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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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This is more of a common thing that the GP says, but sometimes when a random stranger sits next to me on a ride, they'll occasionally say "Good luck" to me. I've never really understood why they say it. They're probably saying "Good luck on not getting killed on this ride." When is the GP going to learn that roller coasters are safe?

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When we were at SDC recently I could not deal with the group of teenage girls in front of us with their football player boyfriends acting like they knew everything trying to freak the girls out... My favorite statement of the day? "Don't you know a girl flew out of this ride when the trains derailed?" ... #ImDone

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A week ago when I went to Parque Warner I'm pretty sure I heard an ride op on superman saying that the back went faster than the front. I wonder how the back car doesn't finish ahead of the others if that's the case

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When we were at SDC recently I could not deal with the group of teenage girls in front of us with their football player boyfriends acting like they knew everything trying to freak the girls out... My favorite statement of the day? "Don't you know a girl flew out of this ride when the trains derailed?" ... #ImDone

If I was there I would have told them they were wrong just to see them get mad

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When we were at SDC recently I could not deal with the group of teenage girls in front of us with their football player boyfriends acting like they knew everything trying to freak the girls out... My favorite statement of the day? "Don't you know a girl flew out of this ride when the trains derailed?" ... #ImDone


You get that a lot at parks. I mean, the first time I went to BGW, someone said that on Alpengeist "DID YOU KNOW THAT ONE OF THE CARTS FELL OFF THE TRACK AFTER THE TWISTY PART (I'm assuming he meant the zero-g-roll) AND SOMEONE DIED ON THIS RIDE?!"

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A week ago when I went to Parque Warner I'm pretty sure I heard an ride op on superman saying that the back went faster than the front. I wonder how the back car doesn't finish ahead of the others if that's the case

I heard a kid saying that in SFGAm Demon's line too


A park guest of Ocean Park actually asked me why cars cannot have OTSR's like roller coasters... Well if you like driving with a huge restraint wrapped around you then I think you can install on your own as long as it's safe. I think what Volvo invented is better than what Arrow invented.

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When we were at SDC recently I could not deal with the group of teenage girls in front of us with their football player boyfriends acting like they knew everything trying to freak the girls out... My favorite statement of the day? "Don't you know a girl flew out of this ride when the trains derailed?" ... #ImDone


You get that a lot at parks. I mean, the first time I went to BGW, someone said that on Alpengeist "DID YOU KNOW THAT ONE OF THE CARTS FELL OFF THE TRACK AFTER THE TWISTY PART (I'm assuming he meant the zero-g-roll) AND SOMEONE DIED ON THIS RIDE?!"

I am thinking that he believed this image.

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I remember when Xcelerator was brand new, I was talking about it to a friend and being exceptionally stoked that it had a 90 degree drop, since that was still pretty rare at the time. He was adamant about the fact that it couldn't possibly be 90 degrees, because the trains would fall off the track. I tried explaining the up-stop wheel concept to him, but he didn't believe me.

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I remember when Xcelerator was brand new, I was talking about it to a friend and being exceptionally stoked that it had a 90 degree drop, since that was still pretty rare at the time. He was adamant about the fact that it couldn't possibly be 90 degrees, because the trains would fall off the track. I tried explaining the up-stop wheel concept to him, but he didn't believe me.

(This is to your friend, and not you)

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I was trying to convince my friend to go with me to Six Flags Great America in October so we could ride the Goliath, and he said "Those wooden coasters are not safe! One of those are going to fall over at any moment, they shouldn't be legal" or something like that. He knows I get enraged when people say stuff like that, and he was totally serious too!

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I was trying to convince my friend to go with me to Six Flags Great America in October so we could ride the Goliath, and he said "Those wooden coasters are not safe! One of those are going to fall over at any moment, they shouldn't be legal" or something like that. He knows I get enraged when people say stuff like that, and he was totally serious too!

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This summer at Waldameer, I witnessed a woman telling here son that

"It's called the Ravine Flyer II, because they added extra boards to the track to make it a couple inches taller."

She then went on to say

"Can't you see the fresh wood?! THAT'S WHY ITS NUMBER TWO!!!"

...I believe she was referring to the lighter colored wood from the offseason's maintenance. Had to bite my tongue pretty hard

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I heard this one at least two times, and it stills shock me. Note that I'm from France :


me: - I want to go to [insert an european country] to visit some amusement parks!

(s)he: - Oh wow, they got amusement parks out there, too?!


They were surprised to learn that there are amusement parks all over the world...

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I heard this one at least two times, and it stills shock me. Note that I'm from France :


me: - I want to go to [insert an european country] to visit some amusement parks!

(s)he: - Oh wow, they got amusement parks out there, too?!


They were surprised to learn that there are amusement parks all over the world...

That even surpasses regular GP...
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Somebody on Cedar Points facebook page said that Rougarou will be the only floorless coaster in ohio. Here is a comment somebody made in response to that comment.


Floorless means the car rides on top of the track but ur feet dangle there is nothing to rest ur feet on where as the raptor u hang from track and not only one there is one at six flag Cleveland


And here is another comment.

They will have to change the ttrack in some way. If you have ridden the Mantis you know it is practically on the ground in some spots. Which wouldn't work for a floor less ride.
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