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A Warm Question: X-Flight or Gatekeeper

Which One?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Which One?

    • X Flight
    • Gatekeeper

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I haven't been on X-flight but it does appear to move a lot slower through the course than gatekeeper (which doesn't have a particularly impressive pacing) so maybe I would have said (even before having ridden any of them) gatekeeper. Having said that, I'm not a big fan of wing coasters, not because of the design but because all of them so far (talking about B&M) look pretty forceless (let's hope the heide park one will change that with its compact layout). Gatekeeper does look great but it was no more than "OK" to me.

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Funny story I just remembered when trying to decide which one I liked better...


TPDave and I were riding X-Flight and carried on a full conversation while the ride was going. We got to the brakes where we were still talking and all of a sudden commented, "Oh, the ride is over" I guess we should stop talking and get ready to get out.


Even with that I preferred it to Gatekeeper as Hanno and I shared a super rough ride where we could see the wheels having issues in front of us and figured one would chuck off Steel Dragon Style during the ride. That's how rough it was!

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Gatekeeper, because then I could be at the same park as Maverick... And stop at TGIFs for a to go drink between the rides.


Good answer.


But maybe Goliath will change that equation in Great America's favor next year.


I haven't been on X-Flight, but I prefer Wild Eagle at Dollywood to Gatekeeper.

Edited by cfc
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After hearing most of the comments I think I'm ok with not having been on either one!

Here let me help you mimic the experience at home...


Sit in a chair, any chair. Your office chair or kitchen. It doesn't really matter. Just sit there. Don't do anything for about 90 seconds.


There. You're done. You've just ridden a B&M Wingrider.

Edited by robbalvey
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^ You know. You don't even need to. The shoulder restraint tightening is only there for added distraction of being on a pointless and boring roller coaster. Just go with the chair and sit there. I think you'll find that would be the *optimal* experience for a wingrider.

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This 4th page is FULL of win so far!!!


The sad part is that everything you guys have said is completely true!


The only people wishing for wing coasters to be built in their home park obviously have never ridden one.


Am I right in assuming Swarm sucks as badly? I think the last B&M that left me impressed was SheiKra. Most of the hardcore SFGAm fanboys think X Flight is the greatest coaster ever, but I'd say the GP were mixed about it, and I think more GP disliked GateKeeper than liked it. Hopefully more sucky wingriders get built to ensure there are plenty more Intamins and RMCs in the future for the US!

Edited by DanM64
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^ I haven't been on Swarm, but I've only heard from people that say Swarm doesn't suck as bad. I refuse to believe it. Maybe it doesn't suck as bad as sitting in a chair, and maybe it's more exciting, like sitting in a chair and having someone tap you on the shoulder, but all I know is people swore up and down that OzIris was OMFGHOLYSHITINTESELIKEMONTUANDBATMANANDSHIT and that ride was garbage.

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^ Raptor was probably the MOST boring of all of them! The only reason why they even had all that water bombs, etc, was because "Oh, crap, this ride is insanely boring...let's spray them with water to make it more exciting! YEAH!!!"


Seriously, Raptor was like being asleep in the chair.

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After hearing most of the comments I think I'm ok with not having been on either one!

Here let me help you mimic the experience at home...


Sit in a chair, any chair. Your office chair or kitchen. It doesn't really matter. Just sit there. Don't do anything for about 90 seconds.


There. You're done. You've just ridden a B&M Wingrider.


^LOL! I'd rather ride around in my friend's miserable Honda CRV, which has the most uncomfortably hard, unsupportive seats on the planet than waste my time walking up the entrance ramps and exerting energy getting in and out of the seats for either X-Flight or Gatekeeper. Such a waste of a ride.

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^ Raptor was probably the MOST boring of all of them! The only reason why they even had all that water bombs, etc, was because "Oh, crap, this ride is insanely boring...let's spray them with water to make it more exciting! YEAH!!!"


Seriously, Raptor was like being asleep in the chair.

Yes, I will agree with you on that Robb! Fortunately the water bombs were not working the day I rode it. I am not really a fan of any of the wingriders at all. But, the Raptor was fine for me (if I had to choose) and Wild Eagle (for the view).

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After hearing most of the comments I think I'm ok with not having been on either one!

Here let me help you mimic the experience at home...


Sit in a chair, any chair. Your office chair or kitchen. It doesn't really matter. Just sit there. Don't do anything for about 90 seconds.


There. You're done. You've just ridden a B&M Wingrider.


hahaha This thread is hilarious.

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X-Flight is far from my favorite coaster but I still find it pretty fun. Nothing too thrilling but it's smooth and has cool elements. I ride it a few times a month during the season as long as the lines aren't too bad. I've never been on Gatekeeper though and I don't plan on riding it anytime soon.

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I'm really glad I read through this whole thread, very entertaining and true! I only rode Gatekeeper, and it was my first B&M wing rider. I thought it was kinda fun, but nothing spectacular. It's something I can probably pass up if I ever head back to the park and the line is at a certain length.


I'm more of a hardcore "old school" B&M fanboy, but enough of B&M's new stuff might make me switch over to being a Gerstlauer fanboy.


I wish B&M would take a hard look at Magnum or I305 and take some ideas...

How about taking a hard look at literally ANYTHING. I mean, I rode Iron Shark this year. A compact, tiny little Gerstlauer that packed WAAAAAAY more forces, fun and excitement than just about anything B&M has done in the last 10 years.


I *get* B&M Fanboys for what they did from 1992 - 2000. They had almost a perfect track record of hits during those years. Made some of (still) the best coasters out there.


Then from 2001 - 2006, it was hit and miss, with nothing in that time frame being anywhere as good as the earlier years, and then 2007 onwards, c'mon... they are just phoning it in. The last six years have been a snoozefest of "trying to like" a bunch of forceless coasters because they *used* to make the most badass OMFG BLOW YOUR MIND AWAY coasters 20 years ago.


I just simply cannot get excited about a new B&M anymore because they don't make exciting rides anymore.


--Robb "There. I said it." Alvey


Have I mentioned how much I'm looking forward to all the Kings Island fans getting so stoked for Banshee and then having you, and others, tear it apart? I'm practically bouncing with anticipation.

As am I.

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X-Flight is far from my favorite coaster but I still find it pretty fun. Nothing too thrilling but it's smooth and has cool elements. I ride it a few times a month during the season as long as the lines aren't too bad. I've never been on Gatekeeper though and I don't plan on riding it anytime soon.

Same here! Wing riders aren't the best coasters out there, but I think they're far from the worse.

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X-Flight is far from my favorite coaster but I still find it pretty fun. Nothing too thrilling but it's smooth and has cool elements. I ride it a few times a month during the season as long as the lines aren't too bad. I've never been on Gatekeeper though and I don't plan on riding it anytime soon.

Same here! Wing riders aren't the best coasters out there, but I think they're far from the worse.


Seriously. I've been on both and I thought they were pretty fun. Yeah they're not causing crazy forces, but if that's all you want in a coaster go marathon Batman The Ride or Raptor and be a curmudgeon about everything else. I would hate to be so jaded about coasters that I couldn't derive a single bit of enjoyment from one.

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I've been on GateKeeper and I thought it was a very good roller coaster. I'd have it in my top 5 at Cedar Point without question. The first drop is pretty forceful, going through the keyholes a second time slowly was disorienting, and I enjoy the feeling of being on the side of a track instead of over or under it. Add in the brand new entrance at the park, the beautiful view of one of the great lakes, and it's capacity... Those things make it a great addition to Cedar Point. Part of me hopes they go B&M with the next coaster too, because of the reliability and capacity. Nothing I hate more than waiting in the Maverick line.


Skipped out on a trip to ride X-Flight since Winged coasters aren't something I'd center a trip around, but I plan on going back to Great America this year to get some credits on X-Flight and Goliath.

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