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The last new Coaster in your Count

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^ Legoland: Billund.



Just kidding. But do you remember the Absolute Last Coaster you rode,

there at Hansa? (See, I knew what park it was.)


Before you left the park?


Is it this one? Or that one? (o; TPR 2014 Scandi Tour. (+ Germany)

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Last new coaster was: De Rodelbaan at De Waarbeek(Holland).


This would also be my last coaster so far to ride for the counter in The Netherlands, untill we get new ones ofcourse...

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My last two additions to my count were the woodies at Six Flags Over Georgia, and quickly remembered why I don't like wooden coasters. Hopefully Saturday I will be able to modify that feeling, the wife is having to work, so she told me to take my nephew up to Dollywood. Lightning Rod here I come!

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I was about to say Seven Dwarfs Mine Train but actually it's Shamu Express. Brit made me ride it because the trains looked like Shamu and she's now declared it the greatest coaster ever built for that very reason.

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