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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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  USCoaster said:
I'll have more to trade tomorrow. My ID is uscoaster in the game.


mush619 - I'm dropping off 100 right now.

SuperShawn - 100 to you too.

Deathbydinn - you got 100 also.


Thanks! I dropped off 100 for you.

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I'll take free eggs. I'll get teh snake today, and feel I'm hopelessly far away from the Colosseum, which is all I'm gunning for, since Quimby doesn't get a "Poling the electorate" mission.


Since I can only play on my iPad in the evening, I can't get everything, and I can't visit towns while at work .


I'll be sooooooooooooooo happy once whacking day is over. If the next holiday gets even more tedious, as they have been trending, I just don't see it happening.


I'm HawgGnarly, and am already friends with many on this board, including Derek.



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Delivered 100 eggs to each Rastus, Dave, and Scott.


Got my first Whacking Box today, it contained $750. Whoopdedoo!


Don't forget to play on Thursday, rumors are of a new Moe skin to tie in with Sunday's new episode.

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I haven't spent that much at all. Between the 2 donut glitches, and the Springfield downs glitch I really haven't had to spend anything. I think I spent $20 just because I enjoy the game and have gotten so many free doughnuts! I figure $20 isn't bad for a game I've played more than games that cost $60!


I just got 10 doughnuts in my Mystery Box! Best prize I've ever gotten! Sure beats another 5 pieces of wooden fence.


Also, someone just gave me a little over 100 eggs. Let me know if that was you and I'll repay you!

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  Sir Clinksalot said:
As for $$ in the game, how much has everybody spent? I have yet to put any real $$ into it.


I haven't put any money into it either. I want to support the game by putting some money into it, but it's just not a priority right now.


Not to mention that this happened recently: The Sims Social is shutting down on June 14th.


Sure, it's a facebook game they're shutting down as opposed to a mobile game, but the fact that it was EA who did this makes me hesitant to spend money!

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Thanks Derek, Gregg, Mush, Dave, and whoever else I may have missed. I'm starting to confuse myself with all the egg transactions! I know I split about 370ish between Dave, Mush, and Gregg yesterday. Reed, I'll drop 100 your way a little later. I'd love to get to the Coliseum, but it's highly doubtful.

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  Sir Clinksalot said:
Shawn, I'm dropping off about 100 in your town right now (near the Springfield sign).


As for $$ in the game, how much has everybody spent? I have yet to put any real $$ into it.


Dropping 100 off in your town now.


And so far I've spent $1 on a doughnut srcratch card just because I was curious.

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I have close to 500 eggs. During the next few days I'll be stopping by random people's Springfield's to place eggs. Feel free to stop by my Springfield. If you don't no biggie becuase I don't think I'll get all the snake prizes by May 9th anyway.

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  disney4me2001 said:

Not to mention that this happened recently: The Sims Social is shutting down on June 14th.


Sure, it's a facebook game they're shutting down as opposed to a mobile game, but the fact that it was EA who did this makes me hesitant to spend money!


This is exactly why I'm hesitant to put any $$ in. I put about $50 into SimCity Social for nothing.

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Back from the cruise 1300 eggs richer (thanks again to all my egg buddies! Especially Jeff and Erik!)


If you need eggs, tell me and I'll drop off. I'm about 750 snakes shy of finishing so with Jeff and Erik's continued help I should be there soon and I'm happy to spread the wealth to those who need it!

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I think that as more and more of us do reach our goal, I think WE can stop trading, and just bombing people with eggs.


For example - I stopped trading once I got the motel. Though I continued to bomb Eric till he got there. Elissa's almost there. Eric and I have been bombing her, while she continued to trade with others.


Big question is - who's next?

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