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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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^Why an SLC? why not Kumba, the one in the friggin' picture.


^^ As I was skimming trough the pics, I saw Kumba and thought it was a good choice, then when I scrolled down to the next picture I saw the "Kumba Located in Tel Aviv..." part of the description. That's what tipped me off that something wasn't quite right about this list.

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Wow, I didn't even realize that the Kumba he are talking about is a standard model SLC, I just thought it was some weird mix up. Someone needs to find out where "Josh Lew" lives and take him on the nearest hang 'n' bang. Maybe it'll make him rethink putting one on the list and not a single RMC!

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Is it THAT hard to find a picture of the roller coaster you're talking about! Also, everyone knows that Kingda Ka is 125 MPH, right? Ok, this could be the dumbest article I have ever read. How did an SLC make it into the top 9 most exhilarating coasters? All sorts of stupid in one place.

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Wow...I mean, if it was an SLC like Jubilee Odessey, then I'd say "Okay, its a pretty smooth and thrilling SLC and it's something different" but Kumba in Israel is just your normal average everyday SLC. Even if it was smooth, it would pale in comparison to ANY B&M invert.

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^I assume he meant the seat belt came undone, and not the restraint itself (or the seat)

The staff are right. He was fine. B&M makes fail safe restraints, and he still doesn't trust them. The only incidents with B&Ms are the victim's fault. But no one has died at Cedar Point (As far as I know) and they won't let that happen.

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^I know, I know. I was just saying that either he completely made it up (also possible) or, because B&Ms restraints don't fail like that, all that could have happened was the belt thingy unbuckling itself.

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I AM a civil engineer, and I know that those rides are completely safe. I've never seen any shoddy welding at Cedar Point before. He must've "earned" his degree from the University of Phoenix or some other crappy "pay for your degree" school.

Well, he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express while visiting Cedar Point

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Ladies & Gentlemen, the GP of all GPs, the GP who thinks he is a civil engineer: Uber-Brain-Dead GP!


Another civil engineer checking in here, and out of all the stupid GP comments I've seen and ignored over the past decade or so this one actually gets my jimmies rustled. Even stepping aside from the ridiculousness of his supposed complaint, an actual civil engineer doesn't just throw around accusations like that. Here's a piece of the ASCE code of ethics that was covered each year I was in school:


Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.



Shotty repair welds my ass. The inspections performed on this type of equipment are no joke. Amusement rides in this country are generally more safe than some of our basic infrastructure. The "restraint came open" statement happens on literally every ride almost every day. Obviously untrue as virtually all restraints are bolted shut, though they may have a slight play depending on the model. I think people use it as an excuse when they get scared on rides and don't want to go on anymore but also don't want to look like a giant puss. Don't even get me started about the "numerous near fatalities" line, that's just pure libel.


I'll bet this guy is some freshmen who's going to drop the program after he fails physics.

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