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"Do you Smork after sex?"


"I dunno, I've never looked!"






THAT outta the way, I have to say, that ride looks like a heck of a lot of fun! If I were at a carnival and saw that, i'd absolutely ride.

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Can't ride it, I'm a compulsive smorker and have smorking episodes at least three times an hour. I have to be on the run from the cops trying to cane me publicly because they don't like it when people smork. Yes, I'm talking about the use of a tool that has a beekeeper's smoke canister thing on one end and a dinner fork on the other.


Ah, who cares. It looks like it should probably join Ninja at SFOG as an "artificial reef coaster," what I call a small coaster that would be of better use dumped into the ocean and used as an artificial reef.

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