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It looks like there was another side that wasn't operating. I guess that credit is for a future TPR visit. This looks like a cool way to get up to the Great Wall, although painfully slow. And the guy wearing the Granmen hat did a good job safely navigating you down.

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SEAN Establishing trust is the most

important component in making

breakthroughs with a patient. Why



MAUREEN'S only response is an empty stare.


SEAN Keep up the good work, Maureen.




Because trust, trust is life.



Oh Great Wall of China? I thought you said Good Will Hunting...... Sorry.

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First of all, there was a long, long walk up to the entrance near this part of The Wall, from where the bus parked. And honestly, after it was all done, all of us I am pretty sure, much preferred the way we went up there, on the alpine 'lift' coaster. There were still tons of walking to do, with a lot of steps, and all along the wall at the section we were closest to. And after that, everybody seemed pretty 'done' and really looking forward to just slow-coasting back down from it. (And the whole ride was included in our tour, too. Thanks Robb and Elissa!)


And look what was waiting for us at the re-board station...


Yum. But no can touch.

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Let's give some crap to our winner: SanCheck! To claim your winning Bag-O-Crap, send an email to robbalvey@themeparkreview.com with "video crap" in the subject. Don't forget to include your mailing address! We will choose another winner with this next round!


Here's another new video! This time, JAPANESE KNOCK-OFF MATTERHORN!!! Enjoy!


If we get 25 comments before we post the next one we'll give away a Bag-O-Crap! So...



Edited by robbalvey
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while the theming within the mountain leaves a *lot* to be desired, it actually does appear to be faster than the real Matterhorn ride at Disney.


was it actually faster? or is it just coming across that way?


and it warms my heart a bit to see the skyride still operating out of the mountain

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It has a fish...Ok. A bird at the top of the lift....Ok. As for being a knock-off..sure looks more comfortable than the rest of the knock-off Chinese coasters.


it's missing a corkscrew, that's why!


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Very interesting. Surprised at how much it blatantly ripped of Matterhorn, but from what I heard Nara Dreamland was trying to be Japanese Disneyland in the same way Nagashima Spa Land tries to be Japanese Cedar Point. Aska truly didn't belong in a place like that, but oh well.

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