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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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Dropped by the park for a couple of hours today. It was mobbed with most rides running 60-odd minute waits. Ghost Rider was showing 110 minutes on the usual queue apps, but I can’t imagine it was actually that long. Operations have been really solid on it lately with a ton of staff in the station. They also seem to have fixed that final brake run issue (meaning they’ve turned half the brakes off) and the train is flying through the course these days. It’s hitting the mid-course turnaround as fast as ever and yet none of the roughness has returned.


Anyhow, the single rider line was open for a few hours today and nobody was in it. I got straight on five times in a row for a sweet little marathon. Returned at 5pm for more rides, but single rider had shut down. Xcelerator had a gnarly-looking line, as did Hang Time. Silver Bullet was closed, so I rode Supreme Scream a few times then bailed. (Supreme Scream is a bit like a Windseeker to me — more relaxing than scary). Also, a quick hats-off to ride ops and industry workers everywhere as I swear it must take Herculean effort to put up with some of the GP’s antics during the summertime!

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It'd be great if that particular shirt is still available when we're there, early September.


Definite souvenir shirt to buy on this visit to Knott's (I have Ghost Town's 75th Anny shirt).


Two bought there actually, besides getting Knott's West Coast Bash t-shirt in 2016.

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This is the old folk song we used to sing while we were building' the log ride:


I got my first real construction job

Got it at the Knotts Berry Farm

Worked it 'til my fingers bled

Was the summer of sixty-nine


Me and some guys from school

Worked together and we tried real hard

Jimmy quit, Jody got married

I should've known we'd never get far


Oh, when I look back now

That summer seemed to last forever

And if I had the choice

Yeah, I'd always wanna be there

Those were the best days of my life


Oh, yeah

Back in the summer of sixty-nine, oh

We were building that log ride in sixty-nine


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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone interested in a discounted Knott's Berry Farm Hotel room on the night of Saturday, 8/17/19?


I had set up a group rate at the hotel for the nights of 8/16 and 8/17 for my wedding, but most of my friends and family decided to only stay Friday night and I still have a bunch of openings for Saturday. Unfortunately, I've already signed a contract for both those nights and will be penalized if I don't fill the rooms for both nights. So if you're looking for a Saturday night getaway at Knott's, this is the perfect opportunity to go cheap!


The rates are $139 (incl. parking) for a standard room (2 double beds OR 1 king bed) and $189 (incl. parking) for an oversized room. The normal rates for those rooms are $179 and $239 + parking, respectively. There are 10 rooms that need to be filled.


To get these rates, call the hotel at 714-995-1111 and book under "Joe's and Iona's Wedding".


The deadline to book is this Tuesday, 7/23/19, at 4pm.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Going to CA in Early Sept, what are the crowds like at KBF on a weekday vs weekend?

Is there any capacity difference on a weekday? Ive heard SFMM despite being much less crowded, has such slow/1 train ops its more worth going a weekend.... any issue like that here?

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Going to CA in Early Sept, what are the crowds like at KBF on a weekday vs weekend?

Is there any capacity difference on a weekday? Ive heard SFMM despite being much less crowded, has such slow/1 train ops its more worth going a weekend.... any issue like that here?


Weekdays in September are a great time to visit since it is after school starts again but before Haunt. Weekends during this time are OK too, but of course the weekdays will always be less crowded.


Operations should be fine. GhostRider, HangTime, and Silver Bullet all have a third train that gets cycled through maintenance, so they almost always run two trains - even on the most dead days in the middle of February. Even Sierra Sidewinder and Pony Express are quite rarely on single train operations. In September you should be just fine.


Xcelerator on the other hand is a whole different story. It has been running one train for almost a year now I believe and the other is still in pieces next to the brake run. There is a chance the second train could be reassembled by then, but I would expect one train operations on Xcelerator. The difference between one and two trains on that ride is quite minimal anyway in terms of capacity. Just make it your second ride (after GhostRider) and there won't be a line. It takes a couple hours for crowds to spread back to the Boardwalk.

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^ I agree it's important to get to Xcelerator after GhostRider. While GhostRider has the worst wait in the park by far, Xcelerator's queue for the front row starts pretty far back so it's always packed if you want the best seat.

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Going to CA in Early Sept, what are the crowds like at KBF on a weekday vs weekend?

Is there any capacity difference on a weekday? Ive heard SFMM despite being much less crowded, has such slow/1 train ops its more worth going a weekend.... any issue like that here?



it's not showing right now, which is good, but, often ghostrider goes down right after labor day. so hopefully, they changed it this year and it's staying open. pretty sure they would have had it posted already.


i'd definitely do both parks on weekdays. sfmm can bust out one train ops anytime. doesn't matter how crowded or not it is. but weekdays after labor day are dead.

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^ I agree it's important to get to Xcelerator after GhostRider. While GhostRider has the worst wait in the park by far, Xcelerator's queue for the front row starts pretty far back so it's always packed if you want the best seat.


Also, for what it's worth, I would disagree and say Xcelerator has the worst line in the park. Both lines move slowly, but GhostRider's actually seems to be getting a bit better. The last few times I've visited this summer they have had a grouper and fill up almost every single seat on the train each dispatch. They also have seem to cut down on the disability skip-the-lines (I really think it was being abused) and they often dispatch before the other train stacks, or very shortly after. Almost the entire queue is indoors as well and out of the sun. I have waited in the line countless times and would say an entirely full building (both levels) with two train operation is about 70-90 minutes. And if you visit on a weekend or fairly busy day, the single rider line is usually open.


Xcelerator on the other hand is all outside, inches along very slowly since they dispatch roughly every 5 minutes. Several empty seats also go empty every dispatch since the loading gates are per car, not per row. And the front row line is miserable if it's any longer than outside the station. Since the front row has it's own line, that also means only a maximum of 16 people can load per dispatch, but we all know this isn't true. They also have one of the seats in the back car closed off for whatever reason (this could totally change by September though).


To summarize: GhostRider's capacity is still below average, but the line is shaded and moves at a steady pace. Xcelerator's just flat out sucks. I still recommend doing GhostRider first though, that way you can get short lines on both coasters.

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Also, for what it's worth, I would disagree and say Xcelerator has the worst line in the park. Both lines move slowly, but GhostRider's actually seems to be getting a bit better.

I'm apt to agree. I've been to the park a few times this summer (the time of year where I usually avoid the parks) and today was my last visit for a little while (probably until Halloween). Ghost Rider operations are as good as they can be right now. They're using a grouper, which means you sit where you're placed, but with two trains and a full station of staff, they're hammering through the line at a respectable pace. The single rider line, albeit inconsistent depending on the grouper, is fantastic overall. I got three back-to-back rides in today with ease. The ride's just hitting the "rough around the edges" point right now, but it's still running brilliantly. It's basically peak Ghost Rider. Xcelerator, on the other hand, is struggling a bit. On slower days, it's often a station wait. Now, though, not so much. Today, it was about 30 minutes — which isn't bad considering that they're running one train with a few busted seats. The other train is in pieces next to the track, so hopefully, they'll swap them out soon. Hang Time was about 20 minutes, and several of the others were walk-ons.

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Should be a great event. Knott's keeps upping the event game every year. I know a lot of people are disappointed that the expansion isn't happening in 2020, but I feel like that was a longshot, anyway. It WOULD be cool to see a new dark ride, like a rebirth of Bear-y Tales or a Peanuts themed dark ride come, tho.

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Now that all the Cedar Fair announcements are done, it looks like the 100th anniversary celebration is the only thing Knott's is getting next year. I guess CF spent all their money on the KI Giga, as their other parks are only getting water park additions or celebrations like this one. Hopefully this means Knott's will be getting something big in 2021 since the park is basically getting nothing next year.

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Now that all the Cedar Fair announcements are done, it looks like the 100th anniversary celebration is the only thing Knott's is getting next year. I guess CF spent all their money on the KI Giga, as their other parks are only getting water park additions or celebrations like this one. Hopefully this means Knott's will be getting something big in 2021 since the park is basically getting nothing next year.


All that to say; Cedar Fair did not make any statement saying "That's all Folks!". Knott's traditionally makes a Noveber-ish announcement for new rides and such. So, there might be more to come.

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So for the parks 100th anniversary we get... A 100th anniversary festival? Wow, that makes renewing my pass to deal with crazy crowds totally worth it!


As Chris mentioned, Knott's have never done their announcements in line with other Cedar Fair parks. Haunt has always rightfully been the main focus of all their marketing from August-November.

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So for the parks 100th anniversary we get... A 100th anniversary festival? Wow, that makes renewing my pass to deal with crazy crowds totally worth it!


As Chris mentioned, Knott's have never done their announcements in line with other Cedar Fair parks. Haunt has always rightfully been the main focus of all their marketing from August-November.

Hangtime was announced simultaneously with the other 2018 additions, IIRC.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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So for the parks 100th anniversary we get... A 100th anniversary festival? Wow, that makes renewing my pass to deal with crazy crowds totally worth it!


As Chris mentioned, Knott's have never done their announcements in line with other Cedar Fair parks. Haunt has always rightfully been the main focus of all their marketing from August-November.

Hangtime was announced simultaneously with the other 2018 additions, IIRC.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You are correct.


However, that has not been their historical norm.


Every other recent announcement that I can remember and google can confirm was November.


Rapids was November. Sol Spin was November. Voyage to the Iron Reef was November. Boardwalk overlay November. Mine Train refurb...you guessed it, November! Log Ride refurb was another outlier, but that came in January.


Given how Knott's has carved out a niche for themselves in the so cal market with their seasonal events, it's not surprising the first part of the celebration they'd announce is that it is happening and will include food, entertainment, and merchandise (side note: count me in if they sell prints of that awesome piece of artwork they use as the promo image!)


However, the OC Register notes "Additional details and “special surprises” related to the Knott’s Family Reunion will be announced in the coming months, theme park officials said."

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