginning. Throughout the rest of your excursion, you’ll brave foreboding caves crawling with prehistoric creatures, fend off unspeakable terrors – and even come face-to-face with the colossal Kong himself.


When we began conceptualizing the next great attraction for Universal Orlando Resort, one prevailing thought rose to the top of our minds. How do we make the experience MASSIVE? The sets, the characters and even the story itself. All of it will be larger than life.

Skull Island King Kong


The challenge is also to tell the next generation of the Kong legend, all while delivering an unparalleled, revolutionary theme park experience guests have come to expect from Universal. We have done exactly that with Reign of Kong – you’ll be pulled into a powerful, intense fight for survival as you discover a side of the iconic beast that has never been revealed…until now.

Skull Island King Kong








Edited by robbalvey
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