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Best Family Coaster

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I'm not sure if this thread has been made before, but if it has, feel free to redirect me.


What's the best family coaster you've ever been on?

Any rides that are tame enough to be ridden by the average ~8 year old but have a restraint system compatible with a 200+ lb. father can qualify.


If you've ever seen my top 5, this wouldn't be any surprise to you that Manta from SWSD is my favorite.

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I think a true "Family Coaster" should have a Minimum Height Requirement Under 48". I would say BomBora at Lagoon is the Best Family Coaster (36" Minimum) with the On Board Audio and Lighting, G Forces, Elements, Comfy Seats and Lap Bars, and it's SMOOOOTH! Definitely the Most Smooth and Aggressive Family Coaster I've been on, compared to both Models of the Vekoma Roller Skater and a couple of Zierer Tivolis.




The POV was authorized by Lagoon Park's Management





[/youtu_be] Edited by linearinduction
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I was pretty impressed with Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars at Hong Kong Disneyland.



It has just enough intensity to make in interesting for everyone, and it's beautifully themed. Plus, it has bears!


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I have not ridden Manta yet somehow, but my favorite is Big Thunder Mountain, Disneyland. The front seat has quite a bit of airtime, at least for a family coaster and I love the theming! Non Disney however my favorite family coaster is Sierra Sidewinder, the spinning is fun and if you plan the weight distribution right you can go CRAZY! It should be noted however that I have not ridden Manta.

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I never rode it, but Force One at Schwaben Park seems to be a very good family:




I agree about Bombora too, and the most amazing fact about it is it's a home-made ride!

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Wooden warrior ftw


I hear this is the one for many.




That I've ridden: Expedition Everest.

It's certainly a family coaster because its not intense or forceful at all...but really damn fun!

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Sooperdooperlooper is a great one.


But my favorite "family coaster" has to be Blackbeard's Lost Treasure Train. That coaster - especially in the very back - is a ton of fun.

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It's nice to see Whizzer at SFGAm continue to get some pretty good lines after roughly 37 years of operation. Pretty impressive. Maybe (hopefully) it'll even out-last the relatively new (compared to Whizzer) red/blue/yellow kiddie coaster they built just up the path from it 10 years ago.

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Seaworld's Jet Rescue is my pick. Not so high as to scare the kids, but still gives a fast and thrilling ride.


This coaster was a pleasant surprise--like to see more parks install rides like this.


I'll give points to Whizzer at Great America, too.

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Here's my list. All of these rides have Height Requirements less than 48 inches so families can truly enjoy them together-


1. Iron Dragon (Cedar Point) (46-inch height requirement)-I feel it still gives a modest thrill for us thrill seekers (maybe not a big one, but I enjoy flying through the forest, over the lagoon and near TTD. It also provides a great thrill for the kids.

2. Zach's Zoomer (Michigan's Adventure) (40-inch height requirement to ride with adult. 46-inch to ride alone)-Classic woodie feel, gives a few pops (but mostly the classic woodie feel for us adults) of airtime and kids love it. It's an experience for a family.

3. Scorpion (Busch Gardens Tampa Bay) (42-inch height requirement)- I am over 200 lbs (not by much though) and I can fit in the seats, but they are small. This is a coaster that is the perfect first looper for kids (heck, it was my first back in the day). I still feel it packs quite the punch, but I feel it's great for families to ride together.

4. Any Mad Mouse/Wild Mouse coaster (All over the place) (usually 44 inch height requirement).


While it may not count, I think Disaster Transport (right after it was re-themed and up until the late 90s) wasn't a bad family coaster. Kids in coaster training could enjoy it with their families and the seats accommodated. After it began to deteriorate maybe not so much. But I feel it wasn't bad at first. Now Cedar Point has no dark ride (though rumors say soon they may)

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