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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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I heard this one at least two times, and it stills shock me. Note that I'm from France :


me: - I want to go to [insert an european country] to visit some amusement parks!

(s)he: - Oh wow, they got amusement parks out there, too?!


They were surprised to learn that there are amusement parks all over the world...

That even surpasses regular GP...


This isn't your average, everyday GP.


This is... advanced GP.

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I heard this one at least two times, and it stills shock me. Note that I'm from France :


me: - I want to go to [insert an european country] to visit some amusement parks!

(s)he: - Oh wow, they got amusement parks out there, too?!


They were surprised to learn that there are amusement parks all over the world...

That even surpasses regular GP...


This isn't your average, everyday GP.


This is... advanced GP.

Don't degrade the word advanced!!


The term you are looking for is brain-dead.

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At Perkins: Magnums the tallest coaster in the world


In line for Maverick: That's Mean Streak. It's my favorite, It's so awesome how it throws you around just like this.


In Gemini's Station:

GP 1: It's not scarry

GP 2: But it's made of wood! It could fall down any second!

GP !: True, but it still isn't scary

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One time I was in line for IRat behind an overly GP family when the ride broke down. The family began discussing what could be wrong with the ride when the dad pointed to the ride's tunnel's exit, which always has tons of mist coming out of it, and said "Look at all that smoke coming out of the tunnel! Something must be seriously wrong!" I tried to hold back laughter as much as possible and explain the mist to them, but the guy still gave me a dirty look afterwards.

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One time I was in line for IRat behind an overly GP family when the ride broke down. The family began discussing what could be wrong with the ride when the dad pointed to the ride's tunnel's exit, which always has tons of mist coming out of it, and said "Look at all that smoke coming out of the tunnel! Something must be seriously wrong!" I tried to hold back laughter as much as possible and explain the mist to them, but the guy still gave me a dirty look afterwards.

Some people don't like to be shown they're wrong at all. I learned this when a guy at Hershey was saying that sooperdooperlooper couldn't go upside down because it had lap bars (when the loop is clearly visible) and I kindly explained that quite a few inverting coasters do indeed have them.

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Last time I was at Valleyfair I heard a girl in line for Corkscrew saying "Is this the one that goes upside down?" and her friend actually said "no, the renegade is the one that does". I also heard someone in line for The Wave say "will I get wet on this ride?". Also one time I was in the Fast Lane line because I had a Fast Lane pass and some girl told me "I don't think that's a line" Sometimes I really hope the dumb comments I hear are people kidding, but I don't think they are..

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Back when I was in 8th grade, my band teacher told us how one time she got stuck at the top of the lift hill for hours on Goliath at Six Flags over Georgia, and she said that a ride op climbed up a rope to the top and told them that they may have to evacuate the ride, and the only way to get down would be to climb down the "rope". Of course, I was not an enthusiast at the time, so I went along with it, but now that I'm an enthusiast, I realized that she was making the "rope" stuff up. Seriously, why would you use a rope to climb down from that height? The GP can come up with the craziest things...

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There is a stupid story about Superman at SFMM I've heard different variations of at least 10 times over my years at school. They all say an elderly, mentally "off" person (story changes whether it was a man or woman) reached out and grabbed Superman's arms at the top of the ride, and was ripped from the vehicle. He/she then held onto Superman as long as possible before falling to an inevitable and bloody demise. In some versions the the ride actually came to a stop at the top for 10-30 seconds and the victim used that opportunity to climb out. I thought I had finally reached an age where I would never hear the story again when I heard it again last year. I tried to explain how ridiculous and physically impossible the story was when the storyteller replied "Then why the hell would they turn the cars around and get rid of the Superman mannequin at the top?" I did not attempt to explain the concept of marketing, just facepalmed and left the conversation.

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