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How could you improve your favorite coaster?

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Maverick. Make it longer. Maybe a 3rd launched section into more insanity. There is nothing about it that already exists that needs to be changed. That's why its my #1. It should also be in the park across the street from my house.


El Toro. I always wished there was one more giant camelback. The drop, 1st hill, 2nd hill, then a third hill, then into the turn. I also wish the first hill after the turnaround was steeper and had more of a whip in the back of the train. This ride should also be behind my house. Other than that its perfect.


Skyrush. I don't mind the lapbars as is but it would be nice if they added the vest restraints like Maverick/I305 has so I don't have to deal with the upper half of my body whipping around uncontrollably like a ragdoll and I could actually ride hands up and not holding on for dear life. But I still love the sh!t out of it. This should also be within walking distance to my house.

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The Voyage: If it could always be smooth and not need the mid course to keep itself from breaking apart, that would help a lot. Or they could RMC it and make the lift hill launched and just melt enthusiast's brains entirely.


T-Express: Not much...a single rider line perhaps or some other way to improve capacity.


Millenium Force: If both large camelbacks produced big airtime moments and the small speed hill/turn at the end was actually two quick, twisting pops of ejector air, this would have been a nearly unanimous #1 for its first decade of operation.


I 305: Any improvement to the vest restraints that hugged my neck and shoulders and made me sore there for 3 days afterwards. Also no brakes on that camelback near the end...because masochism.


Lightning Run: (assuming it becomes my #1 wooden coaster in March): Turn the final brake run into two barrel rolls, then finish with a 1.5 downward helix into brakes and then straight track into station. Would literally be the perfect coaster in the perfect setting with perfect operations staff.

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Top 5:


#1. Skull Mountain - As flawless as the mountain is, I always thought it'd be cool if they opened it during the winter, decorated it with Christmas lights, and renamed it "Poinsettia Peak". That was the only improvement I could ever come up with, and it seems like my dreams have been made a reality


#2. Millennium Force - I feel like it just needs 1 or 2 more airtime hills thrown somewhere in the layout. And if they redesigned the drop to be comparable to Skull Mountain's first drop.


#3. Phoenix - A classic for sure, and my favorite part is the tunnel in the beginning of the ride. However, that brief moment of darkness ends too soon. I would improve Phoenix by converting it into an indoor roller coaster, with a jagged rock exterior similar to Skull Mountain.


#4. Maverick - This ride has all my favorite elements - a great first drop (possibly my second favorite), a launch, and awesome twists and turns. However, I don't really like Wild West theming, so I would change it to a pirate theme and rename it "Escape from Skull Mountain"


#5. Skyrush - This ride is phenomenal but like many enthusiasts I can't stand the painful "thigh crushing" restraints. To make it better, I would replace the restraints with the lab bars that Skull Mountain has. This would make the airtime feel way better and it's an easy fix considering Intamin makes both rides so the parts would be interchangeable!

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#5. Skyrush - This ride is phenomenal but like many enthusiasts I can't stand the painful "thigh crushing" restraints. To make it better, I would replace the restraints with the lab bars that Skull Mountain has. This would make the airtime feel way better and it's an easy fix considering Intamin makes both rides so the parts would be interchangeable!


This. I couldn't agree more. We should contact GADV and Hershey immediately about interchanging the lapbars. Intamins are the Honda Civics of coasters. Their parts are so easily exchangeable that even the GP could swap parts! Maybe we could swap Skyrush's cable lift with Skull Mountain's tire drive lift hill too while we're at it.

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This. I couldn't agree more. We should contact GADV and Hershey immediately about interchanging the lapbars. Intamins are the Honda Civics of coasters. Their parts are so easily exchangeable that even the GP could swap parts! Maybe we could swap Skyrush's cable lift with Skull Mountain's tire drive lift hill too while we're at it.


If El Toro's B train is any indication, Intamins seem more like the KIA Souls of coasters. And Skyrush with a tire drive lift would be crazy!!

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El Toro-The ending. This coaster is almost perfect, but the ending simply seemed to lack the kick that the rest of the ride has. Once the amazing ex-Rolling Thunder hill is over, the coaster quickly beings to lose steam up until the forceless final two hills. I would replace the ending with a couple more small ejector hills, not this wired trick track thing.


Texas Giant-Add an ejector hill in that straight section toward the end. Other than that, this coaster has a perfect layout.


Jack Rabbit-Take the airtime on the double down, and add several more hills like that. This would easily be a top ten, or even top five, coaster if that were the case


Twisted Colossus-Actually duel the damn thing


I305: Remove the trim brake


Hollywood RRR: Turn off the brake zones


California Screamin: See above


Every Giga coaster: Build a mega lite underneath it

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I don't really have a favorite, but these are among my favorites:


Maverick - Relocate to within walking distance of my residence in the Chicagoland area.

Skyrush - Clone indiscriminately.

Raging Bull - Remove trim brake from Camelback hill and re-purpose it (the trim) as a Fright Fest prop somewhere in the park.

Voyage - Timberliners maybe?

Beast - Close during daytime hours (I've never ridden during the day, but if you've ever spent 5 minutes on a coaster website it's pretty clear that this is a textbook case of Multiple Personality Disorder).


I also think that every park could use a Batman The Ride clone, and if it already does; there's certainly no harm in having two of them.

Edited by Ed Farmer
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Phoenix - Bank the final turn before the airtime finale slightly more, maybe by like 5-10 degrees. Nothing too major.

El Toro - More airtime hills!

Fury 325 - Remove the trim on the airtime hill before the helix.

Intimidator 305 - Remove the trim on the 2nd airtime hill

Skyrush - Add some form of padding to the restraint. Keep the lap bars, but make them softer somehow. Would without a doubt increase the enjoy-ability of an already incredible ride.

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Hollywood RRR: Turn off the brake zones


How about a drop that is 90 degrees or steeper? The way it is now is just so anti-climactic after the 90 degree lift. I'd probably also make the treble clef element end with a roll and throw in a zero-g roll on the long, straight but kind of curvy section between the second and third break runs.

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Voyage: The layout is absolutely perfect (the best design I've ever seen to this day for a wooden coaster), but the ride itself keeps having trouble with roughness. Get Gravity Group to do a Ghostrider-esque refurb, retracking the thing from start to finish and reprofile trouble spots, then put a set of either timberliners or PTC 360s on it so the track won't be torn up so fast. Maybe even put some topper track in a few places.


Beast: Take away the trim brakes and increase the banking a bit on all the turns to compensate so the lats aren't super uncomfortable. Also replace the long straightaway brake section with a shallow dip into a floater speed hill then back up into the rest of the original course.


Millennium Force: Lower the first giant camelback by a few feet and make it a tad sharper so the airtime is stronger, but not crazy ejector. Replace the straightaway with a second small bunny hop into the last overbank.


Raven: Add a figure 8 section at the end, so the ride doesn't feel so dang short.


Phoenix: I would take the..... no scratch that. The ride is already perfect. I love you, Knoebels.

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Viper (Darien Lake): Paint the track back to lime green like it had from 1999-2009 and also get rid of the abandoned mini golf course under it!


Ride of Steel (Darien Lake): Rename it to something that is more cooler, repaint the ride, and also remodel the plaza surrounding the ride.

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Well, my favorite roller coaster is Top Thrill Dragster. I think the only way to improve it would be to give it an extended layout. Like this:




The launch, and the tower are amazing on TTD. The only downfall (and I know 99.99% of people agree with me on this) is how freaking short it is. If Cedar Point were to have built this layout I feel like the coaster would be on everyone's top ten list... (If it's not already.)

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Fun thread!


intimidator 305 - remove the trim brake and have it go into 3 airtime hills with the force of El Toro, then into a stengle dive followed by a twisty helix like ending that slams into the brakes. The ride is absolutely insane, but it always feels a touch incomplete after the trim. So much wasted speed. Too bad I don't have a few million dollars to spare to donate to this cause.

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I want to beat the dead horse a little more, and say that Skyrush's restraints are the only thing about the ride that I don't like. Otherwise it's perfect.


Maverick is near perfect for me too.


Ride of Steel and Millennium Force could morph into one to become a perfect coaster. Replace RoS's helixes with Millennium's overbanks and add more airtime hills, like on RoS. That would be great.

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Beast: Take away the trim brakes and increase the banking a bit on all the turns to compensate so the lats aren't super uncomfortable. Also replace the long straightaway brake section with a shallow dip into a floater speed hill then back up into the rest of the original course.


Millennium Force: Lower the first giant camelback by a few feet and make it a tad sharper so the airtime is stronger, but not crazy ejector. Replace the straightaway with a second small bunny hop into the last overbank.


I'll just let this person speak for me!

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On Phantom's Revenge, I would make the double-down a single, blissful airtime drop. The bunny hop under the station that precedes it is airtime heaven...a long, sustained mix of floater/ejector with a gentle return to your seat. The double-down is fun, but there's a bit of back thwacking there, as well. The brief leveling always felt to me like an interruption of what should have been another glorious ejector-float into the right-hand turnaround. It's still a stellar coaster, but that slight modification would make me drool like Homer.

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El Toro- Make the turnaround either a normal overbanked turn (never liked MF's, but S:TR's is surprisingly forceful), or a turnaround/drop mix like on Fury 325 and Lightning Rod's last major element. As it is, Toro's tyrnaroubd is forceless and is the only part of the ride that has gotten quite rough in some seats.


Wicked Cyclone-Make it a bit taller, replace the 270 degree stall with a big canelback, and replace the first zero g roll with a 270 degree stall.

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