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New red B&M track at Clermont in Ohio...

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Going back to the original subject I think it's too early for being for a project in the US. I go with the theory of the Chinese wing coaster!

On the other hand is there any B&M rumored for parks in Dubai? Just wondering!


As for the green track it looks like primer and just waiting to get painted.

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I would think overseas too, it just seems so early to start seeing finished track for a US park.


On another note, lets just ignore the person making the absolutely ridiculous comments/ theories of a floorless cutting off legs. All I can to say to that is WHAT!!!??? Either the person is just trying to get a rise out of all of us, or they're just...... well I'll be nice and just shut up... But we can definitely put his comments in the "WEIRDEST THING THE 'GP' HAS SAID" thread...

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The narrow track could mean either a winged coaster (the picture above) or It could be for Cedar Points alleged dive machine. .


I saw alleged b/c I really hope that Cedar Point is clearing things so early for something a little bit more innovative than a one trick pony dive coaster. However it is interesting how similiar the two tracks piles look. At the same time Cedar Point already have enough red in their skyline. However if the coaster is going in the place they say it is where that theater once stood then it would be far from Dragster and Magnum.


I am arguing with myself at this point, lol, I will stop.

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Here are some pics of the red track from this weekend:


So the red track is a wing coaster for Hot Go Park...







Edited by BDG
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